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(Adopted at the fifth session of the Fifth National People's Congress on December 4, 1982, promulgated and implemented by the National People's Congress on December 4, 1982

According to the "Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China" adopted at the first session of the Seventh National People's Congress on April 12, 1988、The "Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China" adopted by the First Session of the Eighth National People's Congress on March 29, 1993、Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China adopted at the Second Session of the Ninth National People's Congress on March 15, 1999、The "Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China" adopted at the second session of the 10th National People's Congress on March 14, 2004 and the first session of the 13th National People's Congress on March 11, 2018 "Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China")

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Chapter 1 General Outline

Chapter 2 Basic Rights and Obligations of Citizens

Chapter 3 National Institutions

Section 1 National People’s Congress

Section 2 President of the People’s Republic of China

Section 3 State Council

Section 4 Central Military Commission

Section 5 Local People’s Congresses and Local People’s Governments at All Levels

Section 6 Organs of Autonomy in National Autonomous Areas

Section 7 Supervisory Committee

Section 8 People’s Courts and People’s Procuratorates

Chapter 4 Flag, National Anthem, National Emblem, Capital


China is one of the countries with the oldest history in the world。People of all ethnic groups in China have jointly created a glorious culture,Has a glorious revolutionary tradition。

After 1840,Feudal China gradually turned into a semi-colony、Semi-feudal country。Chinese people strive for national independence、There have been heroic struggles for national liberation and democracy and freedom。

twentieth century,China has undergone earth-shaking and great historical changes。

The Revolution of 1911 led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in 1911,Abolition of the feudal monarchy,Founded the Republic of China。But,The Chinese people’s historical task of opposing imperialism and feudalism has not yet been completed。

1949,The Communist Party of China, led by Chairman Mao Zedong, leads the people of all ethnic groups in China,After experiencing a long period of difficult and tortuous armed struggle and other forms of struggle,Finally overthrown imperialism、The rule of feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism,Won the great victory of the new democratic revolution,Established the People's Republic of China。From now on,The Chinese people have taken control of the power of the country,Become the master of the country。

After the founding of the People's Republic of China,Our country’s society has gradually realized the transition from new democracy to socialism。The socialist transformation of private ownership of the means of production has been completed,The system of human exploitation of human beings has been eliminated,The socialist system has been established。led by the working class、The people’s democratic dictatorship based on the alliance of workers and peasants,In essence, it is the dictatorship of the proletariat,Consolidated and developed。The Chinese people and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army defeated imperialism、Hegemonic aggression、Sabotage and armed provocation,Maintained the country’s independence and security,Enhanced national defense。Major achievements have been made in economic construction,Independent、A relatively complete socialist industrial system has basically taken shape,Agricultural production has increased significantly。Education、Science、Cultural and other undertakings have made great progress,Socialist ideological education has achieved obvious results。The lives of the vast number of people have been greatly improved。

The victory of China’s new democratic revolution and the achievements of the socialist cause,It is the Communist Party of China that leads the people of all ethnic groups in China,In Marxism-Leninism、Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought,Stick to the truth,Fix bug,Achieved by overcoming many difficulties and obstacles。Our country will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time。The fundamental task of the country is,Along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Concentrate efforts on socialist modernization。People of all ethnic groups in China will continue to be under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,In Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Adhere to the people’s democratic dictatorship,Adhere to the socialist road,Adhere to reform and opening up,Continuously improve various socialist systems,Developing a socialist market economy,Develop socialist democracy,Improve socialist rule of law,Implement the new development concept,Self-reliance,Hard work,Gradually realize industry、Agriculture、Modernization of national defense and science and technology,Promote material civilization、Political Civilization、Spiritual Civilization、Social civilization、Coordinated development of ecological civilization,Build our country into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist country,Realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

In our country,The exploiting class as a class has been eliminated,But class struggle will still exist for a long time to a certain extent。The Chinese people are hostile to the hostile forces and elements at home and abroad that are hostile to and undermine our country’s socialist system,The struggle must be fought。

Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People’s Republic of China。Completing the great cause of reunifying the motherland is the sacred duty of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots。

The construction of socialism must rely on workers、Farmers and intellectuals,Unite all forces that can be united。In the long term revolution、Construction、In the process of reform,Already formed a group led by the Communist Party of China,Participated by various democratic parties and people’s organizations,Including all socialist workers、Builder of the socialist cause、Patriots who support socialism、A broad patriotic united front of patriots who support the reunification of the motherland and are committed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,This united front will continue to consolidate and develop。The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference is a broadly representative united front organization,Played an important historical role in the past,Future political life in the country、In social life and foreign friendly activities,Undergoing socialist modernization、In the struggle to safeguard the unity and unity of the country,will further play its important role。The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China will exist and develop for a long time。

The People's Republic of China is a unified multi-ethnic country created by people of all ethnic groups in the country。The socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity, mutual assistance, and harmony have been established,And will continue to strengthen。In the struggle to maintain national unity,Oppose big nationalism,Mainly Han chauvinism,We must also oppose local nationalism。The country makes every effort,Promote the common prosperity of all ethnic groups in the country。

Chinese Revolution、Construction、The achievements of reform are inseparable from the support of people around the world。China’s future is closely linked to the future of the world。China adheres to an independent foreign policy,Adhere to mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity、Mutual non-aggression、Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs、Equality and mutual benefit、Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,Adhere to the path of peaceful development,Adhere to the mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening up,Develop diplomatic relations and economic relations with other countries、Cultural exchange,Promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind;Insist on opposing imperialism、Hegemony、Colonialism,Strengthen unity with people of all countries in the world,Support oppressed nations and developing countries in striving for and safeguarding national independence、The just struggle to develop the national economy,Work hard to maintain world peace and promote human progress。

This Constitution confirms in legal form the achievements of the struggle of the people of all ethnic groups in China,Provides the country’s fundamental system and fundamental tasks,It is the fundamental law of the country,Has the highest legal effect。People of all ethnic groups across the country、All state agencies and armed forces、Political parties and social groups、Enterprises and institutions,All activities must be based on the Constitution,And have the responsibility to uphold the dignity of the Constitution、Responsibility to ensure the implementation of the Constitution。

Chapter 1 General Outline

Article 1 The People’s Republic of China is led by the working class、A socialist country with a people’s democratic dictatorship based on the alliance of workers and peasants。

The socialist system is the fundamental system of the People’s Republic of China。The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics。It is prohibited for any organization or individual to undermine the socialist system。

Article 2 All power in the People’s Republic of China belongs to the people。

The organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People’s Congress and local people’s congresses at all levels。

People in accordance with the provisions of the law,Through various channels and forms,Manage national affairs,Manage economic and cultural undertakings,Manage social affairs。

Article 3 The state institutions of the People’s Republic of China implement the principle of democratic centralism。

The National People’s Congress and local people’s congresses at all levels are democratically elected,Responsible to the people,Under the supervision of the people。

National administrative agencies、Supervisory agency、Judgment Authority、The procuratorial organs are all elected by the People’s Congress,Responsible for it,Supervised by it。

Division of powers of central and local state agencies,Follow the unified leadership of the central government,Give full play to local initiative、The principle of positivity。

Article 4 All ethnic groups in the People’s Republic of China are equal。The state protects the legitimate rights and interests of all ethnic minorities,Maintain and develop equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmonious relations among all ethnic groups。Prohibit discrimination and oppression against any ethnic group,Prohibiting actions that undermine national unity and create national divisions。

The state considers the characteristics and needs of each ethnic minority,Helping ethnic minority areas to accelerate economic and cultural development。

Regional autonomy is implemented in places where ethnic minorities live together,Establishing autonomous agencies,Exercise autonomy。All ethnic autonomous areas are inseparable parts of the People’s Republic of China。

All ethnic groups have the freedom to use and develop their own spoken and written languages,Everyone has the freedom to maintain or reform their own customs。

Article 5 The People’s Republic of China implements the rule of law,Building a socialist country under the rule of law。

The state safeguards the unity and dignity of the socialist legal system.

All laws、Administrative regulations and local regulations must not conflict with the Constitution。

All state agencies and armed forces、Political parties and social groups、All enterprises and institutions must abide by the constitution and laws。All behaviors that violate the constitution and laws,Must be held accountable。

No organization or individual may have privileges beyond the constitution and laws。

Article 6 The socialist economic system of the People’s Republic of China is based on the socialist public ownership of the means of production,That is, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people。Socialist public ownership eliminates the system of people exploiting people,Practice each according to his ability、The principle of distribution according to work。

The country is in the primary stage of socialism,Adhere to public ownership as the main body、Basic economic system for the common development of multiple ownership seabet clubeconomies,Adhere seabet online casinoto distribution according to work as the main body、Distribution system with multiple distribution methods coexisting。

Article 7 State-owned Economy,That is, socialist economy owned by the whole people,Is the leading force in the national economy。The state ensures the consolidation and development of the state-owned economy。

Article 8: Rural collective economic organizations implement household contract management as the basis、Double-tier management system combining unified management and decentralization。Production in rural areas、Supply and Marketing、Credit、Consumption and other forms of cooperative economy,It is a socialist collective ownership economy of the working people。Workers participating in rural collective economic organizations,The right to operate private land within the scope of the law、Zi Liushan、Family sideline business and raising private livestock。

Handicrafts in towns and cities、Industrial、Construction Industry、Transportation、Business、Various forms of cooperative economy in service industry and other industries,They are all socialist economies collectively owned by the working people。

The state protects the legitimate rights and interests of urban and rural collective economic organizations,Encouragement、Guide and help the development of collective economy。

Article 9 Mineral Deposits、Grassland、Forest、山ridge、Grassland、Wasteland、Tidal flats and other natural resources,All belong to the state,That is, owned by all people;Forests and mountains that are collectively owned by law、Grassland、Wasteland、Except for tidal flats。

The state ensures the rational use of natural resources,Protect precious animals and plants。It is prohibited for any organization or individual to appropriate or destroy natural resources by any means。

Article 10: Urban land belongs to the state.

Rural and suburban land,Except those owned by the state as stipulated by law,Owned collectively;Homestead and private land、Zi Liushan,Also collectively owned。

The needs of the state for the public interest,Land can be expropriated or requisitioned in accordance with legal provisions and compensation can be provided。

No organization or individual may embezzle、Buy, sell or otherwise illegally transfer land。The right to use land can be transferred in accordance with the provisions of the law。

All organizations and individuals that use land must use the land reasonably。

Article 11 Individual economy within the scope of legal provisions、Private economy and other non-public economies,Is an important part of the socialist market economy。

The state protects the individual economy、Legitimate rights and interests of the private economy and other non-public economies。National encouragement、Support and guide the development of the non-public economy,And supervise and manage the non-public economy in accordance with the law。

Article 12 Socialist public property is sacrosanct and inviolable。

The state protects socialist public property。It is prohibited for any organization or individual to use any means to appropriate or destroy national and collective property。

Article 13 Citizens’ lawful private property is inviolable。

The state protects citizens’ private property rights and inheritance rights in accordance with legal provisions。

The needs of the state for the public interest,Citizens’ private property may be expropriated or requisitioned in accordance with legal provisions and compensation may be provided。

Article 14 The state improves the enthusiasm and technical level of workers,Promote advanced science and technology,Improving the economic management system and enterprise management system,Implement various forms of socialist responsibility system,Improving labor organization,To continuously improve labor productivity and economic benefits,Develop social productivity。

The state strictly enforces economy and opposes waste.

The state reasonably arranges accumulation and consumption,Taking care of the country、Collective and individual interests,On the basis of developing production,Gradually improve people’s material and cultural life。

The state establishes and improves a social security system commensurate with the level of economic development。

Article 15 The state implements a socialist market economy.

The state strengthens economic legislation and improves macroeconomic control.

The state prohibits any organization or individual from disturbing the social and economic order in accordance with the law。

Article 16: State-owned enterprises have the right to operate independently within the scope prescribed by law。

State-owned enterprises in accordance with legal provisions,Through workers’ congresses and other forms,Implement democratic management。

Article 17 Collective economic organizations shall abide by relevant laws,Have the autonomy to conduct economic activities independently。

Collective economic organizations implement democratic management,Elect and remove managers in accordance with legal provisions,Major issues that determine business management。

Article 18 The People’s Republic of China allows foreign enterprises and other economic organizations or individuals to invest in China in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the People’s Republic of China,Conduct various forms of economic cooperation with Chinese enterprises or other economic organizations。

Foreign enterprises and other foreign economic organizations and Sino-foreign joint ventures in China,Everyone must abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China。Their legal rights and interests are protected by the laws of the People's Republic of China。

Article 19 The state develops socialist education,Improving the scientific and cultural level of the people across the country。

Various schools run by the state,Universal compulsory primary education,Develop secondary education、Vocational and higher education,And develop preschool education。

The state develops various educational facilities,Eradicate illiteracy,To workers、Farmer、State workers and other workers engage in politics、Culture、Science、Technology、Business education,Encourage self-study。

The state encourages collective economic organizations、National enterprises, institutions and other social forces organize various educational undertakings in accordance with legal provisions。

The state promotes Mandarin, which is commonly used throughout the country.

Article 20 The state develops natural sciences and social sciences,Popularize scientific and technical knowledge,Rewards for scientific research achievements and technological inventions。

Article 21: National Development of Medical and Health Care,Develop modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine,Encourage and support rural collective economic organizations、National enterprises, institutions and street organizations organize various medical and health facilities,Carry out mass health activities,Protect people’s health。

National development of sports,Carry out mass sports activities,Enhancing people’s physical fitness。

Article 22: National development serves the people、Literary and artistic undertakings serving socialism、News, radio and television business、Publishing and distribution business、Libraries, museums, cultural centers and other cultural undertakings,Carry out mass cultural activities。

National protected places of interest、Precious cultural relics and other important historical and cultural heritage。

Article 23: The state cultivates various professionals who serve socialism,Expand the team of intellectuals,Create conditions,Give full play to their role in socialist modernization。

Article 24: The state popularizes ideal education、Moral education、Cultural Education、Discipline and legal education,By formulating and implementing various codes among people in different areas of urban and rural areas、Convention,Strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization。

The state advocates socialist core values,Promote love for the motherland、Love Science、Love labor、Love Science、Love the morality of socialism,Patriotism among the people、Collectivism and internationalism、Communist education,Carry out education on dialectical materialism and historical materialism,Against capitalism、Feudalism and other decadent ideas。

Article 25: The state promotes family planning,Align population growth with economic and social development plans。

Article 26 The state protects and improves the living environment and ecological environment,Preventing pollution and other public hazards。

The state organizes and encourages afforestation and protection of forests.

Article 27 All state agencies implement the principle of streamlining,Implement work responsibility system,Implement staff training and assessment system,Continuously improve work quality and efficiency,Oppose bureaucracy。

All state agencies and state workers must rely on the support of the people,Always maintain close contact with the people,Listen to people’s opinions and suggestions,Accept the supervision of the people,Work hard to serve the people。

When taking office, state workers shall take an oath to the Constitution in public in accordance with legal provisions。

Article 28: The state maintains social order,Suppress treason and other criminal activities endangering national security,Sanctions endanger social security、Activities that undermine the socialist economy and other criminal activities,Punish and reform criminals。

Article 29 The armed forces of the People’s Republic of China belong to the people。Its mission is to consolidate national defense,Resist aggression,Defend the motherland,Peaceful labor to protect the people,Participate in national construction,Work hard to serve the people。

The country strengthens the revolutionization of its armed forces、Modernization、Formalized construction,Enhance national defense strength。

Article 30 The administrative regions of the People’s Republic of China are divided as follows:

(1) The country is divided into provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government;

(2) Province、The autonomous region is divided into autonomous prefectures、County、Autonomous County、City;

(3) Counties and autonomous counties are divided into townships, ethnic townships and towns.

Municipalities and larger cities are divided into districts、County。Autonomous prefectures are divided into counties、Autonomous County、City。

Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、Autonomous counties are all ethnic autonomous areas。

Article 31 The state may establish special administrative regions when necessary。The system implemented in the special administrative region shall be stipulated by law by the National People's Congress according to the specific circumstances。

Article 32 The People’s Republic of China protects the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners in China,Foreigners in China must abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China。

The People’s Republic of China’s approach to foreigners requesting asylum for political reasons,Can grant the right to asylum。

Chapter 2 Basic Rights and Obligations of Citizens

Article 33: All persons with the nationality of the People’s Republic of China are citizens of the People’s Republic of China。

All citizens of the People’s Republic of China are equal before the law。

The state respects and protects human rights.

Any citizen enjoys the rights stipulated in the constitution and law,At the same time, the obligations stipulated in the constitution and laws must be fulfilled。

Article 34 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China who are over 18 years old,Regardless of nationality、Race、Gender、Career、Family origin、Religious beliefs、Education Level、Property Status、Period of residence,All have the right to vote and be elected;Except those who are deprived of political rights in accordance with the law。

Article 35 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have their say、Published、Rally、Association、Parade、Freedom to Demonstrate。

Article 36 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have freedom of religious belief。

Any state agency、Social organizations and individuals may not force citizens to believe in a religion or not to believe in a religion,No discrimination against citizens who believe in religion and citizens who do not believe in religion。

The state protects normal religious activities。No one may use religion to disrupt social order、Harm the health of citizens、Activities that impede the country’s education system。

Religious groups and religious affairs are not dominated by foreign powers。

Article 37 The personal freedom of citizens of the People’s Republic of China is inviolable。

Any citizen,Not approved or decided by the People’s Procuratorate or decided by the People’s Court,And executed by the public security organs,Not subject to arrest。

Illegal detention and other methods of illegally depriving or restricting citizens’ personal freedom are prohibited,Illegal body searches of citizens are prohibited。

Article 38 The personal dignity of citizens of the People’s Republic of China is inviolable。It is prohibited to insult citizens in any way、Slander and false accusation。

Article 39 The residences of citizens of the People’s Republic of China are inviolable。Illegal searches or illegal intrusions into citizens’ homes are prohibited。

Article 40 The freedom of communication and the confidentiality of communication of citizens of the People’s Republic of China are protected by law。Except for national security or the need to investigate criminal crimes,In addition to the inspection of communications by the public security organs or procuratorial organs in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law,No organization or individual may infringe on citizens’ freedom of communication and communication confidentiality for any reason。

Article 41 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China shall treat any state agency and state functionary,Have the right to make criticisms and suggestions;For any illegal and dereliction of duty by any state agency or state staff,A complaint has been filed with the relevant state agency、Right to accuse or report,However, you are not allowed to fabricate or distort facts to make false accusations。

 Complaints from citizens、Accusation or report,Relevant state agencies must find out the facts,Responsible for processing。No one may suppress or retaliate。

People who have suffered losses due to violations of civil rights by state agencies and state functionaries,Have the right to obtain compensation in accordance with legal provisions。

Article 42 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the right and obligation to work。

The country through various channels,Create labor and employment conditions,Strengthen labor protection,Improve working conditions,And on the basis of developing production,Increase labor remuneration and welfare benefits。

Labor is the glorious duty of all citizens who are able to work。Workers in state-owned enterprises and urban and rural collective economic organizations seabet betting platformseabet mobileshould treat their labor with an attitude of being masters of the country。The state promotes socialist labor competition,Reward model workers and advanced workers。The state encourages citizens to engage in voluntary labor。

The state provides necessary labor and employment training to citizens before employment。

Article 43 Workers in the People’s Republic of China have the right to rest。

The state develops rest and recuperation facilities for workers,Provide working hours and vacation system for employees。

Article 44 The state implements a retirement system for employees of enterprises and institutions and staff of state agencies in accordance with legal provisions。The life of retirees is guaranteed by the state and society。

Article 45 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China in old age、In case of illness or loss of working ability,Have the right to receive material assistance from the state and society。The state develops the social insurance needed for citizens to enjoy these rights、Social relief and medical health services。

The state and society protect the lives of disabled soldiers,Support the families of martyrs,Preferential treatment for military families。

The state and society help arrange blindness、Deaf、Labor of mute and other disabled citizens、Life and Education。

Article 46 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the right and obligation to receive education。

The state cultivates youth、Youth、Children in moral character、Intelligence、Comprehensive development in physical fitness and other aspects。

Article 47 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China may conduct scientific research、Freedom of literary and artistic creation and other cultural activities。The country’s requirements for engaging in education、Science、Technology、Literature、Citizens’ creative work in arts and other cultural undertakings that benefit the people,Give encouragement and help。

Article 48 Women in politics in the People’s Republic of China、Economic、Cultural、Enjoy equal rights with men in all aspects of social and family life。

The state protects the rights and interests of women,Equal pay for men and women for equal work,Cultivate and select women cadres。

Article 49 Marriage、Family、Mothers and children are protected by the state。

Both husband and wife have the obligation to practice family planning.

Parents have the obligation to raise and educate their minor children,Adult children have the obligation to support and support their parents。

It is prohibited to destroy the freedom of marriage,No elder abuse、Women and Children。

Article 50 The People’s Republic of China protects the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of returned overseas Chinese and their family members。

Article 51 When citizens of the People’s Republic of China exercise their freedoms and rights,No harm to the country、Social、Collective interests and legitimate freedoms and rights of other citizens。

Article 52 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the obligation to safeguard the unity of the country and the unity of all ethnic groups in the country。

Article 53 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China must abide by the Constitution and laws,Keep state secrets,Care for public property,obey labor discipline,obey public order,Respect social ethics。

Article 54 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the duty to safeguard the security of the motherland、Duties of honor and interests,No harm to the security of the motherland、Acts of Honor and Interest。

Article 55: Defending the Motherland、Resisting aggression is the sacred duty of every citizen of the People's Republic of China。

It is the honorable obligation of citizens of the People’s Republic of China to perform military service and join the militia in accordance with the law。

Article 56 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the obligation to pay taxes in accordance with the law。

Chapter 3 National Institutions

Section 1 National People’s Congress

Article 57 The National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China is the highest organ of state power。Its permanent organ is the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。

Article 58 The National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress exercise state legislative power。

Article 59 The National People’s Congress shall be governed by the provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality、Composed of representatives elected by the Special Administrative Region and the military。Each ethnic minority should have an appropriate number of representatives。

The election of deputies to the National People’s Congress is presided over by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。

The number of deputies to the National People’s Congress and the method for selecting deputies shall be stipulated by law。

Article 60: Each term of the National People’s Congress is five years。

Two months before the expiration of the term of the National People’s Congress,The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress must complete the election of deputies to the next National People’s Congress。If you encounter extraordinary circumstances where the election cannot be conducted,Adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress with a majority of more than two-thirds of all members,Can postpone election,Extend the term of the current National People’s Congress。Within one year after the end of the emergency,The election of deputies to the next National People’s Congress must be completed。

Article 61 The National People’s Congress shall be held once a year,Convened by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。If the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress deems it necessary,Or more than one-fifth of the National People’s Congress deputies proposed,Can temporarily convene a meeting of the National People's Congress。

When the National People’s Congress holds a meeting,Elect the presidium to chair the meeting。

Article 62 The National People’s Congress shall exercise the following powers:

(1) Amending the Constitution;

(2) Supervise the implementation of the Constitution;

(3) Formulating and revising criminal justice、Civil、State institutional and other basic laws;

(4) Election of the President of the People’s Republic of China、Vice Chairman;

(5) Based on the nomination of the President of the People’s Republic of China,Deciding on the candidate for Prime Minister of the State Council;According to the nomination of the Premier of the State Council,Decided on the Vice Premier of the State Council、State Councilor、Ministers of various ministries、Directors of each committee、Auditor General、Choice of Secretary-General;

(6) Election of Chairman of the Central Military Commission;According to the nomination of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission,Decide on the candidates for other members of the Central Military Commission;

(7) Election of the director of the National Supervisory Commission;

(8) Election of the President of the Supreme People’s Court;

(9) Election of the Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate;

(10) Review and approval of the national economic and social development plan and report on the implementation of the plan;

(11) Review and approve the national budget and budget implementation report;

(12) Change or revoke inappropriate decisions of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress;

(13) Provincial Approval、Establishment of autonomous regions and municipalities;

(14) Decision on the establishment of the special administrative region and its system;

(15) Issues that determine war and peace;

(16) Other powers that should be exercised by the highest state power organ。

Article 63 The National People’s Congress has the power to remove the following persons:

(1) Chairman and Vice Chairman of the People’s Republic of China;

(2) Premier of the State Council、Vice Prime Minister、State Councilor、Ministers of various ministries、Directors of each committee、Auditor General、Secretary-General;

(3) Chairman of the Central Military Commission and other members of the Central Military Commission;

(4) Director of the National Supervisory Commission;

(5) President of the Supreme People’s Court;

(6) Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.

Article 64 Amendment to the Constitution,Proposed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or more than one-fifth of the deputies of the National People's Congress,Adopted by the National People's Congress with a majority of more than two-thirds of all representatives。

Laws and other bills are passed by the National People’s Congress with a majority of all representatives。

Article 65 The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress shall be composed of the following personnel:


Several vice-chairmen,

Secretary General,

Several committee members.

Among the members of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,There should be an appropriate number of ethnic minority representatives。

The National People’s Congress elects and has the power to recall members of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。

Members of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress shall not serve as state administrative organs、Supervisory agency、Duties of the judicial and prosecutorial organs。

Article 66: The term of each term of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress is the same as the term of each term of the National People’s Congress,It will exercise its powers until the next National People’s Congress elects a new Standing Committee。

Chairman、The vice chairman shall not serve more than two consecutive terms。

Article 67 The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress shall exercise the following powers:

(1) Interpret the Constitution and supervise its implementation;

(2) Enacting and amending laws other than those that should be enacted by the National People’s Congress;

(3) During the intersession period of the National People’s Congress,Partial supplements and modifications to the laws enacted by the National People’s Congress,But it shall not conflict with the basic principles of the law;

(4) Interpretation of laws;

(5) During the intersessional period of the National People’s Congress,Review and approve the national economic and social development plan、Part of the adjustments that must be made during the implementation of the national budget;

(6) Supervision of the State Council、Central Military Commission、National Supervisory Committee、Work of the Supreme People’s Court and Supreme People’s Procuratorate;

(7) Revoke the same constitution enacted by the State Council、Administrative regulations that conflict with the law、Decisions and Orders;

(8) Cancellation of the province、Autonomous Region、The same constitution formulated by the state power agencies of municipalities directly under the Central Government、Local regulations and resolutions that conflict with laws and administrative regulations;

(9) During the intersession period of the National People’s Congress,According to the nomination of the Premier of the State Council,Decision Minister、Committee Director、Auditor General、Choice of Secretary-General;

(10) During the intersession period of the National People’s Congress,According to the nomination of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission,Decide on the candidates for other members of the Central Military Commission;

(11) According to the request of the Director of the National Supervisory Commission,Appointment and removal of deputy director of the National Supervisory Commission、Member;

(12) According to the request of the President of the Supreme People’s Court,Appointment and removal of Vice President of the Supreme People’s Court、Judge、Member of the Judicial Committee and President of the Military Court;

(13) Based on the request of the Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate,Appointment and removal of Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate、Inspector、Member of the Procuratorial Committee and Chief Prosecutor of the Military Procuratorate,And approved by the province、Autonomous Region、Appointment and removal of chief prosecutors of the People’s Procuratorate of municipalities;

(14) Decide on the appointment and removal of plenipotentiary representatives abroad;

(15) Decide on the ratification and abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign countries;

(16) Provision of the rank system and other special rank systems for military personnel and diplomatic personnel;

(17) Provisions and decisions on medals and honorary titles awarded to the country;

(18) Decision on amnesty;

(19) During the intersessional period of the National People’s Congress,If a country is subject to armed aggression or must fulfill an international treaty to prevent aggression,Declaration determining the state of war;

(20) Decide on national mobilization or partial mobilization;

(21) Decide on the whole country or individual provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality enters state of emergency;

(22) Other powers granted by the National People’s Congress。

Article 68: The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress presides over the work of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,Convene a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。Vice Chairman、The Secretary-General assists the Chairman in his work。

Chairman、Vice Chairman、Secretary-General and Chairman’s Meeting,Handle the important daily work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。

Article 69: The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress is responsible for and reports on its work to the National People’s Congress。

Article 70: The National People’s Congress establishes an ethnic committee、Constitution and Law Committee、Financial and Economic Committee、Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee、Foreign Affairs Committee、Overseas Chinese Committee and other special committees that need to be established。During the intersession of the National People’s Congress,Special committees are under the leadership of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。

Various special committees are under the leadership of the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,Research、Deliberation and formulation of relevant proposals。

Article 71 When the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress deem it necessary,Can organize committees of inquiry on specific issues,And according to the report of the Commission of Inquiry,Make corresponding resolutions。

When the Investigation Committee conducts an investigation,All relevant state agencies、Social groups and citizens are obliged to provide it with necessary materials。

Article 72 Deputies to the National People’s Congress and members of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,Have the right to propose bills within the powers of the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law。

Article 73: Delegates to the National People’s Congress during the session of the National People’s Congress,Members of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress during the Standing Committee meeting,Have the right to lodge complaints against the State Council or various ministries of the State Council in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law、Inquiry cases of various committees。The agency being questioned must be responsible for the reply。

Article 74 Delegates to the National People’s Congress,Not authorized by the Presidium of the National People’s Congress,When the National People’s Congress is not in session without the permission of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,Not subject to arrest or criminal trial。

Article 75 Speeches and votes by deputies to the National People’s Congress at various meetings of the National People’s Congress,Not subject to legal action。

Article 76: Deputies to the National People’s Congress must abide by the Constitution and laws in an exemplary manner,Keep state secrets,And in the production that I participated in、At work and social activities,Assist in the implementation of the constitution and laws。

Deputies to the National People’s Congress should maintain close contact with the original electoral units and the people,Listen seabet.comseabet betting platformto and reflect the people’s opinions and demands,Work hard to serve the people。

Article 77: Deputies to the National People’s Congress are subject to the supervision of the original election unit。The original election unit has the right to remove the representatives elected by the unit in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law。

Article 78 The organization and working procedures of the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress shall be prescribed by law。

Section 2 President of the People’s Republic of China

Article 79 President of the People’s Republic of China、The Vice Chairman is elected by the National People’s Congress。

Citizens of the People's Republic of China who have the right to vote and be elected and are over 45 years old can be elected as the President of the People's Republic of China、Vice Chairman。

President of the People’s Republic of China、The term of office of the Vice Chairman is the same as that of the National People’s Congress。

Article 80 The President of the People’s Republic of China shall act in accordance with the decisions of the National People’s Congress and the decisions of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,Publish the law,Appointment and removal of the Premier of the State Council、Vice Prime Minister、State Councilor、Ministers of various ministries、Directors of each committee、Auditor General、Secretary-General,Medal and honorary titles awarded to the country,Issue an amnesty order,Declared a state of emergency,Declare a state of war,Issue mobilization order。

Article 81 The President of the People’s Republic of China represents the People’s Republic of China,Conducting state activities,Accept foreign envoys;According to the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,Dispatching and recalling plenipotentiary representatives abroad,Ratify and abrogate treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign countries。

Article 82 The Vice Chairman of the People’s Republic of China assists the Chairman in his work。

The Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China is entrusted by the Chairman,Can act as part of the chairman’s powers。

Article 83 President of the People’s Republic of China、The Vice Chairman shall exercise his powers to the Chairman elected by the next National People’s Congress、Until the Vice Chairman takes office。

Article 84 When the President of the People’s Republic of China is absent,The position of Chairman is succeeded by the Vice Chairman。

When the Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China is absent,By-election by the National People’s Congress。

President of the People’s Republic of China、When both vice-chairmen are absent,By-election by the National People’s Congress;Before the by-election,The chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress temporarily acts as chairman。

Section 3 State Council

Article 85 State Council of the People’s Republic of China,i.e. Central People’s Government,Is the executive organ of the highest state power,is the highest national administrative organ。

Article 86 The State Council shall be composed of the following personnel:

Prime Minister,

Several deputy prime ministers,

Several State Councilors,

Ministers of various ministries,

Chairman of each committee,

Auditor General,

Secretary General.

The State Council implements the prime minister's responsibility system。Ministries、Executive Minister of each committee、Director Responsibility System。

The organization of the State Council is prescribed by law.

Article 87 The term of each term of the State Council is the same as the term of each term of the National People’s Congress。

Prime Minister、Vice Prime Minister、State Councilors shall not serve more than two consecutive terms。

Article 88 The Prime Minister leads the work of the State Council。Vice Prime Minister、The State Councilor assists the Prime Minister in his work。

Prime Minister、Vice Prime Minister、State Councilor、The Secretary-General composes the State Council executive meeting。

The Prime Minister convenes and presides over the executive meeting of the State Council and the plenary meeting of the State Council。

Article 89 The State Council shall exercise the following powers:

(1) According to the Constitution and laws,Provision of administrative measures,Formulate administrative regulations,Issue decisions and orders;

(2) Submit a bill to the National People’s Congress or the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress;

(3) Specify the tasks and responsibilities of various ministries and committees,Unified leadership of the work of various ministries and committees,And lead national administrative work that does not belong to ministries and committees;

(4) Unified leadership of the work of national administrative agencies at all levels across the country,Provisions by the central and provincial governments、Autonomous Region、Specific division of powers of national administrative agencies in municipalities;

(5) Preparation and implementation of national economic and social development plans and national budgets;

(6) Leading and managing economic work and urban and rural construction、Ecological Civilization Construction;

(7) Leadership and management education、Science、Culture、Hygiene、Sports and family planning work;

(8) Leadership and management of civil affairs、Public Security、Judicial administration and other work;

(9) Management of external affairs,Conclude treaties and agreements with foreign countries;

(10) Leading and managing national defense construction;

(11) Leading and managing ethnic affairs,Guarantee the equal rights of ethnic minorities and the autonomy rights of ethnic autonomous areas;

(12) Protect the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of returned overseas Chinese and their family members;

(13) Change or cancel each department、Inappropriate orders issued by committees、Instructions and Regulations;

(14) Change or revoke inappropriate decisions and orders of local state administrative agencies at all levels;

(15) Provincial Approval、Autonomous Region、Regional division of municipalities,Approved autonomous prefecture、County、Autonomous County、City construction and regional division;

(16) Determine the province in accordance with legal provisions、Autonomous Region、Some areas within the municipality have entered a state of emergency;

(17) Establishment of the examination and approval administrative agency,Appointment and removal in accordance with legal provisions、Training、Assess and reward administrative personnel;

(18) Other powers granted by the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。

Article 90 Ministers of Ministries of the State Council、The directors of each committee are responsible for the work of their own departments;Convene and chair ministry meetings or committee meetings、Committee meeting,Discuss major issues that determine the work of this department。

Various departments、Each committee shall act in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations of the State Council、Decision、Command,Within the authority of this department,Issue an order、Instructions and Regulations。

Article 91 The State Council establishes an audit agency,Financial revenues and expenditures of various departments of the State Council and local governments at all levels,Financial revenues and expenditures for the country’s financial institutions and enterprises and institutions,Perform audit supervision。

The audit institution is under the leadership of the Premier of the State Council,Exercise audit supervision rights independently in accordance with legal provisions,Not subject to other administrative agencies、Interference of social groups and individuals。

Article 92: The State Council is responsible for and reports on its work to the National People’s Congress;During the intersession of the National People’s Congress,Responsible for and reporting to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。

Section 4 Central Military Commission

Article 93 The Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China leads the national armed forces。

The Central Military Commission is composed of the following personnel:


Several vice-chairmen,

Several committee members.

The Central Military Commission implements the chairman responsibility system.

The term of each term of the Central Military Commission is the same as the term of each term of the National People’s Congress。

Article 94: The Chairman of the Central Military Commission is responsible to the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。

Section 5 Local People’s Congresses and Local People’s Governments at All Levels

Article 95 Province、Municipality、County、City、Municipal district、Township、National Township、The town establishes the People’s Congress and the People’s Government。

The organization of local people’s congresses and local people’s governments at all levels is stipulated by law。

Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、Autonomous counties establish autonomous agencies。The organization and work of autonomous organs are in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Constitution、The basic principles stipulated in Section 6 shall be stipulated by law。

Article 96 The local people’s congresses at all levels are local organs of state power。

Local people’s congresses at or above the county level establish standing committees。

Article 97 Province、Municipality、Delegates to the People’s Congress of a city divided into districts are elected by the People’s Congress of the next level;County、City without districts、Municipal district、Township、National Township、Deputies to the People’s Congress of the town are directly elected by voters。

The number of deputies to local people’s congresses at all levels and the method for selecting deputies shall be stipulated by law。

Article 98: The term of each local people’s congress at all levels is five years。

Article 99: Local people’s congresses at all levels within their respective administrative regions,Guarantee the Constitution、Law、Compliance and enforcement of administrative regulations;Permissions provided by law,Adoption and issuance of resolution,Review and decide on local economic construction、Plans for cultural construction and public utility construction。

Local people’s congresses at or above the county level review and approve the national economic and social development plans within their respective administrative regions、Budgets and reports on their implementation;The right to change or revoke inappropriate decisions of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at the same level。

The People’s Congress of an ethnic township may, in accordance with the authority prescribed by law, take specific measures suitable for ethnic characteristics。

Article 100 Province、People’s congresses of municipalities and their standing committees,In different constitutions、Law、Under the premise that administrative regulations conflict,Local regulations can be formulated,Report to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for the record。

People’s congresses of districted cities and their standing committees,In different constitutions、Law、Administrative regulations and the province、On the premise that it conflicts with the local regulations of the autonomous region,Local regulations can be formulated in accordance with legal provisions,Report to the province、Effective after approval by the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People’s Congress。

Article 101 The local people’s congresses at all levels elect and have the power to recall the governor and deputy governor of the people’s government at the same level、The mayor and deputy mayor、The county magistrate and deputy magistrate、District Chief and Deputy District Chief、The township chief and deputy township chief、The mayor and deputy mayor。

The local people’s congresses at or above the county level elect and have the power to remove the director of the supervisory committee at the same level、The president of the people's court at the same level and the chief prosecutor of the people's procuratorate at the same level。Elect or remove the Chief Prosecutor of the People’s Procuratorate,Must be reported to the Chief Procurator of the People’s Procuratorate at the higher level for approval by the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at that level。

Article 102 Province、Municipality、Deputies to the People’s Congress of a city divided into districts are subject to the supervision of the original electoral unit;County、City without districts、Municipal district、Township、National Township、Deputies to the town’s People’s Congress are subject to the supervision of voters。

The election units and voters of local people’s congresses at all levels have the right to recall representatives elected by them in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law。

Article 103 The standing committees of local people’s congresses at or above the county level shall be chaired by the chairman、Composed of several deputy directors and several committee members,Responsible to and report to the People’s Congress at the same level。

Local people’s congresses at or above the county level elect and have the power to recall members of the standing committee of the people’s congress at the same level。

Members of the standing committees of local people’s congresses at or above the county level shall not serve as state administrative organs、Supervisory agency、Duties of the judicial and prosecutorial organs。

Article 104 Discussion by the Standing Committees of the Local People’s Congresses at or above the county level、Major matters that determine all aspects of work within this administrative region;Supervise the people's government at the same level、Supervisory Committee、Work of the People’s Court and People’s Procuratorate;Revoke the inappropriate decisions and orders of the people's government at the same level;Revoke the inappropriate resolution of the People’s Congress at the next level;Determine the appointment and dismissal of state agency staff in accordance with the authority specified by law;During the period when the People’s Congress at the same level is not in session,Recall and by-election of individual representatives of the People’s Congress at the next higher level。

Article 105: Local people’s governments at all levels are the executive organs of local state power organs at all levels,It is the national administrative agency at local levels。

Local people’s governments at all levels implement provincial governors、Mayor、County Magistrate、District Chief、Township Chief、Mayor Responsibility System。

Article 106 The term of office of local people’s governments at all levels is the same as the term of office of the people’s congress at the same level。

Article 107: The powers of local people’s governments at or above the county level in accordance with the law,Manage the economy within this administrative region、Education、Science、Culture、Hygiene、Sports career、Administrative work such as family planning、Civil Affairs、Public Security、Ethnic Affairs、Judicial Administration、Administrative work such as family planning,Issue decisions and orders,Appointment and dismissal、Training、Appraisal and reward and punishment of administrative staff。

Township、National Township、The people's government of the town implements the resolutions of the people's congress at the same level and the decisions and orders of the superior state administrative agencies,Manage administrative work within this administrative region。

Province、The people's government of the municipality decides on the township、National Township、The establishment and zoning of the town。

Article 108: Local people’s governments at or above the county level lead the work of their respective work departments and lower-level people’s governments,The right to change or revoke inappropriate decisions of various work departments and lower-level people's governments。

Article 109: Local people’s governments at or above the county level establish auditing agencies。Local audit agencies at all levels independently exercise the power of audit supervision in accordance with legal provisions,Responsible to the people's government at the same level and the audit agency at the next higher level。

Article 110: Local people’s governments at all levels are responsible for and report on their work to the People’s Congress at the same level。Local people’s governments at all levels above the county level during the period when the People’s Congress at the same level is not in session,Responsible seabet myseabet appto and report to the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at the same level。

Local people’s governments at all levels are responsible for and report to the higher-level national administrative agencies。Local people’s governments at all levels across the country are national administrative agencies under the unified leadership of the State Council,All obey the State Council。

Article 111 Residents’ committees or villagers’ committees established in cities and rural areas according to the residents’ residential areas are grassroots mass autonomous organizations。Residents Committee、Director of the Village Committee、Deputy directors and committee members are elected by residents。Residents Committee、The relationship between village committees and grassroots political power is stipulated by law。

Residents Committee、Village committees set up people’s mediation、Public Security、Public Health Committee,Handling public affairs and public welfare undertakings in the area where you live,Mediating civil disputes,Assist in maintaining public order,And reflect the opinions of the masses to the people’s government、Requests and suggestions。

Section 6 Organs of Autonomy in National Autonomous Areas

Article 112 The autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous areas are autonomous regions、Autonomous Prefecture、People’s Congress and People’s Government of Autonomous County。

Article 113 Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、At the People’s Congress of the Autonomous County,Except for representatives of ethnic groups that implement regional autonomy,Other ethnic groups living in this administrative area should also have appropriate representatives。

Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、The Standing Committee of the People's Congress of an autonomous county shall have a citizen of the ethnic group that exercises regional autonomy serve as the director or deputy director。

Article 114 Chairman of the Autonomous Region、Governor of Autonomous Prefecture、The county magistrate of an autonomous county shall be a citizen of an ethnic group that implements regional autonomy。

Article 115 Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、The self-government organs of autonomous counties exercise the functions and powers of local state organs stipulated in Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Constitution,Also in accordance with the Constitution、Exercise the right of autonomy within the authority provided for by the Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law and other laws,Implement the national laws according to the actual local conditions、Policy。

Article 116 The People’s Congress of an ethnic autonomous area has the right to act in accordance with the politics of the local ethnic group、Economic and cultural characteristics,Formulation of autonomous regulations and separate regulations。Autonomy Regulations and Separate Regulations of the Autonomous Region,Effective after approval by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。Autonomous Prefecture、Autonomous County Autonomy Regulations and Separate Regulations,Effective after approval by the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of the province or autonomous region,Also reported to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for the record。

Article 117 The autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous areas have the autonomy to manage local finances。Any financial revenue belonging to ethnic autonomous areas according to the national financial system,All should be independently arranged and used by the autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous areas。

Article 118 The organs of self-government of ethnic autonomous areas shall be under the guidance of the state plan,Independently arrange and manage local economic construction undertakings。

The state develops resources in ethnic autonomous areas、When building a business,The interests of ethnic autonomous areas should be taken into consideration。

Article 119: The organs of self-government in ethnic autonomous areas shall independently manage local education、Science、Culture、Hygiene、Sports career,Protect and sort out the nation’s cultural heritage,Develop and prosper national culture。

Article 120 The organs of self-government of ethnic autonomous areas shall act in accordance with the country’s military system and actual local needs,Approved by the State Council,Can organize local public security forces to maintain social security。

Article 121 When the organs of self-government of ethnic autonomous areas perform their duties,In accordance with the regulations on self-government of ethnic autonomous areas,Use one or several languages ​​commonly used in the local area。

Article 122: State Finance、Supplies、Technology and other aspects help ethnic minorities accelerate the development of economic construction and cultural construction。

The state helps ethnic autonomous areas train a large number of cadres at all levels from local ethnic groups、Various professional talents and technical workers。

Section 7 Supervisory Committee

Article 123: The supervisory commissions at all levels of the People’s Republic of China are the supervisory organs of the country。

Article 124 The People’s Republic of China establishes a national supervisory commission and local supervisory commissions at all levels。

The Supervisory Committee is composed of the following personnel:


Several deputy directors,

Several committee members.

The term of each term of the director of the supervisory committee is the same as the term of each term of the People’s Congress at the same level。The director of the National Supervisory Commission shall not serve more than two consecutive terms。

The organization and powers of the Supervisory Committee shall be prescribed by law.

Article 125 The National Supervisory Commission of the People’s Republic of China is the highest supervisory organ。

The National Supervisory Commission leads the work of local supervisory committees at all levels,The superior supervisory committee leads the work of the lower-level supervisory committee。

Article 126 The National Supervisory Commission is responsible to the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。Local supervisory committees at all levels are responsible to the state authority that created them and the supervisory committee at the higher level。

Article 127 The Supervisory Committee independently exercises supervisory powers in accordance with legal provisions,Not subject to administrative agencies、Interference of social groups and individuals。

Supervisory agencies handle cases of occupational violations and occupational crimes,Should contact the judicial authority、Procuratorate、Law enforcement agencies cooperate with each other,Mutual constraints。

Section 8 People’s Courts and People’s Procuratorates

Article 128 The People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China is the judicial organ of the country。

Article 129 The People’s Republic of China establishes the Supreme People’s Court、Local people’s courts at all levels and military courts and other specialized people’s courts。

The term of each term of the President of the Supreme People's Court is the same as the term of each term of the National People's Congress,Cannot serve more than two consecutive terms。

The organization of the People's Courts is stipulated by law.

Article 130: People’s Court hearing cases,Except for special circumstances stipulated by law,All conducted in public。The defendant has the right to a defense。

Article 131: People’s courts independently exercise judicial power in accordance with legal provisions,Not subject to administrative agencies、Interference of social groups and individuals。

Article 132 The Supreme People’s Court is the highest judicial organ。

The Supreme People’s Court supervises the trial work of local people’s courts at all levels and specialized people’s courts,The superior people’s court supervises the trial work of the lower people’s courts。

Article 133 The Supreme People’s Court is responsible to the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。Local people’s courts at all levels are responsible to the state power agencies that created them。

Article 134 The People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China is the country’s legal supervision agency。

Article 135 The People’s Republic of China establishes the Supreme People’s Procuratorate、Specialized people’s procuratorates such as local people’s procuratorates at all levels and military procuratorates。

The term of office of the Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate is the same as the term of each term of the National People’s Congress,Cannot serve more than two consecutive terms。

The organization of the People’s Procuratorate is stipulated by law.

Article 136: The People’s Procuratorate independently exercises procuratorial power in accordance with legal provisions,Not subject to administrative agencies、Interference of social groups and individuals。

Article 137 The Supreme People’s Procuratorate is the highest procuratorial organ。

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate leads the work of local People’s Procuratorates at all levels and specialized People’s Procuratorates,The work of higher-level People’s Procuratorates leading lower-level People’s Procuratorates。

Article 138 The Supreme People’s Procuratorate is responsible to the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress。Local People’s Procuratorates at all levels are responsible to the state power organs that created them and the People’s Procuratorates at higher levels。

Article 139 Citizens of all ethnic groups have the right to litigate in their own spoken and written languages。The People’s Court and the People’s Procuratorate treat litigation participants who are not proficient in the local spoken and written language,Should be translated for them。

In areas where ethnic minorities live together or where multiple ethnic groups live together,The trial should be conducted in the language commonly used in the local area;Indictment、Judgment、Public notices and other documents should use one or more languages ​​commonly used in the local area according to actual needs。

Article 140 People’s Court、People’s Procuratorate and public security organs handle criminal cases,Should be divided into responsibilities,Cooperate with each other,Mutual constraints,To ensure accurate and effective enforcement of the law。

Chapter 4 Flag, National Anthem, National Emblem, Capital

Article 141 The national flag of the People’s Republic of China is the five-star red flag。

The national anthem of the People's Republic of China is "March of the Volunteers"。

Article 142 National Emblem of the People's Republic of China,In the middle is Tiananmen Square illuminated by five stars,Surrounded by ears of grain and gears。

Article 143 The capital of the People’s Republic of China is Beijing。

Information source: Xinhua News Agency

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