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Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality People’s Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Member units of the State Council Security Committee,Related central enterprises:

The "Three-Year Action Plan for the National Special Rectification of Production Safety" has been approved by the central leadership,Now issued to you,Please implement it carefully based on actual conditions。

State Council Work Safety Commission

April 1, 2020

In order to conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on production safety,Especially the spirit of the important instructions recently issued to “eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents from the ground up”,According to Premier Li Keqiang and Han Zheng、Liu He、Wang Yong、Zhao Kezhi and other State Council leaders’ instructions and requirements,Formulate the overall three-year action plan and two special implementation plans for the national special rectification of production safety、9 special rectification implementation plans。

1. General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Comprehensive implementation of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Central Committee of the 19th Central Committee、三中、Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee,In-depth implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on production safety,Establish a firm concept of safe development,Strengthen bottom-line thinking and red-line awareness,Adhere to problem orientation、Goal-oriented and result-oriented,Deepen source control、System governance and comprehensive governance,Really changing the concept、Work hard to treat the root cause,Improve and implement the responsibility chain that focuses on “fundamentally eliminating hidden dangers of accidents”、Institutional achievements、Management Measures、Key projects and working mechanisms,Solidly promote the modernization of production safety governance system and governance capabilities,Special rectification achieved positive results,The total number of accidents and major accidents continue to decline,Effective containment of major accidents,The overall level of production safety nationwide has improved significantly,In order to comprehensively safeguard the safety of people’s lives and property and high-quality economic development、Social harmony and stability provide a strong guarantee for production safety。

2. Main tasks

Promote local seabet loginparty committees and governments at all levels、Relevant departments and business units insist on arming their minds with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on production safety、Guide to practice,Be sure to put production safety in an important position,Effectively solve the lack of ideological cognition、Prominent problems such as weak security development concept and large gap in implementation;Improve and implement safety production responsibility and management system,Completely implement the shared responsibilities of the party and government、One post, two responsibilities、Work together and manage together、Safe production responsibility system for accountability for dereliction of duty,Strengthening the leadership responsibility of the party committee and government、Department supervision responsibilities and corporate entity responsibilities;Establish a public safety hazard investigation and safety prevention and control system,Promote the transformation of production safety from passive acceptance of supervision by enterprises to active strengthening of management、Security risk management and control has shifted from government promotion to enterprise independent development、The investigation and management of hidden dangers shall be transferred from the administrative law enforcement of the department to the daily self-examination and self-correction of the enterprise;Improving the safety production system, mechanism and legal system,Vigorously promote technological innovation,Continue to strengthen infrastructure construction,Comprehensive improvement of intrinsic safety level。Focus on in-depth promotion of implementation in 2 topics and 9 industry areas。

(1) Special topic on studying, publicizing and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on work safety。The first is to produce a TV special film "Life is More Important than Mount Tai - Studying General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on Work Safety"。Submit to the General Office of the CPC Central Committee for approval after completion,Send to various regions、Relevant departments and units organized centralized viewing and learning。Central Propaganda Department、The State Administration of Radio and Television arranges for CCTV and local TV stations to broadcast the public version of the feature film。The second is to focus on learning and education。Theoretical study center groups of party committees (party groups) at all levels arrange special studies,Research and implement measures based on the actual conditions of the region and industry,Organize safety supervision cadres and enterprise leaders in hierarchies and batches、Safety management personnel conduct rotation training,Promote full coverage of learning and education。The third is to conduct in-depth systematic publicity and implementation。Party committees at all levels will incorporate the publicity and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on production safety into the focus of the party committee’s propaganda work,Carefully formulated publicity plan,Regular deployment、Systematic publicity and implementation and theme propaganda activities,Building a concentrated publicity momentum。Central and local、Major industry media opens special columns。Combined group,Organizing "Safety Production Month" activities,Actively promote the "Five Advances" of safety publicity。Building a disaster accident science popularization education and safety experience base。The fourth is to improve and implement the safety production responsibility system。Conscientiously implement the "Provisions on the Safety Production Responsibility System for Local Party and Government Leading Cadres",Improving the meeting system for regularly studying and solving major safety production issues。All relevant departments should regard production safety as an important part of the management of their own industries,Effectively eliminate blind spot loopholes。Establish and improve the entire enterprise production safety management system。The fifth is to effectively prevent security risks。Establish a public safety hazard investigation and safety prevention and control system,Establish a security risk assessment system,Revised and improved safety fortification standards。Highlight key industries and carry out special rectification,Special attention will be paid to strengthening the chemical industry、Bridge、Tunnel、Electricity、Oil and gas、Water Conservancy、Safety risk prevention and control of major projects and facilities such as nuclear power,Strengthen planning and design、Construction、Implementation of safety responsibility measures in all aspects including operation management,Ensure nothing goes wrong。In-depth implementation of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting Reform and Development in the Field of Safety Production",Deepen mine safety supervision、Reform of the safety supervision and production safety law enforcement system of hazardous chemicals,Promote national and local production safety legislation。The sixth is to strengthen the construction of safety supervision cadres。By the end of 2022, the number of law enforcement officers with professional academic qualifications and practical experience related to production safety shall not be less than 75% of the current personnel。Issuing plans and standard guidelines for building a production safety administrative law enforcement team,Join the education department to speed up the construction of safety production disciplines。(Led by the Emergency Management Department,Central Organization Department、Central Propaganda Department、Central Organization Office、Ministry of Education、The Ministry of Justice and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities;Local seabet loginparty committees and governments at all levels are responsible,seabet appThe following are the responsibility of local party committees and governments at all levels,No longer listed)

(2) Special topic on implementing the main responsibility of enterprise safety production。First, improve corporate security management capabilities,Formulate and implement several regulations on the main responsibility of enterprise safety production,Strengthen the legal representative of the enterprise、Legal liability of the first responsible person of the actual controller,Strengthen safety assessment,Implement safety production responsibility system for all employees,By the end of 2021, all enterprises in key industries will establish safety production technology and management teams through their own training and market-oriented mechanisms。The second is to encourage enterprises to conduct regular safety risk assessments and hazard identification,For high-risk processes、Device、item、Place and position, etc.,Strengthen dynamic hierarchical management,Implement risk prevention and control measures,Achieve preventable and controllable,All types of enterprises will establish complete security risk prevention and control systems before the end of 2021。The third is to establish and improve the hidden danger investigation and management system,Standardize the classification, classification, inspection and governance standards,Make it clear "what to check and how to check" "what to do and how to do it";,Establish an enterprise “one network” information management system before the end of 2021,Perform self-examination, self-correction, and self-reporting,Implement dynamic analysis、Whole process recording and evaluation,Prevent leaky pipes from getting out of control。The fourth is to urge enterprises to increase investment in safety,Use enough to make good use of the company’s production safety expenses and use them、Support relevant fiscal and taxation policies such as the transformation of safety technology equipment and facilities,Focus on risk prevention and control and hidden danger investigation and management,Promote mechanization in key industries、Informatization、Intelligent construction。By implementing safety insurance,Accelerate the establishment of a socialized service system for production safety in which insurance institutions and professional technical service institutions are widely involved。The fifth is to vigorously carry out the construction of safety production standardization,Clear three-year construction tasks by industry field,Highlight the daily routine of enterprise safety production work、Explicit,Establish self-discipline、Endogenous mechanism of continuous improvement,Realize safe production site management、Operational behavior、Standardization of equipment, facilities and working environment。The sixth is to strengthen the construction of enterprise safety management system,Improving and implementing corporate safety production integrity、Commitment Announcement、Rewards for reporting and education and training systems,Establish and improve the "double reporting" system of enterprise risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and management to the departments responsible for safety production supervision and management and the enterprise Workers' Congress,Consciously accept supervision。(Led by the Emergency Management Department,National Development and Reform Commission、Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Ministry of Finance、Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、Ministry of Transport、Ministry of Commerce、State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council、General Administration for Market Regulation、China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission、National Energy Administration、National Railway Administration、Civil Aviation Administration of China、State Postal Administration、The State Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(3) Safety Control of Hazardous Chemicals。First, formulate and implement specific plans for the "Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Comprehensively Strengthening the Safety Production of Hazardous Chemicals",Promote the implementation of various institutional measures to be effective。The second is to improve and implement the guidelines for the investigation and management of safety risks for chemical enterprises,Grade and classify the investigation and management of strong security risks and hidden dangers,Hazardous chemical companies involving major hazard sources will complete the construction of production safety risk classification management and control and hidden danger investigation and management systems by the end of 2022。The third is to urge and guide all regions to formulate and improve the access conditions for new chemical projects and the “prohibited and restricted” catalog of hazardous chemicals,Research the technical route for online reduction of hazardous chemicals in the production process of enterprises、Storage reduction plan,Strictly control toxic gases such as phosgene、Construction project containing ammonium nitrate and other explosive hazardous chemicals。The fourth is to actively promote the application of leak detection、Advanced technical methods such as chemical process safety management,All matters related to nitrification before the end of 2022、Chlorination、Fluorination、Diazotization、The upstream and downstream supporting devices of the process oxidation process device must realize automated control。The fifth is to improve governance and implement the closure and transfer of hazardous chemical production enterprises in urban areas、Supportive policies and measures such as withdrawing from the city and entering the park,Complete the relocation project of small and medium-sized enterprises in densely populated urban areas and large hazardous chemical production enterprises with major risks and hidden dangers before the end of 2022,And continue to promote the relocation and transformation of other relevant enterprises。(Led by the Emergency Management Department,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Ministry of Public Security、State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council、The State Administration for Market Regulation and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(4) Coal mine safety improvement。Impact Burst Prevention and Control Project、Precise management of major disasters such as coal and gas outbursts and water damage,Promote the implementation of a batch of comprehensive gas and water damage control during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period、Fire、Impact Burst Prevention and Control Project,Study and establish a national engineering research center for deep mining of coal mines and rockburst prevention and control,Increase major disaster management policies and financial support。The second is to increase the elimination and exit of backward production capacity,Actively promote the classified disposal of coal mines below 300,000 tons/year,Resolutely close coal mines that do not have safe production conditions,The number of coal mines nationwide has reduced to about 4,000,The output of large coal mines accounts for more than 80%。The third is to adhere to the rational development and utilization of resources,Scientific delineation of mining scope,Standardize mining order,Strengthen safety supervision of coal mines integrating technological transformation and capacity expansion,Response to design and construction that does not comply with the approval、Producing while building,Cancellation of qualification for integrated technical transformation。The fourth is to adhere to "management、Equipment、Quality、System "Four Equal Emphasis Principles,Promote "one excellence and three reduction",Standardize employment management,Improve employee quality,Accelerate the advancement of mechanization、Automation、Informatization、Intelligent construction,Excavation working surfaces in mines with severe disasters have basically become intelligent,Strive to have more than 1,000 mining intelligent working surfaces,Build a batch of intelligent mines to be the first in the country by the end of 2022、More than 70% of coal mines meet the standard of Level 2 safety production standardized management system。The fifth is to improve the quality of law enforcement capabilities and the level of information-based remote supervision,Production and construction mines have basically realized remote supervision and inspection。(Led by the Emergency Management Department,Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security、Ministry of Natural Resources、National Energy Administration、The State Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(5) Safety improvements in non-coal mines。First, strict safety facility design review for non-coal mine construction projects and enterprise safety production licensing,In-depth promotion of rectification and closure,Close more than 4,000 non-coal mines that do not meet safety production conditions before the end of 2022。The second is to formulate and implement guidelines for the hierarchical management and control of safety risks in non-coal mines,Strictly prevent poisoning and suffocation in underground mines、Fire、Sports car crashes into the tank、Water permeable、Impersonator Gang,Open pit mine collapse、Explosion and other accidents,Severely crack down on outsourced projects and use managed services、Ignore and ignore other illegal activities。The third is to conscientiously implement the work plan for preventing and resolving safety risks in tailings ponds issued by 8 departments,Implement the tailings pond safety guarantee responsibility system for local leading cadres,Strictly control the increment、Reduce stock,In principle, the number of tailings ponds will only be reduced but not increased before the end of 2020,Comprehensively complete the management of "Top Database" by the end of 2021,The tailings pond online monitoring system installation will reach 100% before the end of 2022。The fourth is to strengthen the safety guarantee for oil and gas reserve expansion,Focus on controlling high temperature and high pressure、Risk of out-of-control simultaneous blowout of high-content bowl wells and hydrogen sulfide poisoning,Beware of rushing progress、Grab production capacity、Accident caused by cost suppression。The fifth is to strengthen technological seabet clubresearch on safety in deep-sea oil seabet loginand gas mining,Strengthening extreme weather and offshore oil safety risk management and control measures。(Led by the Emergency Management Department,The Ministry of Natural Resources and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(6) Fire safety improvement。First, organize and carry out the project of opening up the "life channel" of fire protection,Guide all localities to formulate and implement “one city, one policy、One district, one policy" comprehensive management plan,Complete supervision and rectification in batches by the end of 2022。The second is for high-rise buildings、Large commercial complex underground rail transit、Petrochemical and other key places,Develop and implement a plan to improve fire safety capabilities,Standardization by the end of 2022、Standardized management。The third is to focus on old communities、Electric vehicle、Exterior wall insulation materials、Colored steel plate construction、Home Processing Workshop、"三合";”Place、urban-rural interface、Outstanding risks such as logistics and warehousing and rural fires,Carry out centralized investigation and rectification in stages,Comprehensively implement differentiated risk management and control measures before the end of 2022。The fourth is education、Civil Affairs、Culture and Tourism、Health、Religion、Cultural relics and other key industry departments establish and improve industry fire safety management regulations,Clear three-year rectification goals and tasks,Promote the system units to improve fire safety management level。The fifth is to actively promote the application of fire safety network monitoring、Firefighting big data analysis and judgment and other information technology,Promote the construction of basic building fire protection grid information management platform,Cities at or above the prefecture level will build a fire protection Internet of Things monitoring system by the end of 2021,A large urban fire protection database will be built in stages before the end of 2022。(Led by the Emergency Management Department,Ministry of Education、Ministry of Public Security、Ministry of Civil Affairs、Ministry of Natural Resources、Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs、Ministry of Commerce、Ministry of Culture and Tourism、National Health Commission、State Administration for Market Regulation、State Administration of Religious Affairs、The State Administration of Cultural Heritage and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(7) Road transportation safety improvement。First, in-depth implementation of highway safety and life protection projects,Complete the 150,000-kilometer construction task in 2020,Consolidate and improve the effectiveness of county and township highway safety hazard management,Speed ​​up to reach the water and the cliff、Continuous long steep downhill、First, in-depth implementation of highway safety and life protection projects,Promote scientific management and control of road sections prone to smog,Deepen the "Thousands of Lights and Thousands of Strips" Demonstration Project at Rural Highway Level Crossings,Promote the implementation of trunk highway disaster prevention and control projects,Comprehensive clean-up and rectification of rural “road markets”。The second is to strengthen the key supervision of old buses and sleeper buses in accordance with the law,Promote the installation of driving area isolation facilities on buses,Further improve the structural strength of large and medium-sized bus bodies、Seat installation strength,Enhance vehicle stability at high speed、Anti-counterfeiting and anti-flat tire capabilities;Improve the power and braking performance of heavy-duty trucks,Strengthen supervision and inspection on the use of auxiliary braking devices of trucks;Establishing an information supervision system for supervise governance,Strictly implement the "one overtaking and four penalties" measures to control overtaking,Deepen the special rectification of the "100-ton King",Basically eliminate illegal modifications of trucks by 2022、"Large ton and small label" and other outstanding illegal and illegal issues。The third is to strengthen the safety management of road transportation of dangerous goods,Focus on rectification of non-compliant tank trucks for atmospheric liquid dangerous goods、Illegal entrainment and transportation and other illegal activities,Introducing and implementing a unified catalog list of prohibited and restricted items for passengers in passenger vehicles in 2020。The fourth is to urge transportation companies to implement their main responsibilities,Strengthening dynamic supervision of transport vehicles and drivers,Urge passenger vehicle drivers and passengers to use seat belts in a standardized manner,Strictly enforce the entire process of tourist passenger transport safety、Full chain supervision,Implement listing supervision for transportation companies with major hidden dangers,Continue to deepen the exposure actions of "lifetime part-time drivers of risky enterprises"。The fifth is to strengthen department collaboration, overlap and information sharing,Strictly investigate and punish speeding passenger vehicles in accordance with the law、Overcrowded、Drowsy driving、Dynamic monitoring device should be installed but not installed、Artificial closure and other illegal activities,Resolutely investigate “black service areas”, “black sites”, “black enterprises” and “black cars”。(Ministry of Transport、Ministry of Public Security takes the lead,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs、Ministry of Culture and Tourism、Emergency Management Department、The State Administration for Market Regulation and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(8) Transportation (Civil Aviation、Railway、Post、Water and urban rail transit) and fishing vessel safety improvements。First, strengthen controllable flight into the ground、Runway Safety、Management of key risks such as mid-air collisions and dangerous goods transportation,Deepening airport clearance protection、Special safety improvements such as bird strike prevention,Urge aviation product manufacturers to strengthen the construction of production quality systems,Establishing a real fire training base for aircraft firefighting education and assistance。The second is to carry out special environmental safety control along the railway,Improving and improving the long-term working mechanism,Implement the responsibilities of all parties in environmental safety management along the railway,Investigate and deal with violations in accordance with the law;Carry out special rectification of dangerous goods transportation safety,Crack down on illegal consignments、Illegal carriage of dangerous goods,Renovation of dangerous goods storage areas;Carry out special safety improvement at the parallel intersection of highway, railway and water,Strengthen the setting and management of safety protection facilities,Comprehensively promote the handover of fixed assets of highway-span railway overpass,Severely crack down on illegal driving of motor vehicles that endangers the safety of railway operations。The third is to strengthen the safety management of delivery channels,Upgraded acceptance and inspection、Real-name delivery、"Trinity" prevention and control model for airport security inspection,Resolutely remove hazardous chemicals、Prohibited items such as flammable and explosive items are blocked from delivery channels;Strengthening the basic capacity building of delivery companies for safety production,Enhance fire、Vehicle Safety、Operation safety hazard investigation and management;Deepen the comprehensive management of delivery safety,Improving the joint supervision mechanism and emergency management mechanism,Strictly implement departmental supervision、Territory management and the “three responsibilities” of corporate entities。The fourth is to strengthen the safety supervision of "four categories of key ships" and "six districts and one line" key water cities,Carry out hidden danger investigation and risk prevention and control at ship ports,Severe crackdown on ferries exceeding their routes、Exceeding passenger quota、Super approved load line、Super rated wind resistance adventure sailing,Strengthening prevention of commercial fishing vessel collision accidents,Focusing on port passenger transport and dangerous goods operations,Strengthen port safety management,Accelerate the promotion of integrated cruise and rescue vessel and maritime supervision、Navigation support equipment and facilities、Construction of ship emergency equipment warehouse,Carry out special operations to eliminate risks and strengthen the shipping hub dam。The fifth is to strengthen the operation and management of comprehensive transportation hubs and urban rail transit,Improving the comprehensive transportation hub safety supervision coordination and communication working mechanism,Strengthen hierarchical management and control of operational security risks and hidden danger investigation and management;Strengthen the maintenance and renovation of facilities and equipment,Improve the operational reliability of facilities and equipment;Carry out special rectification of urban rail transit protected areas,Crack down on illegal construction operations、Privately built randomly、Piling up flammable and explosive dangerous goods and other behaviors endangering the safety of urban rail transit operations。Sixth is to strengthen the "trawling net、Gill net、The three hidden dangers of "submarine fishing" are particularly prominent in the safety supervision of fishing vessels and fishing port waters,Carry out inspection and control of fishing boats、The ship is unseaworthy、Special rectification focusing on crew incompetence and "off-staff operations",Crack down on overcrowding and overloading of fishing vessels、Adventurous sailing operations in super windy and super navigation areas,Comprehensively improve the ability and level of port-based ship management and personnel management safety。(Ministry of Transport、Led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、Emergency Management Department、State Administration for Market Regulation、National Railway Administration、Civil Aviation Administration of China、The State Post Bureau and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(9) Urban construction safety improvement。First, strengthen guidance on urban planning and construction management in various regions,Make urban security resilience an important part of urban physical examination assessment,Implement urban safety seabet appdevelopment into all aspects and links seabet betting platformof urban planning, construction and management;Make full use of modern technology and information technology,Establish a country、Province、City City Safety and Security System,Promote urban safety and sustainable development。The second is to guide local governments to comprehensively investigate the misappropriation of original buildings and convert them into hotels、Restaurant、Hidden safety hazards in places where students and other students gather,Punt illegal construction according to law、Illegal changes to the main structure of the building or use of energy discharge, etc. that cause safety hazards,Supervise local areas to rectify safety hazards;According to urban construction,New situations in the skills fair,Clear the building owner、The main responsibilities of all parties involved in the construction and the regulatory responsibilities of relevant departments。The third is to carry out a thorough investigation,Study and formulate guidance on strengthening space utilization and municipal infrastructure safety management under urban governors,Promote the construction of comprehensive municipal underground infrastructure information and monitoring and early warning management platforms in various regions。Fourth is to improve gas engineering technical standards,Improving the long-term mechanism for gas industry management and accident prevention;Guide all regions to establish a normal monitoring mechanism for waste receiving sites、Promote the construction of municipal drainage pipe network geographic information system。The fifth is to guide the development of lifting machinery in various places、High support mold、Deep foundation pit、Special management of springs in urban rail transit projects,Crack down on illegal activities in the construction market in accordance with the law,Promote the reform of the construction safety production license system。The sixth is to combine the creation of a national security development demonstration city,Promote solutions to key and difficult urban safety issues。(led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,National Development and Reform Commission、Ministry of Education、Ministry of Science and Technology、Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Ministry of Public Security、Ministry of Commerce、Crisis Emergency Management Department、State Administration for Market Regulation、The General Administration of Sports and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(10) Safety improvement of functional areas such as industrial parks。First, improve the supervision system and mechanism for the transfer of functions such as industrial parks,Clear division of responsibilities,With strong professional law enforcement force,Implement the supervisory responsibilities of local parties and departments;Promote the intelligentization process of industrial parks,Completion rate of the park’s intensive visual safety supervision information sharing platform will be 100% before the end of 2022。The second is to formulate source control of production safety in industrial parks,Standardize the planning and layout of industrial parks,Strict admission to the park and admission projects,Reasonable layout of enterprises in the industrial park,Improving public facilities,Further improve the intrinsic safety level of industrial parks。The third is to establish a safety prevention and control system for graded risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and management in industrial parks,Carry out an overall safety risk assessment of the industrial park,In accordance with the principle of “one garden, one policy”,Limited time rectification and improvement,Promote the closed management of industrial parks in an orderly manner。The fourth is to deepen the rectification of safety hazards in metallurgical industrial parks,Strengthen safety management in warehousing and logistics parks, ports and terminals。The fifth is to strengthen the safety supervision of water transport ports,Strengthen port administration、Customs、Supervisory cooperation and information notification system for maritime and other departments,Comprehensive guarantee of safe and efficient operation of dangerous goods for foreign trade import and export。(National Development and Reform Commission、Ministry of Science and Technology、Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、Ministry of Transport、Ministry of Commerce、Emergency Management Department、The General Administration of Customs and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(11) Safety management of hazardous wastes。Abandoned hazardous chemicals and other hazardous wastes: comprehensively carry out hazardous waste inspection,Identification of solid waste with unknown attributes,Focus on improving chemical industry parks、Chemical enterprise、Possible illegal storage of hazardous chemicals units, etc.、Dump at will、Problems such as private landfilling of hazardous waste,Ensure hazardous waste storage、Transportation、Safe disposal。Accelerate the formulation of safety technical standards for hazardous waste storage。Establish and improve the joint billing system for all aspects of hazardous waste from generation to disposal。Establish department linkage、District-city collaboration、Consultation and supervision system for major cases,Formation to cover hazardous waste generation、Collect、Storage、Transfer、Transportation、Use、Supervision system for the entire process including disposal,Intensify the crackdown on intentional concealment、Strength of illegal and criminal acts of secretly releasing or illegally disposing hazardous waste。Accelerate the research and development of hazardous waste comprehensive disposal technology and equipment,Reasonable planning and distribution of disposal enterprises,Accelerate the construction of disposal facilities,Eliminate processing capacity bottleneck。Urge enterprises to organize safety risk assessment demonstrations and hidden danger investigation and management for key environmental protection facilities and projects。(Ministry of Ecology and Environment、Led by the Emergency Management Department,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Ministry of Public Security、Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、Ministry of Transport、The National Railway Administration and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)。“Coal to gas”、Clean coal、Garbage、Sewage and explosion-related dust, etc.: Strengthening the "coal-to-gas" strategy、Clean coal combustion and muck、domestic waste、Storage of sewage and explosive dust、Safety risk assessment, control and hidden danger investigation and management during disposal and other processes,Strengthen the implementation of corresponding safety responsibility measures,Ensure personal safety。(Ministry of Public Security、Ministry of Ecology and Environment、Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、Ministry of Transport、Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs、Emergency Management Department、The National Energy Administration and others are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

The above implementation plans are specifically formulated by relevant departments,Special safety rectification plans for other relevant industries will be formulated separately by relevant departments,Each region formulates detailed and practical implementation plans based on actual conditions。

3. Schedule

From April 2020 to December 2022,Processed in four stages。

(1) Mobilization and Deployment (April 2020)。Submit for approval and issue the National Three-Year Action Plan for Special Rectification of Production Safety and 11 Special Rectification Plans in accordance with procedures;Convene a national production safety video and telephone conference,Deployment to launch a comprehensive three-year special rectification campaign。Regions、Relevant departments and central enterprises formulate implementation plans,Make specific arrangements for the three-year special rectification action。

(2) Investigation and rectification (May to December 2020)。Regions、Relevant departments conducted an in-depth analysis of the subjective and objective causes of accidents during the resumption of work and production in some places and industries,For this region、This industry field and key unit locations、Comprehensive, in-depth and detailed investigation and management of potential safety risks in key links,Establish "two lists" of hidden problems and institutional measures";,Develop a timetable and roadmap,Clear the responsible unit and rectification requirements,Insist on checking and correcting at the same time、Initiate investigation and reform,Accelerate implementation,Remediation work has achieved initial results。

(3) Concentrated attack (2021)。Dynamic update of "two lists";,Targeting key and difficult issues,Passed the on-site promotion meeting、"Open a small stove"、Promote the experience of relevant local and benchmark enterprises and other measures,Intensify efforts in special rectification,Implement and improve governance measures,Promote the establishment and improvement of public safety hazard investigation and safety prevention and control systems,Remediation work has achieved significant results。

(4) Consolidation and Improvement (2022)。In-depth analysis of common issues in production safety and highlighting hidden benefits,Dig into the deep-seated contradictions and reasons behind them,Sort out regulatory standards、We need to establish and improve policies and measures、Supplementary and improved specific system,Promote implementation item by item。Combining the experience and practices of various places, especially summarizing the experience of special rectification of production safety in Jiangsu Province,Formation of a batch of institutional achievements,Promote nationwide。Summary of the three-year action of the national special rectification of production safety,Strive to transform important theoretical and practical innovations in production safety since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into laws and regulations,Sound long-term mechanism,Form a relatively mature and standardized safety production system。

Regions、Relevant departments summarize the implementation of the three-year action plan for special rectification on an annual basis,And submit it to the Office of the Security Committee of the State Council,The Office of the State Council Security Committee summarizes and reports to the State Council Security Committee,And report to the Party Central Committee、State Council;December 2022,The State Council Security Committee Office conducted a comprehensive summary and evaluation of the three-year special rectification action,After being submitted to the Security Committee of the State Council for review,Report to the Party Central Committee、State Council。

IV. Safeguard Measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership。Regions、All relevant departments and units must strengthen the “four consciousnesses”、Strong “Four Confidences”Seabet、Achieve the political height of "two safeguards"seabet club,All relevant departments and units must strengthen the “four consciousnesses”,Strengthen leadership responsibility,Have the courage to take responsibility,Focus on organization and implementation at all levels,We must never focus only on development and ignore safety,Don’t treat it as an insignificant matter,Engage in formalism、Bureaucracy。Strengthen the dynamic inspection and process supervision of the three-year special rectification action,Incorporated into safety production assessment and renewal assessment of party and government leading cadres。The State Council Security Committee strengthens the organizational leadership of the three-year special rectification campaign,Establish a regular meeting system for the director of the State Council Security Committee,Regular research on special action work,Coordinate to solve major problems。The Office of the State Council Security Committee is responsible for daily work,Relevant departments send liaison officers to participate,Relatively centralized office,Strengthen overall planning and coordination,Carry out inspection and supervision,Promote work implementation。All regions and relevant departments have established corresponding leadership agencies and special work teams,Coordinate and promote the region、Special rectification work in this industry。

(2) Improving laws and regulations。Pay attention to the use of legal thinking and legal methods,Promote the solution of key and difficult issues in production safety。Promote the formulation and revision of the Safety Production Law、Mining Safety Law and Hazardous Chemicals Safety Law、Coal Mine Safety Regulations and Road Motor Vehicle Production Management Regulations and other laws and regulations,Promote the revision of relevant provisions of the criminal law、Intensify the crackdown on subjective and intentional illegal and criminal acts before the accident,Develop and revise a batch of mandatory national standards for production safety、Industry Standard,Promote cities divided into districts to formulate and improve local regulations on production safety。Promote the establishment of a public interest litigation system for production safety,Improve and implement the working mechanism for the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice for production safety。Establish a full-process traceability system for enterprise production and operation responsibilities,Implement the disclosure and accountability system for rectification evaluation and accountability within one year after the accident is closed,Establish a safety production standardization standard-level review management system,Revise and improve the management and use methods and audit supervision mechanism for enterprise safety production expenses。(Led by the Emergency Management Department)

(3) Strengthening support capabilities。Improving the policy system to support production safety,Strengthen the central and local financial support for production safety work,Optimize expenditure structure,Simplified risk prevention and control in key industry areas、The work of eliminating hidden dangers of accidents is tilted。Emergency management departments at or above the prefecture level establish safety risk monitoring and control support institutions,Accelerate the promotion of the "Internet Ten Security Supervision" model,Improving the safety accident hazard investigation and management information system,Promote the application of law enforcement manual APP。Support the construction of a number of production safety-related vocational colleges (including technical colleges) and internship training bases in key areas。Cultivation and development of a number of powerful security technology service organizations,Strictly implement the evaluation results disclosure and third-party evaluation system,Prevent fraud。Comprehensively implement the safety liability insurance system in high-risk industries,Promote insurance institutions to implement technical specifications for accident prevention,Effectively play the role of participating in risk assessment, control and accident prevention。(Relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(4) Improving supervision methods。Implement hierarchical and classified precise law enforcement、Differentiated Management,Prevent simplification、“One size fits all”。Strengthen regulatory enforcement and follow up on effectiveness,In-depth implementation of "Four Nos. Two Straits";Open investigation and secret visit、Remote cross-check,Key issues、Keep an eye on major hidden dangers、Catch it to the end,Urge a complete solution。Insist on law enforcement and service,Organize an expert group to provide precise guidance services,Implement remote “consultation” combined with door-to-door services,Help solve production safety problems。Urge enterprises to conduct self-examination and self-correction,Proactive discovery of enterprises、Problems and hidden dangers consciously reported,Focus on implementation of tracking and guidance services。A typical example of making full use of both positive and negative aspects,Actively carry out case-based interpretation of laws,Strengthen publicity and education,Encourage and guide the general public, especially enterprise employees, to report major hidden dangers and illegal activities,Form the participation and support of the whole society、Good situation of group prevention and group management。(Relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(5) Strict accountability for effectiveness。All regions must strengthen supervision over the safety improvement work of their respective jurisdictions and relevant departments,All relevant departments must strengthen supervision of the safety improvement work of this system,The Office of the State Council Security Committee should strengthen supervision of the implementation of local and relevant departments,Comprehensive Application Notice、Interview、Warning、Exposure and other effective measures,Strengthen supervision and inspection,Attached is to include the rectification situation into the content of safety production assessment and inspection,Ensure real results。It is necessary to establish and implement a working mechanism for handing over and investigating clues on production safety violations and violations to the discipline inspection and supervision departments,Not responsible for the remediation work、Inaction,Failure to implement division of labor responsibilities、The measures are ineffective,Major issues and hidden dangers remain unresolved,Those who have not completed the target task overdue,Firmly accountable。Dereliction of duty due to rectification work,Cause the accident,Transferred to the judicial department for serious investigation of legal responsibility in accordance with the law。(Relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)


1.Study, publicize and implement the special implementation plan of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on work safety 

2.Special implementation plan for the three-year action to implement the main responsibility of enterprise safety production

3.Three-year action implementation plan for special rectification of hazardous chemicals safety 

4. Three-year action implementation plan for special rectification of coal mine safety.

5. Three-year action implementation plan for special rectification of safety in non-coal mines 

6. Three-year action implementation plan for special fire safety improvement 

7.Three-year Action Implementation Plan for Special Improvement on Road Transport Safety Wujing 

8.Transportation (Civil Aviation、Railway、Post、Three-year action implementation plan for special rectification of water and urban rail transit) and animal and fishery vessel safety 

9. Three-year action implementation plan for special rectification of urban construction safety 

10.Three-year action implementation plan for special safety improvement in industrial parks and other functional areas 

11.Three-year action implementation plan for special safety rectification of hazardous wastes


Shandong Development Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.      Copyright 2019 All rights reserved      Lu ICP No. 16018610

Address: Shandong Development Building, the intersection of Haiyou Road and Tianchen Road, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province     
