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The full text of the "Regulations on the Work of Local Committees of the Communist Party of China" is as follows。

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Article 1 In order to implement the requirements for comprehensive and strict governance of the party,Strengthening and improving the work of the Party’s local committees,Improving the party’s governing ability and leadership level,Promote the realization of the party’s governing goals,According to the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China",Enact this Regulation。

Article 2 These regulations apply to the Party’s provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality,Districted cities and autonomous prefectures,County (Flag)、Autonomous County、Cities without districts and municipal district committees and their standing committees。

Article 3 The local Party committees shall exercise overall leadership in their respective regions、The core role of leadership in coordinating all parties,Promote the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout in accordance with coordination,Economic construction of the region、Political Construction、Cultural Construction、Social Construction、Implement overall leadership in the construction of ecological civilization,Be fully responsible for party building in the region。

Article 4 The work of the Party’s local committees must follow the following principles:

(1) Persisting in holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Resolutely implement the party’s theory, line, principles and policies。

(2) Adhere to building the party for the public good、Government for the people,Earnestly practice the party’s purpose and mass line。

(3) Persist in emancipating the mind、Seek truth from facts、Advancing with the times、Seeking truth and being pragmatic,Carry out work creatively based on the actual situation of the region。

(4) Adhere to democratic centralism,Enhance the collective vitality of the party’s local committee leadership and the party’s unity。

(5) Insisting that the Party must govern the Party、Strictly govern the party,Always maintain the party’s advanced nature and purity。

(6) Adhere to activities within the scope of the Constitution and laws,Perform duties in accordance with the Party Constitution and other intra-party regulations。

Article 5 The Party’s local committees mainly carry out political activities、Ideological and organizational leadership,Turn the direction、Manage the overall situation、Making decisions、Guaranteed implementation:

(1) Make decisions on major issues in the region.

(2) Make the party organization’s ideas become local regulations through legal procedures、Local government regulations or other decrees。

(3) Strengthen leadership in promoting ideological and cultural work in the region,Firmly grasp the leadership of ideological work、Right to speak。

(4) Appoint, remove and manage cadres according to their cadre management authority,To local state agencies、CPPCC Organization、People’s Group、Recommend important cadres from state-owned enterprises and institutions。

(5) Support and guarantee the National People’s Congress、Government、CPPCC、Court、Procuratorate、People’s organizations and other organizations are independently responsible in accordance with the law and charter、Work in a coordinated manner,Give full play to the core leadership role of the party groups in these organizations。

(6) Strengthen leadership of mass group work and united front work in the region。

(7) Mobilization、The party organization to which the organization belongs and the majority of party members,Unite and lead the masses to achieve the party’s goals and tasks。

 Chapter 2 Organization and Members

Article 6 The local Party committee shall be elected by the Party Congress at the same level,By committee member、Alternate committee composition,Each term is 5 years。

The Standing Committee of the Party’s local committee (referred Seabetto as the Standing Committee) is elected by the plenary session of the Party’s local committee (referred to as the plenary session),By Party Secretary of the Local Committee、Deputy Secretary and other members of the Standing Committee。

Article 7 Members of local party committees、Alternate members should be representative,Meet party qualification、Age、Gender、Professional and other requirements。The candidates should include the secretary、Deputy Secretary and other members of the Standing Committee,Generally, it should also include members of the government leadership team at the same level,Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at the same level、CPPCC、Court、Principal person in charge of the Procuratorate,Main person in charge of the party committee and relevant government departments at the same level,Trade Union at the same level、Communist Youth League、Main person in charge of Women’s Federation,Main responsible persons of lower-level party committees and governments,And an appropriate proportion of grassroots party members。

During the term of the party’s local committee,Vacancies in committee members shall be filled by alternate members in order according to the number of votes obtained,If there are still vacancies after filling, a party congress or party congress by-election can be held。

Due to transfer from this area、Resign from public office、Unfit to continue serving as a party committee member due to retirement or other reasons、Alternate member,Should resign or be removed from the party committee by the local party committee in accordance with procedures、Alternate member position。Death、Loss of nationality、Being held criminally responsible、Suspended party membership、Those who have received Party disciplinary sanctions of Party probation or above,Member、The position of alternate member is automatically terminated。Resigned、Remove or automatically terminate committee members、Alternate member position,Should be reported to the party committee at the next higher level for record。When necessary,The party committee at the upper level can appoint and remove members of the party committee at the lower level、Alternate member position。

Article 8 Membership of the Standing Committee,By the superior party committee according to work needs,In accordance with the regulations conducive to the implementation of democratic centralism、Principled decision to improve the level of discussion and decision-making。Quota of Standing Committee members,Provincial level is 11 to 13 people,City、9 to 11 people at the county level,Some places need to increase or decrease appropriately,Decided by the Party Central Committee or approved by the provincial party committee in accordance with the spirit of the Central Committee。

The local party committee shall have one secretary、2 deputy secretaries,Some ethnic autonomous areas need to appropriately increase the number of deputy secretaries,Decided by the Party Central Committee or approved by the provincial party committee in accordance with the spirit of the Central Committee。

When the party’s local committee changes,Secretary、The deputy secretary and other members of the Standing Committee are elected by the plenary session,And report it to the higher-level party committee for approval。Newly elected secretary、Deputy secretaries and other members of the Standing Committee should generally serve for one term。During the intersession of the Party Congress,The higher-level party committee can according to work needs,Transfer、Appointment and removal of lower-level party committee secretaries、Deputy Secretary and other members of the Standing Committee,The amount shall generally not exceed one-half of the number of members of the Standing Committee during the term。

  Chapter 3 Responsibilities

Article 9 Party local committees during the intersessions of the Party Congress,Implement the instructions of the superior party organization and the resolutions of the party congress at the same level、Decision,Leading work in the region。

The local party committees shall perform the following duties by convening plenary sessions:

(1) Formulate and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and higher-level party organizations as well as the resolutions of the Party Congress at the same level、Major measures decided。

(2) Discuss and decide on the region’s economic and social development strategy、Major reform matters、Major issues concerning people’s livelihood security and other economic and social development。

(3) Discuss and decide on major issues in party building in the region,Deliberation and adoption of important intra-party regulations or normative documents。

(4) Decide to convene a party congress or party representative meeting at the same level,And review the proposed matters first、Advice。

(5) Hearing and reviewing the work report of the Standing Committee or the special work report。

(6) Election of Secretary、Deputy Secretary and other members of the Standing Committee;Secretary elected through the plenary meeting of the party’s disciplinary inspection committee at the same level、Deputy Secretary and other members of the Standing Committee。

(7) Deciding to replace members of the party committee;Approval of resignation or decision to remove party committee member、Alternate member;Decided to reorganize or dissolve the lower-level party organization;Decided or ratified to be a member of the party committee、Party disciplinary sanctions for candidate members to be revoked from party positions or above。

(8) Study and discuss the adjustment of administrative divisions in the region and the establishment of relevant party and government institutions、Change and cancellation plan。

(9) Make decisions on matters submitted for decision by the Standing Committee or other important matters that should be decided by the plenary session。

Article 10 The Standing Committee shall exercise the powers of the Party’s local committees between plenary sessions,Preside over regular work。The main responsibilities are:

(1) Convening a plenary meeting,Report work to the plenary session and accept supervision;Preliminary review of matters to be submitted to the plenary session for discussion and decision、Advice。

(2) seabet casino reviewOrganize and implement the decisions and arrangements of the superior party organization and the resolutions of the plenary session、Decision。

(3) Requesting instructions and reporting to higher-level party organizations,Discuss and decide on important matters reported by lower-level party organizations。

(4) Economic and social development and propaganda of ideological and cultural work in the region、Organization work、Disciplinary inspection work、Mass work、United front work、Making decisions on important issues in regular work such as political and legal work。

(5) Recommendation in accordance with relevant regulations、Nomination、Appointment and dismissal of cadres,When necessary, the opinions of party committee members can be solicited on the appointment and dismissal of important cadres;Education、Management、Supervisory cadre;Study and decide on matters related to disciplinary sanctions for party members and cadres。

(6) Make decisions on other important matters that should be decided by the Standing Committee。

Article 11 The party committee secretary presides over the overall work of the party’s local committee,Organize Standing Committee activities,Coordinate the work of members of the Standing Committee,Mainly responsible for the work of the party committee。

The deputy secretary of the party committee who serves as the official official in the government presides over the overall work of the government,Organize government party group activities。Deputy secretaries of party committees who do not hold government positions mainly assist the secretary in party building work,At the same time, you can coordinate and be responsible for other aspects of work as needed。

Other members of the Standing Committee are responsible for relevant work according to the division of labor,Perform the responsibility of strict party governance in the areas in charge。

Article 12 The local Party committees shall establish a responsibility list system,Clear the responsibilities of the Standing Committee and its members,And make it public within a certain range。

Article 13 The Party’s local committees must conscientiously fulfill their main responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,The secretary must fulfill his duties as the first person responsible for party building。The Standing Committee should study party building work regularly,Special report on party building work to the plenary session and the higher-level party committee at least once a year。Give full play to the functions of the party’s leading group for building work。Strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations,Executive market、County-level party committee secretaries’ work report evaluation and assessment system for grassroots party building work,Improving the comprehensive evaluation system for party building work,Ensure that all arrangements for party building are implemented。

,Lead and support the disciplinary inspection agencies in fulfilling their supervisory responsibilities,Adhere to discipline before the law、Strict in discipline and law,Strictly enforce and maintain party discipline,Promote the formation of dare not corrupt、Cannot be corrupted、A clean and honest political environment that does not want corruption。

Article 14 The Party’s local committees and their members shall strengthen ideological and political construction,Insist on Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Arming the mind with the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches,Strong ideals and beliefs,Strictly abide by political disciplines and rules。Serious political life within the party,Participate in democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings in accordance with regulations。Strictly implement the central government’s instructions on improving work style、Regulations on close contact with the masses,Resolutely oppose formalism、Bureaucracy、Hedonism and luxury。Effectively enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of practicing the requirements of "Three Stricts and Three Realities",Take the lead in creating a good political ecology。Strictly abide by the "Chinese Communist Party's Integrity and Self-Discipline Code" and other relevant regulations,Effectively serve the people、Pragmatic、Incorruptible。

  Chapter 4 Organizational Principles

Article 15 The Party’s local committees must always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in terms of ideology, politics, actions and actions,Resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the decisions of superior party organizations,Resolutely safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee,Any local work deployment must be based on the implementation of the central spirit。

The local party committee shall make a comprehensive work report to the higher-level party committee once a year,The implementation of an important decision of the Party Central Committee and higher-level party organizations should be specially reported。In case of major emergencies、Major issues should be reported promptly。

Article 16 The local party committee shall support and ensure that lower-level party organizations perform their duties normally in accordance with the law and regulations。All matters within the scope of responsibilities of lower-level party organizations,If there are no special circumstances,Should be handled by lower-level party organizations。

The local party committee makes important decisions related to lower-level party organizations,Generally, the opinions of lower-level party organizations should be solicited in advance。Need delegates to the party congress at the same level、Important situations and major issues understood by lower-level party organizations and party members,Should be notified in time。

Article 17 The Party’s local committees shall adhere to democratic centralism,Implement a system that combines collective leadership and individual division of labor and responsibility。All matters that should be discussed and decided by the plenary Seabetsession or the Standing Committee meeting,Must be determined by collective research,No individual or few people have the right to make decisions without authorization。When discussing and deciding issues in a group,Individuals should fully express their opinions。Individual decisions made by the collective must be resolutely implemented,If you have different opinions, you can keep them,You can also report to the higher-level party organization。

Members of the Standing Committee shall make collective decisions based on division of labor,Be brave enough to take responsibility、Dare to be responsible,Effectively perform duties;For work that is not your responsibility,We should also care and support from the overall perspective,Strengthen research,Actively provide opinions and suggestions。

Article 18 The party committee secretary shall take the lead in implementing democratic centralism,Full promotion of intra-party democracy,Good at gathering correct opinions,Consciously accept the supervision of other members of the Standing Committee,Do not place yourself above the organization、Above the team,Do not act arbitrarily。

Other members of the Standing Committee should support the secretary in carrying out his work,Consciously accept the supervision and inspection of his work by the secretary。

Members of the Standing Committee should maintain unity on the basis of the principle of party spirit,Mutual trust、Mutual understanding、Support each other、Mutual supervision。

Article 19 Speeches and reports by members of the Standing Committee on behalf of the Party Committee,Signed or published work-related articles、Works、Speech,Should be reviewed and approved by the Standing Committee or Party Committee Secretary in advance。

Members of the Standing Committee are investigating、Personal opinions expressed when inspecting and guiding work or participating in other official activities,Should be in line with the spirit of the party committee’s collective decision。

  Chapter 5 Discussions and Decision-making

Article 20 The party’s local committees and their standing committees shall adhere to collective leadership in making decisions、Democratic Centralization、Individual brewing、Meeting decision,Implement scientific decision-making、Democratic decision-making、Decision-making in accordance with the law。

Article 21 The Party’s local committees and their standing committees should improve the decision-making consultation mechanism,Major decisions should generally be made based on investigation and research,Fully listen to opinions from all sides,Conduct risk assessment and legal compliance review,After discussion and decision at the plenary session or standing committee meeting。

Article 22 The plenary session shall be held at least twice a year,Can be held at any time in case of important situations。The plenary session is convened and chaired by the Standing Committee,The Standing Committee generally consults Party committee members on issues、Determined after the opinions of the alternate members。

A plenary session can only be convened if more than two-thirds of the party committee members are present。Party committee member、Alternate members who are unable to attend the meeting for any reason should ask for leave before the meeting,The opinions may be expressed in writing。According to work needs,The Standing Committee can determine relevant personnel to attend the plenary session。

Voting can be based on different matters discussed and decided,Adopt raising hand、Conducted by secret voting or registered voting,The approval vote exceeds half of the party committee members who should be present at the meeting to pass。The opinions of party committee members who are not present at the meeting shall not be counted in the votes。Alternate members have no voting rights。

To the party committee members、Alternate members make a decision on party disciplinary sanctions above the removal of party positions,Must be decided by a two-thirds majority of the plenary meeting。In special circumstances,The Standing Committee can first make a decision,To be ratified when the plenary session is held。To party committee members、The above sanctions for alternate members,Must be approved by the superior party committee。

Article 23 Standing Committee meetings are generally held twice a month,Can be held at any time in case of important situations。

The Standing Committee meeting is convened and chaired by the party committee secretary。The secretary cannot attend the meeting,You can entrust the deputy secretary to convene and preside over。The meeting topics are proposed by the secretary,Or other members of the Standing Committee may make suggestions、Decided by the secretary after comprehensive consideration。

A meeting of the Standing Committee must be attended by more than half of the members of the Standing Committee before it can be held。More than two-thirds of the Standing Committee members must be present at the meeting to discuss and decide on the appointment and removal of cadres。Members of the Standing Committee who are unable to attend the meeting for any reason should ask for leave before the meeting,The opinions may be expressed in writing。According to work needs,The convener of the meeting can confirm that relevant personnel will attend the meeting。

Voting can be based on different matters discussed and decided,Use verbally、Raise your hand、Conducted by secret voting or registered voting,The approval vote exceeds half of the members of the Standing Committee who should be present at the meeting to pass。The opinions of members of the Standing Committee who are not present at the meeting shall not be counted in the votes。The meeting discussed and decided on multiple matters,Should be voted on item by item。

Standing Committee meetings are truthfully recorded by specialized personnel,Minutes of the meeting should be compiled and distributed on matters decided。Discussed and adopted by the Standing Committee meeting、Documents submitted or issued in the name of the party committee,Issued by Secretary。

In case of major emergencies、Emergency situations such as rescue and disaster relief,Unable to convene a standing committee meeting to make decisions in time,Secretary、The deputy secretary or other members of the Standing Committee can handle matters on an ad seabet apphoc basis,Should report to the Standing Committee in a timely manner。

Article 24 The local party committee and its standing committee may hold enlarged meetings according to work needs,But it cannot replace the plenary session、Standing Committee meeting to make decisions。

Article 25 Important matters that need to be submitted to the Standing Committee meeting for review,You can hold a special meeting of secretaries for deliberation first。Secretary’s special meeting will be chaired by the Secretary,Deputy Secretary and other relevant members of the Standing Committee attended。Secretary’s special meeting shall not make decisions in place of the Standing Committee meeting。

Members of the Standing Committee can work according to work needs,Preside over the coordination meeting within the scope of his/her duties,Study and solve relevant problems,But you must not make decisions beyond your authority。

The Party’s local committees should strengthen their supervision of the people’s congresses at the same level、Government、Leaders of the CPPCC and others,Establish a sound communication and coordination mechanism,Report important situations in a timely manner。Focus on passing state agencies、CPPCC Organization、Democratic Party、People’s Group、Channels such as grassroots units,On major issues of economic and social development and practical issues involving the vital interests of the masses,Extensive consultation、Collect the wisdom of the people、Enhance consensus、Enhance the combined force。

Article 26 Decisions made by the Party’s local committees through the plenary session,The Standing Committee is responsible for the organization and implementation;Decision made by the Standing Committee,The members of the Standing Committee are responsible for organizing and implementing the work。

The party’s local committees should establish effective supervision、Evaluation and feedback mechanism,Ensure the implementation of decisions。Major adjustments need to be made in the decision-making process,Who should make decisions、The principle of adjustment shall be decided by convening a plenary session or standing committee meeting。

  Chapter 6 Supervision and Accountability

Article 27 The local party committee shall be responsible and report its work to the party congress at the same level,Should consciously accept the leadership and work supervision of the superior party committee,And accept the supervision of superiors and disciplinary inspection agencies at the same level,Accept the supervision of lower-level party organizations and party members,Accept democratic supervision from democratic parties and non-party persons。

Local party committees should systematically invite deputies to the party congresses at the same level to attend important meetings such as plenary sessions or standing committee meetings,Appropriately increase the number and frequency of attendees。Regularly organize Party Congress representatives to conduct special surveys,Organize Party Congress delegates to propose proposals,Listen fully to opinions and suggestions。

Article 28 The party committee at the higher level shall regularly assess the performance of the duties of the standing committee of the party committee at the lower level and its members,Establish a sound reward and punishment mechanism。The specific assessment work will be led by the organization department of the superior party committee,Discipline inspection agency、Participation of relevant departments of the Party Committee。

Article 29 Violation of relevant provisions of these regulations,Based on the severity of the situation,Give criticism and education、Ordered to make an inspection、Admonishment Talk、Notice of criticism or transfer、Ordered to resign、Removal、Processing such as demotion;Those who should be held accountable for party and government discipline,In accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China"、"Regulations on Punishment of Civil Servants of Administrative Agencies" and other relevant provisions shall impose corresponding sanctions;Suspected of illegal crimes,Processed in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations。

  Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

Article 30 Regional Committees of the Party and Organizations Equivalent to Regional Committees,You can refer to this regulation to implement it。

Article 31 The local party committees at all levels shall act in accordance with these Regulations,Formulate and improve work rules based on their actual conditions。

Article 32 These Regulations shall be interpreted by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee in consultation with the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee。

Article 33 These Regulations shall come into effect on December 25, 2015。The "Regulations on the Work of Local Committees of the Communist Party of China (Trial)" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on April 5, 1996 are abolished at the same time。

 Source: Jinan High-tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee

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