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Working Rules for Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Organs in Handling Reports and Complaints

(Deliberated and approved by the Standing Committee meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on January 2, 2020 and released by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on January 21, 2020)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1: To standardize the handling of reports and accusations by disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies,Guarantee Party Members、The masses exercise their right to supervise,Maintain Party Members、Legitimate rights and interests of cadres,According to the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China"、The "Regulations on Intra-Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China" and other intra-party regulations and the "Constitution of the People's Republic of China"、"Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws,Make this rule。

Article 2: Adhere to Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is guided by,Enhance "Four Consciousnesses"、Strong “Four Confidences”、Achieve "two maintenances",Promoting comprehensive and strict governance over the Party,Implement the requirements for joint offices of the Discipline Inspection Committee and the Supervisory Committee,Handle reports and accusations in accordance with rules, disciplines and laws,Improve the party and state supervision system,Strengthen restrictions and supervision on the exercise of power。

Article 3: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies should seriously handle reports and accusations,Response to public concerns,Give full play to the role of the party and state’s specialized supervision agency,Ensure seabet app downloadthe implementation of the party’s theory, line, principles, policies and major decisions and arrangements,For the construction of party style and clean government、Social harmony and stability services。

Article 4 Any organization or individual shall conduct the following,The right to file reports and accusations with the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies:

(1) Party Organization、Party members violate political discipline、Organizational discipline、Integrity and discipline、Mass discipline、Work discipline、Life discipline and other Party discipline behaviors;

(2) Supervision objects do not perform their duties in accordance with the law,Violation of impartial use of rights、Regulations on clean political conduct and ethical conduct,Suspected of corruption and bribery、Abuse of power、Neglect of Duty、Power rent seeking、Benefit transfer、It is illegal to practice favoritism, malpractice and waste state property, etc.、Office crimes;

(3) Other disciplinary and illegal acts that should be handled by disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies in accordance with regulations。

Article 5: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall follow the following principles when handling reports and accusations:

(1) Seeking truth from facts。Handle reports and accusations based on facts,Encourage and support accusers to reflect the situation objectively and truthfully。

(2) Follow the rules, disciplines and laws。Handle reports and accusations in accordance with the Party Constitution, Party rules, Party disciplines, the Constitution, laws, and relevant provisions on petition work,Guide the accusers to comply with regulations and laws、Reflect issues rationally and orderly。

(3) Protecting legal rights。Implement the requirements of “three distinctions”,It not only protects the supervisory rights of the accuser,Another investigation into false accusations and frame-ups,Protect party members、Enterprise enthusiasm of cadres and officers。

(4) Responsible for classification、Division of labor。Accept reports and complaints in accordance with management authority,Create a petition report、Supervision and Inspection、Review Investigation、Case supervision and management departments cooperate with each other、Mutual restrictive working mechanism。

Article 6: Establish a reporting and reporting platform covering the disciplinary inspection and supervision system,Use Internet technology and information technology,Smooth reporting channels,Standardize the handling of reports and accusations,Discover problem clues in time,Scientific study and judgment of political ecology,Better serve the people。

Chapter 2 Receiving and Accepting Reports and Complaints

Article 7: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall accept reports and accusations submitted by accusers through the following methods:

(1) Mailing a letter to the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency;

(2) Reporting in person at the reception venue designated by the disciplinary inspection seabet online sports bettingand supervision agency;

(3) Reported by dialing the report and seabet online sports bettingaccusation hotline of the disciplinary inspection seabet online sports bettingand supervision agency;

(4) Reporting and Complaint Website to Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs、WeChat public platform、Reflected by electronic materials sent by online reporting acceptance platforms such as mobile clients;

(5) Reported through other channels established by the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies。

To other agencies、Department、Reports and accusations transferred by the unit that are within the scope of the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies,Should be accepted according to regulations。

Article 8: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies at or above the county level shall clearly identify the departments and personnel responsible for reporting complaints,Set up a place to receive people,Public report and complaint address、Telephone、Website and other information,Announce relevant rules and regulations,Registered to receive reports and accusations。

Reports and accusations received by the inspection agency,Processed according to relevant regulations。

Article 9 Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall receive visitors responsibly,Listen patiently to their feedback,Do a good job of resolving doubts and providing emotional counseling,Handle the problem properly。

Establish a regular visit system for disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres,Relevant persons in charge should receive important visitors、Handling important petition issues。

Article 10: Complaints and complaints within the scope of acceptance by the petition and reporting department of the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency,Number registration should be carried out,Enter the reporting platform as required。

For party members involved in the management of party committees at the same level、Reports and accusations against cadres and supervisory objects,Should be summarized regularly,And report to the main person in charge of this agency。

Article 11: Reports and accusations shall be accepted at different levels according to management authority:

(1) Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and State Supervision Commission acceptance and reflection on Central Committee members、Alternate member of the Central Committee,Member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Leading cadres managed by the central government,Party Central Working Organ、Party group (Party committee) approved by the Party Central Committee,Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipal Party Committee、The Discipline Inspection Commission and others are suspected of violating disciplines or violating official duties、Report and Accusation of Occupational Crimes。

(2) Local Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committees at all levels accept and reflect members of the Party Committee at the same level、Alternate member,Member of the Discipline Inspection Commission at the same level,Party members managed by the party committee at the same level、Cadres and objects of supervision,Party committee working organization at the same level、Party group (Party committee) approved by the Party committee,Lower level party committee、The Discipline Inspection Commission and others are suspected of violating disciplines or violating official duties、Report and Accusation of Occupational Crimes。

(3) Grassroots Discipline Inspection Commission accepts party members who reflect the management of the party committee at the same level,Reports and accusations of suspected disciplinary violations by party organizations at all levels under the party committee at the same level;The party’s grassroots committee that has not established a disciplinary inspection committee,The committee accepts reports and complaints。

Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committees at all levels accept reports of suspected disciplinary violations or official violations by cadres of their own agencies in accordance with their management authority、Report and Accusation of Occupational Crimes。

Article 12: Reflecting the Party’s organizational relationships in local areas、Party members with cadre management authority in the competent department、Cadres and supervisory targets suspected of violating disciplines or violating official duties、Report and Accusation of Occupational Crimes,By the competent department、Accepted by the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency with jurisdiction。Local disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies received reports and accusations,According to the competent department、Coordination with the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency with jurisdiction,Can be accepted according to regulations。

Article 13: The following matters reported by the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies,Not accepted:

(1) Litigation has been or should be passed according to law、Arbitration、Administrative ruling、Resolved through administrative reconsideration and other channels;

(2) In accordance with relevant regulations,Belonging to the scope of responsibilities of other agencies or units;

(3) Only list disciplinary violations or job violations、The name of a job-related crime but no substantial content。

For the first item in the preceding paragraph、Matters listed in the second item,Reflected by letter,Should be transferred to relevant authorities or units for processing in a timely manner;By visiting、Incoming call、Reflected by online reporting acceptance platform and other methods,The person who reports and accuses should be informed to report it to the agency or unit with the authority to handle it in accordance with regulations and laws。

Chapter 3 Handling of Reports and Accusations

Article 14: Screening by the Complaints and Reporting Department of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organ,The first report and complaint accepted at this level,Should be transferred to the supervision and inspection department of this agency or relevant departments,And notify the case supervision and management department of the transfer situation as required;For repeated reports and accusations,Register and keep for future reference,And regularly report the situation to relevant departments。

The undertaking department should designate a dedicated person to be responsible for management,Register one by one、Create ledger。

Article 15: The petition and reporting department of the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency receives reports and accusations accepted by the superior disciplinary inspection and supervision agency,Should be sent directly to the person in charge of the agency,And submit it to the petition and reporting department of the higher-level discipline inspection and supervision agency within 5 working days from the date of receipt;Received a report and complaint reflecting the problem of the main person in charge of this agency,Should be sent directly to the petition and reporting department of the higher-level disciplinary inspection and supervision agency。

Reports and accusations accepted by superior disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies,No concealment is allowed、False negative、Late reporting,Do not expand the scope of knowledge,No copying、Excerpt from the report and accusation,Do not enter relevant information into the reporting platform。

Article 16: The petition and reporting department of the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency receives reports and complaints accepted by the lower-level disciplinary inspection and supervision agency,Should be forwarded in time。

Reports and accusations forwarded by the lower-level disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies,Should be registered,Complete the acceptance or transfer within 5 working days from the date of receipt。

Article 17: The supervision and inspection departments of the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies shall carefully screen the reports and accusations received,Reports and accusations that have no substantive content or are accepted by other disciplinary inspection and supervision seabet ioagencies,In Communication Studies、After approval by the leader in charge seabet betting platformof this agency,Return to the petition reporting department for processing according to procedures。

The supervision and inspection department handles reports and accusations accepted at this level,Situations that should be understood in conjunction with daily supervision,Perform comprehensive analysis、Proper understanding,After collective research and implementation of the approval process,Inquiry by conversation、Preliminary verification、Temporarily stored for investigation、Settlement and other methods,Or transfer it to the review and investigation department for disposal according to regulations。

Article 18 Supervision and Inspection by Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Organs、The review and investigation department shall report the results of completed reports and accusations to the petition and reporting department every quarter。

Feedback content should include disposal methods、True situation、Feedback to the accuser, etc.。

Article 19: The case supervision and management department of the disciplinary inspection and supervision organ shall strengthen the supervision of the handling of reports and accusations。Report by petition、Supervision and Inspection、The review and investigation department shall regularly report relevant situations to the case supervision and management department。

Chapter 4 Inspection and Supervision

Article 20: The petition and reporting department of the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency shall handle reports and accusations accepted by the lower-level disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies,One of the following situations,Approved by the leader in charge of this agency,You can send a letter:

(1) In implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee,There are obvious violations of disciplines and laws;

(2) Typical problems and strong public reaction;

(3) The issue of reports and accusations has been delayed for a long time,causing adverse effects;

(4) Other situations that need to be handled.

Article 21: After the lower-level disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies receive reports and accusations,Generally it should be completed within 3 months,And submit the verification and processing status;Approved by the main person in charge of this agency,Can be extended for 3 months,Report to the superior disciplinary inspection and supervision agency。Special circumstances require another extension of the processing period,Should be reported to the superior disciplinary inspection and supervision agency for approval。

Article 22 Reports and accusations assigned,One of the following situations,Approved by the leader in charge of the assigned agency,You can send a letter、Listen to the report、Review the case file、Supervision through inspection and supervision:

(1) Failure to complete the matter after the deadline;

(2) Poor organization、Not serious about verification,Or perfunctory;

(3) Supplementary verification required、Re-examining the handling opinions or supplementing relevant materials;

(4) Other situations that require supervision.

Article 23: Verification and handling of reports to be reported by the agency handling reports,Should be reviewed and studied collectively,After approval by the main person in charge of this agency,Report to the next higher level disciplinary inspection and supervision agency。

Chapter 5 Handling of real-name reports and accusations

Article 24: Reporters and accusers should use their real names or the names of their units,With specific contact information such as phone number,Real-name report and accusation。

The Complaints and Reporting Department of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Bureau can call us、Verify whether it is a real-name report and accusation through interviews and other methods。

Article 25 Promoted by disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies、Encourage real-name reports and accusations,Priority will be given to real-name reports and accusations、Priority disposal、Give reply。

Article 26: The petition and reporting department of the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency shall handle real-name reports and accusations accepted by the agency,The real-name report and accuser shall be informed of the acceptance status within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the report and accusation。Repeated reports and accusations,No more notification。

Article 27 Undertaken Supervision and Inspection、The review and investigation department shall feedback the results of the real-name report and accusation to the accuser within 15 working days from the date of completion,And record the feedback。The accuser raises objections,The undertaking department shall record truthfully,And explain;Provide new evidence materials,The undertaking department should verify and handle it。

Article 28: Real-name reports and accusations verified to be true,Played an important role in breaking through major cases,or country、Collectively recover major economic losses,Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies may reward accusers in accordance with regulations。

Article 29 Anonymous Reports and Accusations,Being within the scope of acceptance,Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall accept the application in accordance with procedures。

Anonymous reporting and accusation materials,Do not check the handwriting of the accuser without authorization、Internet Protocol address (IP address) and other information。Reporting the accuser on suspicion of false accusation, frame-up and other disciplinary and illegal activities,It is really necessary to use the above method to trace his identity,Should be approved by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisory Committee of the districted city or above。

Article 30: Reports and accusations that are signed but are not the real name of the accuser (unit name) or cannot be verified,Handed according to anonymous reports and accusations。

Chapter 6 Comprehensive application of reports and accusations

Article 31: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall regularly study and judge the areas under their jurisdiction、Department、Unit reports and accusations,Typicality of reflection、Universality、Propose targeted work suggestions for emerging problems,Form a comprehensive analysis report,Report to the next higher level disciplinary inspection and supervision agency,Report to the party committee at the same level when necessary。

Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies should strictly govern the party in an all-round way、Key points of party conduct and clean government construction and anti-corruption work, as well as hot issues reflected in reports and accusations,Carry out special analysis。

Focus on the problem、Region with strong reflection、Department、Unit,You can report the relevant analysis to the relevant party organizations。

Article 32: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall comply with the requirements of inspection and inspection agencies,Promptly provide information on the areas being inspected、Department、Reports and accusations from the unit。

Article 33: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall collect reports and accusations during daily supervision work、Research and Judgment,Comprehensive information from all aspects,Comprehensively understand the political ecology of the unit being supervised and the thoughts of the subjects being supervised、Work、Style、Living situation,Improve the pertinence and effectiveness of supervision。

Article 34: Areas with more reports and accusations、Department、Unit,After understanding and verification by the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency,Discover problems in the construction of party style and clean government and the performance of duties in relevant party organizations or units,Disciplinary inspection seabet loginsuggestions or supervision suggestions should be made to him,And supervise seabet app downloadthe implementation of rectifications。

Chapter 7 Rights and Obligations of the Parties

Article 35: Reporters and accusers have the following rights:

(1) Party organizations and members、Report and accuse cadres and supervisory targets suspected of violating disciplines and laws;

(2) Application for recusal of staff related to reporting and accusation matters;

(3) Report and accuse the accepting agency and the staff who handle the reports and accusations of dereliction of duty and other disciplinary and illegal behaviors;

(4) His or her legal rights are threatened or infringed upon due to reports and accusations,Can apply for protection;

(5) Reporting and accusing serious violations of discipline and law,Verified to be true,Receive praise or rewards as required;

(6) Other rights stipulated in intra-party regulations and laws and regulations.

Article 36: Reporters and accusers shall perform the following obligations:

(1) Truthfully provide all the circumstances and evidence you have,Responsible for the authenticity of the content of the report and accusation,No exaggeration、Distort the facts,Do not make false accusations or frame others;

(2) Consciously maintain social public order and petition order,Do not harm the party、The interests of the country and the people and the legal rights of individual citizens;

(3) Accept the party organization、Correct handling opinions from the unit,No requests other than those stipulated in party regulations and laws and regulations are allowed;

(4) Keep the feedback processing results and other information confidential;

(5) Other obligations stipulated in intra-party regulations and laws and regulations.

Article 37 The person being reported and accused shall perform the following obligations:

(1) Treat reports and accusations correctly,Change it if it exists、Add encouragement if you don’t have a problem,Accustomed to working and living in a supervised and restricted environment;

(2) Believe in the organization、Depend on organization,Cooperate in the understanding and verification work,Seek truth from facts and explain the problem,No confrontation with censorship investigation;

(3) Respect reports and accusers and staff who handle reports and accusations,No retaliation;

(4) Other obligations stipulated in intra-party regulations and laws and regulations.

Article 38: The person being reported and accused enjoys the following rights:

(1) Explain and defend the issues reported and accused;

(2) Grassroots party organizations discuss and decide on how to deal with themselves、When punished,Can participate and defend;

(3) Application feedback verification and processing conclusion;

(4) Treatment、Those who refuse to accept the punishment,You can appeal or apply for review;

(5) Report and accuse the accepting agency and the staff who handle the reports and accusations of dereliction of duty and other disciplinary and illegal behaviors;

(6) Other rights stipulated in intra-party regulations and laws and regulations.

Chapter 8 Investigation and Punishment of False Accusations and Frauds

Article 39: Fabricating facts、Fake materials and other methods to report problems,Intent to subject others to adverse political influence、Reputational loss or liability investigation,False accusation。

Determined to be falsely accused and framed,Should be approved by the party committee at or above the districted city level or the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency。

Article 40 Discipline inspection and supervision agencies should strengthen the analysis and screening of reports and accusations,Pay attention to abnormal reporting and accusation behaviors,Conduct focused verification。False accusation,Severely deal with it in accordance with rules, disciplines and laws,Or transfer it to relevant authorities for processing according to law。

Article 41: False accusations and frame-ups have one of the following circumstances,Should be dealt with seriously:

(1) Using bad means and causing adverse effects;

(2) Seriously interfering with the general election or the selection and appointment of cadres;

(3) Clear conclusions have been reached after investigation,Those who still make false accusations and frame others;

(4) Forcing or instigating others to make false accusations and frame-ups;

(5) Others causing serious consequences.

Article 42: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall report and expose typical cases of false accusations and frame-ups investigated and dealt with。

Article 43: Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies treat positions obtained through false accusations、Rank、Professional title、Education、Degree、Reward、Qualifications and other benefits,Relevant organizations should be advised、Department、The unit will correct it according to regulations。

Article 44: Party members who are falsely accused and framed、Cadres and objects of supervision,Disciplinary inspection and supervision agency、The party organization of your unit should carry out ideological and political work,Heart-to-heart talk、Remove concerns,Protect officers’ entrepreneurial enthusiasm,Promote the performance of duties、Take responsibility。

Article 45: Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies should distinguish between false accusations and frame-ups and false accusations。Wrong accusation,Can educate the accuser。

Chapter 9 Job Requirements and Responsibilities

Article 46 Discipline inspection and supervision agencies and their staff in handling reports and accusations,We should strengthen our sense of purpose,Improve work style,Pay attention to working methods,Provide explanations for matters that are not accepted or unreasonable claims,Don’t be self-righteous、Domineering,Do not ignore the suffering of the masses、Insensitive to the interests of the masses。

Article 47: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies shall establish and improve the confidentiality system for reports and accusations,Strictly implement confidentiality requirements:

(1) Name of the accuser (unit name)、Working Unit、Address and other relevant information as well as the content of reports and accusations must be kept strictly confidential;

(2) Reporting and accusing materials are strictly prohibited、Transfer the information of the accuser to or inform the organization being reported and accused、Personnel;

(3) Accepting reports and accusations or carrying out verification work,It should be done without revealing the identity of the accuser;

(4) Propaganda, reporting, reporting and accusing meritorious personnel,Involving the disclosure of his name、Personal information such as work unit,My consent must be obtained。

Article 48: Staff members handling reports and accusations have one of the following circumstances,Should take the initiative to avoid,The parties have the right to request that they recuse themselves,The decision to withdraw shall be made by the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency:

(1) I am the person being reported or accused or his close relative;

(2) The person or a close relative has an interest in the issue being reported and accused;

(3) Other situations that may affect the fair handling of reports and accusations。

Article 49: Report on the person of the accuser and his close relatives、Property safety is threatened or violated due to reports and accusations,And filed an application for protection,Discipline inspection and supervision agencies should comply with the law、Provide timely protection。When necessary,Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies may consult relevant agencies for assistance。

The person being reported and accused of endangering seabet sports bettingpersonal safety and damaging property、Retaliation for seabet betting platformreputation, etc.,Severely deal with it in accordance with rules, disciplines and laws。

Article 50: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies verify and determine that reports and accusations are untrue、Need to clarify,After approval by the main person in charge of this agency,This can be clarified in the following ways:

(1) To the area where the person being reported and accused is located、Department、The main person in charge of the party committee (party group) of the unit and himself will send a letter to explain or explain in person;

(2) Report to the area where the accused person is located、Department、Notice of the unit party committee (party group);

(3) Notification within a certain range.

Article 51: Mishandling of mishandled reports and accusations、Punishment,Discipline inspection and supervision agencies should make corrections within the scope of their powers,Or make corrective suggestions to the competent authority。

Article 52: Discipline inspection and supervision agencies and their staff have one of the following circumstances,Handle it seriously in accordance with rules and disciplines;Suspected of violating official duties、Official crime,Pursuing legal responsibility according to law:

(1) Private storage、Withhold、Tampering、Fake、Replacement、Hidden、Lost or privately destroyed reporting and accusation materials;

(2) Exceeding authority and handling reporting and accusation materials without authorization;

(3) Leaking the information of the accuser or the contents of the report and accusation, etc.,Or forward the reporting and accusation materials to the organization being reported and accused、Personnel’s;

(4) Concealment、False report、Failed to report major reports and accusations within the prescribed time limit,causing serious consequences;

(5) Other violations of laws and regulations.

Using the reporting and accusing materials to seek personal interests or to facilitate retaliation against the reporting and accusing persons,Should be dealt with seriously。

Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions

Article 53: Supervision and inspection departments as referred to in these rules、Review and Investigation Department,Refers to the supervision and inspection performed by the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies、Departments for review and investigation functions and review and investigation teams formed across departments。

Article 54 Supervision and inspection of disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies、Review the clues found in the investigation,Audit agency、Law Enforcement、Handling of problem clues other than petition reports handed over by judicial agencies and other units,Other party regulations and laws and regulations as otherwise provided for,Subject to its regulations。

Article 55: Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission’s dispatched agencies and state-owned enterprises、Discipline inspection and supervision agencies of universities and other enterprises and institutions, in addition to implementing these rules,Relevant regulations of the Party Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission should also be implemented。

Article 56 The Central Military Commission may act in accordance with these rules,Formulate relevant regulations。

Article 57: These rules are interpreted by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission。

Article 58: These rules shall come into effect on the date of issuance。Other previously issued regulations regarding the handling of reports and accusations by disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies,Anything inconsistent with these rules,Follow these rules。

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