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General outline

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class,At the same time, it is the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation,Is the core leadership of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Represents the development requirements of China’s advanced productive forces,Represents the direction of China’s advanced culture,Represents the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the Chinese people。The party’s highest ideal and ultimate goal is to realize communism。

The Communist Party of China with Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as one’s guide to action。

Marxism-Leninism reveals the laws of the historical development of human society,The basic principles are correct,Has strong vitality。The highest ideal of communism pursued by Chinese Communists,This can only be achieved on the basis of the full development and high development of socialist society。The development and improvement of the socialist system is a long-term historical process。Adhere to the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism,Follow the path chosen voluntarily by the Chinese people that suits China’s national conditions,China’s socialist cause will surely achieve final victory。

Chinese Communists with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative,Integrate the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism with the specific practice of the Chinese revolution,Founded Mao Zedong Thought。Mao Zedong Thought is the application and development of Marxism-Leninism in China,It is a correct summary of theoretical principles and experiences about China’s revolution and construction that has been proven by practice,It is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China。Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought,The Communist Party of China leads the people of all ethnic groups in the country,After a long period of opposition to imperialism、Feudalism、The revolutionary struggle of bureaucratic capitalism,Won the victory of the new democratic revolution,The People's Republic of China established the people's democratic dictatorship;After the founding of New China,Successfully carried out socialist transformation,Completed the transition from new democracy to socialism,Established the basic socialist system,Developed a socialist economy、Politics and Culture。

Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee,Chinese Communists with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the main representative,Summary of the positive and negative experiences since the founding of New China,Emancipate the mind,Seek truth from facts,Realizing the shift of the party’s work center to economic construction,Implementing reform and opening up,Opened up a new era of development of socialist cause,Gradually formed a line for building socialism with Chinese characteristics、Policy、Policy,Elucidated on building socialism in China、Basic issues in consolidating and developing socialism,Founded Deng Xiaoping Theory。Deng Xiaoping Theory is the product of combining the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism with contemporary Chinese practice and the characteristics of the times,It is the inheritance and development of Mao Zedong Thought under new historical conditions,It is a new stage of the development of Marxism in China,It is Marxism in contemporary China,It is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China,Guiding the continuous advancement of my country’s socialist modernization cause。

Since the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee,Chinese Communists with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the main representative,In the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics,Deepen the understanding of what socialism is、How to build socialism and what kind of party to build、How to build party awareness,Accumulated new valuable experience in governing the party and the country,Formed the important thought of "Three Represents"。The important thought of "Three Represents" is an important contribution to Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、The inheritance and development of Deng Xiaoping Theory,Reflects the new requirements of the development and changes of the contemporary world and China on the work of the party and the state,It is to strengthen and improve party building、A powerful theoretical weapon to promote the self-improvement and development of socialism in our country,It is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China,It is the guiding ideology that the party must adhere to for a long time。Always achieve "Three Represents",It is the foundation of our party、The foundation of governance、Source of power。

Since the 16th National Congress,Chinese Communists with Comrade Hu Jintao as the main representative,Adhere to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents",According to new development requirements,In-depth understanding and answers to what kind of development can be achieved under the new situation、How to develop and other major issues,Formed people-oriented、Scientific development concept of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development。The Scientific Outlook on Development is the same as Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、A scientific theory that the important thought of "Three Represents" is both consistent and advances with the times,It is a concentrated expression of the Marxist worldview and methodology on development,is a major achievement in adapting Marxism to China,It is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China,It is the guiding ideology that must be adhered to in the long term to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics。

Since the 18th National Congress,Chinese Communists with Comrade Xi Jinping as the main representative,Insist on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific reality、Combined with the excellent traditional Chinese culture,Scientific answer to what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics should we uphold and develop in the new era、How to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and other major contemporary issues,Founded Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era。Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is an antithesis to Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、The inheritance and development of the scientific concept of development,is contemporary Chinese Marxism、Marxism in the 21st Century,It is the essence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit of the times,It is the crystallization of the practical experience and collective wisdom of the party and the people,Is an important part of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,It is the action guide for the whole party and the people to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Must persist and develop continuously for a long time。Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,The Communist Party of China leads the people of all ethnic groups in the country,To dominate the great struggle、Great Project、Great cause、Great dream,Promoting socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era,Achieve the first centenary goal,Starting a new journey to achieve the second centenary goal。

The fundamental reason for all the achievements and progress we have made since the reform and opening up,It boils down to this: opening up the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Formed a theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Established the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,Developed socialist culture with Chinese characteristics。All comrades in the party must cherish it even more、Long-term persistence and continuous development of this path pioneered by the party through hardships、This theoretical system、This system、This culture,Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Confidence in the road、Theoretical confidence、System confidence、Cultural confidence,Carry forward the spirit of struggle,Enhance fighting skills,Implement the Party’s Basic Theory、Basic route、Basic strategy,To realize and promote modernization、Complete the reunification of the motherland、The three major historical tasks of maintaining world peace and promoting common development,Achieve the second centenary goal、Strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

Since the founding of the Communist Party of China,Always seek happiness for the Chinese people、Seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation as one’s original mission,After a hundred years of struggle,Fundamentally changed the future and destiny of the Chinese people,Opened up the right path to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Shows the powerful vitality of Marxism,Profoundly influenced the course of world history,Forged the Chinese Communist Party that is at the forefront of the times。After long-term practice,Accumulated and upheld the party’s leadership、Adhere to the supremacy of the people、Insist on theoretical innovation、Adhere to independence、Adhere to China’s path、Insist on having the world in mind、Insist on pioneering and innovation、Persevere and dare to fight、Stick to the united front、Valuable historical experience of persisting in self-revolution,This is the spiritual wealth jointly created by the party and the people,Must cherish it more、Long-term persistence,And continue to enrich and develop in practice。

Our country is and will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time。This is an insurmountable historical stage in the construction of socialist modernization in China, which was originally economically and culturally backward,It will take hundreds of years。my country’s socialist construction,We must proceed from our country’s national conditions,Taking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization。At this stage,The main contradiction in our society is the contradiction between the people’s growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development。Due to domestic factors and international influences,Class struggle still exists for a long time to a certain extent,It may intensify under certain conditions,But it is no longer the main contradiction。The fundamental task of my country’s socialist construction,It is to further liberate productivity,Develop productivity,Gradually realize socialist modernization,And to this end, reform the aspects and links of the production relations and superstructure that are not suitable for the development of productive forces。We must uphold and improve public ownership as the main body、Common development of multiple ownership economies,Distribution according to work is the main body、Multiple distribution methods coexist,Basic economic systems such as the socialist market economic system,Encourage some areas and some people to get rich first,Gradually realize common prosperity for all people,Continuously meet the people’s growing needs for a better life on the basis of production development and social wealth growth,Promote the all-round development of people。Development is the top priority of our party in governing and rejuvenating the country。We must adhere to the people-centered development idea,Grasp the new development stage,Implement innovation、Coordination、Green、Open、Shared new development concepts,Accelerate the construction of a domestic circulation as the main body、A new development pattern in which domestic and international dual cycles promote each other,Promote high-quality development。Every work must be conducive to the development of productive forces in a socialist society,Conducive to enhancing the comprehensive national strength of socialist countries,Conducive to improving people’s living standards,As the general starting point and inspection standard,Respect labor、Respect knowledge、Respect talents、Respect creation,Develop for the people、Development depends on the people、The fruits of development are shared by the people。Must follow the "five-in-one" overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the "four comprehensives" strategic layout,Coordinate and promote economic construction、Political Construction、Cultural Construction、Social Construction、Ecological Civilization Construction,Coordinate and promote the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country、Comprehensively deepen reforms、Comprehensive rule of law、Comprehensively and strictly govern the party。New era, new journey,The strategic goal of economic and social development is,Basically realize socialist modernization by 2035,Build my country into a powerful modern socialist country by the middle of this century。

​​The basic line of the Communist Party of China in the primary stage of socialism is: to lead and unite the people of all ethnic groups in the country,Focus on economic construction,Adhere to the four basic principles,Adhere to reform and opening up,Self-reliance,Hard work,Strive to build our country into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist country。

The Communist Party of China is leading the cause of socialism,We must adhere to economic construction as the center,All other tasks are subject to and serve this center。We must implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education、Strategy of strengthening the country through talent、Innovation-driven development strategy、Rural Revitalization Strategy、Regional coordinated development strategy、Sustainable Development Strategy、Military-civilian integration development strategy,Give full play to the role of science and technology as the primary productive force,Give full play to the role of talents as the first resource,Give full play to the role of innovation as the first driving force for development,Rely on technological progress,Improving the quality of workers,Promote higher quality of the national economy、More efficient、Fairer、More sustainable、More secure development。

Adhere to the socialist road、Adhere to the people’s democratic dictatorship、Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China、Adhere to the four basic principles of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought,It is the foundation of our country。In the entire process of socialist modernization,We must adhere to four basic principles,Oppose bourgeois liberalization。

Adhere to reform and opening up,This is our way to a strong country。Only reform and opening up,Only to develop China、Develop socialism、Developing Marxism。We must comprehensively deepen reforms,Improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,Promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities。We must fundamentally reform the economic system that restricts the development of productive forces,Uphold and improve the socialist market economic system;Suitable for this,Need to carry out political system reform and reforms in other fields。We must adhere to the basic national policy of opening up,Absorb and learn from all the achievements of civilization created by human society。Reform and opening up should be boldly explored,Dare to pioneer,Improving the scientific nature of reform decision-making,Pay more attention to the systematic nature of reform、wholeness、Cooperativity,Creating new paths in practice。

The Communist Party of China leads the people to develop a socialist market economy。Unswervingly consolidate and develop the public ownership economy,Unwavering encouragement、Support、Guide the development of non-public economy。Let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation,Better play the role of the government,Establish a complete macro-control system。Coordinate urban and rural development、Regional Development、Economic and Social Development、Harmonious development between man and nature、Domestic development and opening up,Adjusting economic structure,Change the way seabet appof economic development,Promote supply-side structural reform。Promote new industrialization、Informatization、Urbanization、Simultaneous development of agricultural modernization,Building a new socialist countryside,Taking a new path of industrialization with Chinese characteristics,Building an innovative country and a world science and technology power。

The Communist Party of China leads the people to develop socialist democracy。Adhere to the party’s leadership、The people are the masters of the country、Organic unity of governing the country according to law,Adopting the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics、The path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics,Expanding socialist democracy,Building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics,Building a socialist country under the rule of law,Consolidating the People’s Democratic Dictatorship,Building socialist political civilization。Uphold and improve the People’s Congress system、Multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China、System of regional ethnic autonomy and system of grassroots mass autonomy。Develop more broadly、More fully、More sound whole-process people’s democracy,Promote the extensive and multi-layered institutional development of deliberative democracy,Effectively guarantee the people’s management of state affairs and social affairs、Right to manage economic and cultural undertakings。Respect and protect human rights。Open up the conversation,Establishing and improving democratic elections、Democratic consultation、Democratic decision-making、Democratic management、System and procedures of democratic supervision。Improving the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics,Strengthening legal implementation,Realize the rule of law in all national work。

The Communist Party of China leads the people to develop advanced socialist culture。Building socialist spiritual civilization,Practice the combination of governing the country by law and governing the country by virtue,Improve the ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality of the entire nation,Provides a strong ideological guarantee for reform, opening up and socialist modernization、Psychodynamic and intellectual support,Building a strong socialist cultural country。Strengthening the construction of the socialist core value system,Adhere to the guiding ideology of Marxism,Establish the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core,Cultivation and practice of socialist core values,Advocate the socialist concept of honor and disgrace,Enhance national self-esteem、Confidence and self-improvement,Resist the erosion of decadent ideas of capitalism and feudalism,Eradicate all kinds of social evils,Strive to make our people ideal、Moral、Educated、Disciplined people。Educate party members on the lofty ideals of communism。Vigorously develop education、Science、Cultural undertakings,Promote the creative transformation of China’s excellent traditional culture、Innovative development,Inherit revolutionary culture,Develop advanced socialist culture,Improving the country’s cultural soft power。Firmly grasp the leadership of ideological work,Continuously consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field,Consolidate the common ideological foundation for the united struggle of the whole party and the people。

The Communist Party of China leads the people to build a socialist harmonious society。According to democracy and rule of law、Fairness and justice、Integrity and friendship、Full of energy、Stable and orderly、General requirements and joint construction of harmonious coexistence between man and nature、Shared principles,Focus on ensuring and improving people’s livelihood,Solve the people’s greatest concern、The most direct、The most realistic interest issue,Let development results benefit all people more and more equitably,Continuously enhance the people’s sense of gain,Strive to form a system where all people can do their best、A situation where everyone gets what he wants and lives in harmony。Strengthening and innovating social governance。Strictly distinguish and correctly handle the two types of contradictions between ourselves and the enemy and the contradictions among the people。Strengthening comprehensive management of social security,Resolutely crack down on all kinds of threats to national security and interests in accordance with the law、Criminal activities and criminals that endanger social stability and economic development,Maintain long-term social stability。Adhere to the overall national security concept,Coordinate development and security,Resolutely safeguard national sovereignty、Safety、Development interests。

The Communist Party of China leads the people to build a socialist ecological civilization。Establish respect for nature、Follow nature、The concept of ecological civilization that protects nature,Enhance the awareness that green waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets,Adhere to the basic national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment,Insist on giving priority to saving、Protection first、The policy of giving priority to natural recovery,Insist on production and development、Wealthy life、An ecologically sound and civilized development path。Strive to build a resource-saving model、Environmentally Friendly Society,Implement the strictest ecological and environmental protection system,Form a spatial pattern that saves resources and protects the environment、Industrial Structure、Production method、Lifestyle,Create a good production and living environment for the people,Achieve sustainable development of the Chinese nation。

The Communist Party of China insists on its absolute leadership over the People’s Liberation Army and other people’s armed forces,Implement Xi Jinping’s Thought on Strengthening the Military,Strengthening the construction of the People's Liberation Army,Adhere to political army building、Reform and strengthen the army、Strengthening the Army with Science and Technology、Strengthening the army with talents、Rule the army according to law,Building a team that listens to the party’s command、Can win the battle、The people’s army with excellent style,Build the People’s Army into a world-class army,Effectively ensure that the People’s Liberation Army effectively fulfills its military missions and tasks in the new era,Give full play to the People’s Liberation Army in consolidating national defense、Role in defending the motherland and participating in socialist modernization。

The Communist Party of China maintains and develops socialist ethnic relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance, and harmony,Active cultivation、Select minority cadres,Helping ethnic minorities and ethnic areas develop their economy、Cultural and social undertakings,Building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation,Realize the common unity and struggle of all ethnic groups、Common prosperity and development。Comprehensively implement the party’s basic policy on religious work,Unite religious believers to contribute to economic and social development。

The Communist Party of China and workers of all ethnic groups across the country、Farmer、Intellectuals unite together,With all democratic parties、Independents、The patriotic forces of all ethnic groups unite together,Further development and growth by all socialist workers、Builder of socialist cause、Patriots who support socialism、The broadest patriotic united front composed of patriots who support the reunification of the motherland and are committed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。Continuously strengthen the support of people across the country, including compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region、Compatriots from the Macao Special Administrative Region、Solidarity between Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese。Comprehensive and accurate、Unswervingly implement "One Country、The policy of “two systems”,Promote Hong Kong、Macao’s long-term prosperity and stability,Resolutely oppose and contain "Taiwan independence",Complete the great cause of reunification of the motherland。

The Communist Party of China adheres to an independent foreign policy of peace,Adhere to the path of peaceful development,Adhere to the open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win,Coordinate both domestic and international situations,Actively develop foreign relations,Strive to strive for a favorable international environment for my country’s reform, opening up and modernization。In International Affairs,Promote peace、Development、Fair、Justice、Democracy、The common value of freedom for all mankind,Adhere to the correct view of justice and benefit,Safeguard our country’s independence and sovereignty,Oppose hegemonism and power politics,Maintain world peace,Promote human progress,Promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind,Promote the construction of lasting peace、Generally safe、Shared Prosperity、Open and inclusive、A clean and beautiful world。Respecting each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity、Mutual non-aggression、Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs、Equality and mutual benefit、Based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,Developing our country’s relations with other countries in the world。Continuously develop good-neighborly and friendly relations between my country and neighboring countries,Strengthen unity and cooperation with developing countries。Follow the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits,Promote the construction of “One Belt, One Road”。According to independence、Complete equality、Respect each other、Principle of non-interference in each other’s internal affairs,Develop our party’s relations with communist parties and other political parties in various countries。

The Communist Party of China must lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to achieve the second centenary goal、Realizing the Chinese Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,Must closely adhere to the party’s basic line,Uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership,Insist that the Party must govern the Party、Comprehensively and strictly govern the party,Promote and uphold the truth、Stick to your ideals,Practice your original intention、Accept the mission,Not afraid of sacrifice、Heroic struggle,Loyal to the party、The great party-building spirit that lives up to the people,Strengthening the Party’s Long-term Governance Capacity、Advancedness and Purity Construction,Comprehensively promote the new great project of party building with the spirit of reform and innovation,Led by the party’s political construction,Comprehensively promote the party’s political construction、Ideological Construction、Organization Building、Style construction、Discipline building,Put system construction throughout,In-depth advancement of the anti-corruption struggle,Comprehensively improve the scientific level of party building,Leading the great social revolution with great self-revolution。Insist on building the party for the public good、Government for the people,Carry forward the party’s fine traditions and style,Continuously improve the party’s leadership and governance level,Improving the ability to resist corrosion, degeneration and risk,Continuously enhance self-purification、Self-improvement、Self-innovation、Self-improvement ability,Continuously strengthen the party’s class foundation and expand the party’s mass foundation,Continuously improve the party’s creativity、Cohesion、Combat power,Building a learning model、Service type、Innovative Marxist ruling party,Let our party always be at the forefront of the times,Become the strong core that leads the people of the country to continuously advance along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics。Party building must resolutely achieve the following six basic requirements:

First,Adhere to the party’s basic line。The whole party must use Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and Unification of the Party’s Basic Line,Unified action,And stick to it for the long term without wavering。We must unify reform and opening up with the four basic principles,Comprehensively implement the party’s basic line,Oppose all "left" and right wrong tendencies,Be alert to the right,But the main thing is to prevent "left"。Must improve political judgment、Political understanding、Political execution power,Enhance the consciousness and determination to implement the party’s theory, line, principles and policies。

Second,Insist on emancipating the mind,Seek truth from facts,Advancing with the times,Seeking truth and being pragmatic。The party’s ideological line is to proceed from reality in everything,Connect theory with practice,Seek truth from facts,Testing truth and developing truth in practice。The whole party must adhere to this ideological line,Active exploration,Bold experiment,Pioneering and innovative,Work creatively,Continuously study new situations,Summary of new experiences,Solving new problems,Enriching and developing Marxism in practice,Promote the sinicization of Marxism and modernization。

Third,Adhere to the party’s organizational line in the new era。Comprehensively implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Focus on the construction of organizational system,Strive to cultivate high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible,Strive to gather outstanding talents from all aspects who are patriotic and dedicated,Insist on having both ability and political integrity、Put virtue first、Merit-based,In order to uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership、Providing a strong organizational guarantee for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics。The whole party must enhance the political and organizational functions of party organizations,Cultivation and selection of good cadres needed by the party and the people,Cultivate and create a large number of successors to the socialist cause who are worthy of the important responsibilities of the times,Gather the talents from all over the world and use them,Organizationally guarantee the party’s basic theory、Basic route、Implementation of the basic strategy。

 Fourth,Insist on serving the people wholeheartedly。In addition to the interests of the working class and the overwhelming majority of the people, the party,No special interests of their own。The party puts the interests of the people first at all times,Sharing joys and sorrows with the masses,Maintain the closest contact,Insist on rights for the people、Love belongs to the people、Profit is for the people,No party member is allowed to be separated from the masses,Above the masses。Our party’s greatest political advantage is its close ties with the masses,The biggest danger after the party takes power is to break away from the masses。Party style issue、The issue of the party’s contact with the people is a matter of life and death for the party。The party implements the mass line in its own work,Everything is for the masses,Rely on the masses for everything,From the masses,Go among the masses,Transform the party’s correct ideas into the conscious actions of the masses。

 Fifth,Adhere to democratic centralism。Democratic centralism is a combination of centralization based on democracy and democracy under centralized guidance。It is the fundamental organizational principle of the party,It is also the application of the mass line in the life of the party。Intra-party democracy must be fully developed,Respect the dominant position of party members,Guarantee the democratic rights of party members,Leverage the enthusiasm and creativity of party organizations at all levels and party members。Correct concentration must be implemented,Firmly establish political awareness、Awareness of the overall situation、Core consciousness、Align consciousness,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Ensure unity and unity of the whole party,Ensure that the party’s decisions are implemented quickly and effectively。Strengthen and standardize political life within the party,Enhance the political nature of political life within the party、Contemporary、Principle、Combatability,Develop a positive and healthy intra-party political culture,Create a good political ecology that is clean and upright。The party should correctly carry out criticism and self-criticism in its own political life,Ideological struggle on issues of principle,Stick to the truth,Fix bug。Strive to create both centralization and democracy,Discipline and freedom,A political situation where there is a unified will and a lively and lively personal mood。

Sixth,Adhere to strict party governance。Comprehensively and strictly administering the Party is always on the road,The party’s self-revolution is always on the road。Under the new situation,The test of governance faced by the party、The test of reform and opening up、Market economy test、The external environment test is long-term、Complex、Stern,Danger of mental slackness、Dangerous due to insufficient ability、Out of danger from the masses、The danger of negative corruption is more acutely placed in front of the whole party。Strict standards、Strict measures run through the entire process and all aspects of party management。Insist on governing the party according to regulations、Treat both the symptoms and the root causes,Continuously seabet loginimprove the party’s legal system,Insist on keeping discipline at the forefront,Strengthen organizational discipline,Everyone is equal before the party’s discipline。Strengthen the main responsibility and supervision responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,Strengthen the supervision of the party’s leading organs and party members and leading cadres, especially the main leading cadres,Continuously improve the intra-party supervision system。Deeply promote the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption,Punish corruption with zero tolerance,Promote as one and don’t dare to corrupt、Cannot be corrupted、Don’t want to be corrupt。

The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics,It is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,The party is the highest political leadership force。Party, Government, Military and Civilian Studies,East, West, South, North, Center,The party leads everything。The party must adapt to the requirements of reform, opening up and socialist modernization,Adhere to scientific governance、Democratic governance、Government in accordance with the law,Strengthen and improve the party’s leadership。The party must take charge of the overall situation、Principles for coordinating all parties,Play a core leadership role in various organizations at the same level。The party must concentrate on leading economic construction,Organization、Coordination of forces from all aspects,Work together,Carry out work around economic construction,Promote comprehensive economic and social development。The party must implement democratic and scientific decision-making,Plan and execute the right course、Policy、Policy,Do a good job in the party’s organizational work and publicity and education work,Play the vanguard and exemplary role of all party members。The party must operate within the scope of the constitution and law。The party must ensure the country’s legislation、Justice、Administration、Supervisory agency,Economy、Cultural organizations and people’s groups proactively、Independently and responsibly、Work in harmony。The party must strengthen its support for trade unions、Communist Youth League、Leaders of women’s federations and other mass organizations,Making them remain and become more political、Advancedness、Mass nature,Make full use of it。The party must adapt to the development of the situation and changes in circumstances,Improving the leadership system,Improve leadership style,Enhance governance capabilities。Communist Party members must cooperate closely with the masses outside the Party,Work together to build socialism with Chinese characteristics。

Chapter 1 Party Member

Article 1 Chinese workers over 18 years old、Farmer、Military、Intellectuals and advanced elements of other social classes,Recognize the party’s program and charter,Willing to join a party organization and actively work in it、Implement the party’s resolutions and pay party dues on time,You can apply to join the Communist Party of China。

Article 2: Members of the Communist Party of China are the vanguard fighters with communist consciousness of the Chinese working class。

Members of the Communist Party of China must serve the people wholeheartedly,At the expense of everything personally,Strive for life to realize communism。

Members of the Communist Party of China are always ordinary members of the working people。Except for personal interests and work authority within the scope of laws and policies,All Communist Party members shall not seek any private interests or privileges。

Article 3 Party members must fulfill the following obligations:

(1) Seriously study Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Learn the party’s line、Policy、Policies and Resolutions,Learn the basic knowledge of the party and the history of the party,Learning Science、Culture、Legal and business knowledge,Strive to improve the ability to serve the people。

(2) Enhance the “four consciousnesses”、Strong “Four Confidences”、Achieve "two maintenances",Implement the party’s basic line and various policies、Policy,Take the lead in participating in reform, opening up and socialist modernization,Lead the masses to work hard for economic development and social progress,In production、Work、Play a pioneering and exemplary role in study and social life。

(3) Adhere to the interests of the party and the people above all else,Personal interests are subject to the interests of the party and the people,Be prepared to endure hardship,Enjoy later,Self-denial and devotion to public service,Contribute more。

(4) Consciously abide by the party’s discipline,The first is the party’s political discipline and political rules,Exemplary compliance with national laws and regulations,Strictly Conservative and National Secrets,Implement the party’s decision,Obey to organization distribution,Actively complete the party’s tasks。

(5) Maintaining the unity and unity of the party,Loyal and honest to the party,Be consistent in words and deeds,Resolutely oppose all factional organizations and clique activities,Oppose double-faced behavior and all conspiracies。

(6) Effectively carry out criticism and self-criticism,Have the courage to expose and correct words and deeds that violate the party’s principles and shortcomings in work、Error,Resolutely fight against negative corruption。

(7) Close contact with the masses,Promote the party’s ideas to the masses,Discuss with the masses when encountering problems,Report the opinions and demands of the masses to the party in a timely manner,Protect the legitimate interests of the masses。

(8) Carry forward the new trend of socialism,Take the lead in practicing socialist core values ​​and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace,Promote communist morality,Promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation,In order to protect the interests of the country and the people,Stand forward in all difficult and dangerous moments,Heroic struggle,Not afraid of sacrifice。

Article 4 Party members enjoy the following rights:

(1) Participate in relevant party meetings,Read relevant party documents,Accept education and training from the party。

(2) At party meetings and in party newspapers and periodicals,Participate in discussions on party policy issues。

(3) Make suggestions and initiatives on the party’s work.

(4) Criticizing any party organization or any party member on a basis at a party meeting,Responsible disclosure to the party、Report the fact that any party organization or any party member violates laws and disciplines,Requires punishment of party members who violate laws and discipline,Requesting the removal or replacement of incompetent cadres。

(5) Exercise of voting rights、Right to vote,Has the right to be elected。

(6) When the party organization discusses and decides on party disciplinary sanctions or appraisals of party members,I have the right to participate and defend myself,Other party members can testify and defend him。

(7) If you have different opinions on the party’s resolutions and policies,Under the premise of resolute implementation,Can be declared reserved,And you can submit your opinions to the party’s higher-level organizations and even to the central committee。

(8) Make a request to the party’s superior organization or to the central committee、Complaints and accusations,And require relevant organizations to give responsible replies。

No party organization at any level up to the central government has the right to deprive party members of the above rights。

Article 5: Developing Party Members,Political standards must be put first,Passing the party branch,Adhere to the principle of individual absorption。

Those who apply to join the party,To fill in the application form for joining the party,Two official party members are required as introducers,To be passed by the branch meeting and approved by the superior party organization,And passed the preparatory period inspection,In order to become a formal party member。

The introducer must carefully understand the applicant’s thoughts、Quality、Experience and work performance,Explain the party’s program and party charter to him,Explain the conditions for party membership、Obligations and rights,And make a responsible report to the party organization。

The party branch committee treats those who apply to join the party,Pay attention to soliciting opinions from relevant people inside and outside the party,Conduct strict review,Submit it to the branch meeting for discussion after it is deemed qualified。

The superior party organization before approving the applicant to join the party,Send someone to talk to him,For further understanding,And help him improve his understanding of the party。

In special circumstances,Party Central Committee and Province、Autonomous Region、Municipal committees can directly accept party members。

Article 6: Prospective party members must face the party flag and take the oath of joining the party。The oath is as follows: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China,Support the party’s program,Abide by the party’s charter,Perform party member obligations,Implement the party’s decision,Strictly observe party discipline,Conservative Secrets,Loyal to the party,Work actively,Fight for life for communism,Ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people,Never betray the party。

Article 7 The preparatory period for probationary party members is one year。Party organizations should seriously educate and inspect probationary party members。

The obligations of probationary party members are the same as those of formal party members。Rights of probationary party members,Except no voting rights、Except the right to vote and the right to be elected,Also the same as a formal party member。

The probationary period of probationary party members has expired,The party branch should promptly discuss whether he can become a formal party member。Earnestly fulfill the obligations of party members,Those who meet the qualifications of party members,Should be converted into a formal party member on time;Those who need further investigation and education,The preparation period can be extended,But not more than one year;Failure to fulfill party member obligations,Those who do not meet the conditions of party membership,The preliminary party membership qualification should be cancelled。Conversion of probationary party members to formal party members,Or extend the preparation period,Or cancel the preliminary party membership,All should be discussed and approved by the branch meeting and approved by the superior party organization。

Preparatory period for probationary party members,Counting from the date when the branch meeting approved him as a probationary party member。Party member’s party age,Counting from the date when the preparatory period expires and becomes a formal party member。

Article 8 Every Party Member,Regardless of position,Everyone must be incorporated into a branch of the party、Group or other specific organization,Participate in the organizational life of the party,Accept supervision from the masses inside and outside the party。Party members and leading cadres must also join the party committee、Party group’s democratic life meeting。No one who does not participate in the party’s organizational life is allowed、Special party members who do not accept supervision from the masses inside and outside the party。

Article 9 Party members have the freedom to quit the party。Party members request to quit the party,Removal should be announced after discussion at the branch meeting,Also reported to the superior party organization for record。

Party members lack revolutionary will,Failure to fulfill party member obligations,Does not meet party membership requirements,The party branch should educate him,Require him to make corrections within a time limit;Those who have not changed after education,He should be persuaded to quit the party。Persuading party members to quit the party,Should be discussed and decided at the branch meeting,And report to the superior party organization for approval。If a party member who is advised to quit the party insists on quitting,Should be submitted to the branch meeting for discussion,Decided to remove him,And report to the superior party organization for approval。

If a party member has no legitimate reason,Not participating in the party’s organizational life for six consecutive months,Or not to pay party dues,Or not doing the work assigned by the party,It is considered that he has left the party on his own initiative。The branch meeting should decide to remove such party members,And report to the superior party organization for approval。

Chapter 2 The Party’s Organizational System

Article 10 The party is based on its own program and charter,A unified whole organized according to democratic centralism。The basic principles of the party’s democratic centralism are:

(1) Individual party members obey the party organization,The minority obeys the majority,Subordinate organizations obey the superior organization,All party organizations and all party members obey the party’s National Congress and Central Committee。

(2) The party’s leading organs at all levels,Except for their representative offices and party groups in non-party organizations,All elected。

(3) The highest leadership organ of the party,It is the National Congress of the Party and the Central Committee it produced。The party’s local leading organs at all levels,It is the party’s local congresses at all levels and the committees they produce。Party committees at all levels are responsible for and report on their work to the congresses at the same level。

(4) The party’s higher-level organizations must always listen to the opinions of lower-level organizations and party members,Resolve the problems they raised in a timely manner。The party’s lower-level organizations must both ask for instructions and report work to higher-level organizations,You must also solve problems within your own responsibilities independently and responsibly。Exchange of information between superior and subordinate organizations、Mutual support and mutual supervision。Party organizations at all levels must implement party affairs disclosure in accordance with regulations,Enable party members to have more understanding and participation in party affairs。

(5) Party committees at all levels implement a system that combines collective leadership with individual division of labor and responsibility。All major issues must be guided by collective leadership、Democratic Centralization、Individual brewing、Principles decided by the meeting,Discussed collectively by the party committee,Make a decision;Committee members must make collective decisions and division of labor,Perform your responsibilities effectively。

(6) The party prohibits any form of personality worship。We must ensure that the activities of party leaders are under the supervision of the party and the people,At the same time, safeguard the prestige of all leaders who represent the interests of the party and the people。

Article 11: The election of deputies and committees to the Party’s congresses at all levels,To reflect the will of the electors。The election shall be by secret ballot。The list of candidates must be fully discussed by the party organization and the electors。You can directly use the differential election method where the number of candidates is greater than the number of candidates to be elected for formal elections。You can also use the differential election method for pre-selection,Generate candidate list,Then a formal election。The elector knows about the candidates、Request to change candidate、The right not to elect any candidate and to elect another。No organization or individual may force electors to elect or not elect someone in any way。

Elections for the Party’s local congresses at all levels and grassroots congresses,If a violation of the Party Constitution occurs,After investigation and verification by the party committee at the higher level,A decision should be made to invalidate the election and take corresponding measures,Also reported to the next higher party committee for review and approval,Officially announced execution。

Delegates to the Party’s congresses at all levels implement a term system.

Article 12 The Party Central Committee and local committees at all levels convene representative meetings when necessary,Discuss and decide on major issues that need to be resolved in a timely manner。Quota and selection method of delegates to the Representative Conference,Decided by the committee convening the representative meeting。

Article 13 Any new organization established by the party,Or cancel the original organization of the party,Must be decided by the superior party organization。

During the intersessions of the Party’s local congresses at all levels and grassroots congresses,When the superior party organization deems it necessary,The person in charge of the lower-level party organization can be transferred or assigned。

The Party Central Committee and local committees at all levels may send representative bodies。

Article 14 The Party Central Committee and the Province、Autonomous Region、Municipal committees implement an inspection system,Within one term,To the place managed、Department、Party organizations of enterprises and institutions achieve full coverage of inspections。

Party groups (party committees) of relevant central ministries and state agencies and departments according to work needs,Carry out inspection work。

Party city (region、State、League) and county (city、District、Flag) Committee establishes inspection system。

Article 15 The Party’s leading organs at all levels,When making decisions on important issues related to subordinate organizations,Under normal circumstances,Need to seabet mobileseek opinions from subordinate organizations。To ensure that subordinate organizations can properly exercise their powers。Any issues that should be handled by lower-level organizations,If there are no special circumstances,Superior leadership agencies should not interfere。

Article 16: Major national policy issues,Only the Party Central Committee has the right to make decisions,Departments、Local party organizations can make suggestions to the central government,But you are not allowed to make decisions or express opinions to the outside world without authorization。

The party’s lower-level organizations must resolutely implement the decisions of the higher-level organizations。If the lower-level organization believes that the decision of the upper-level organization is not in line with the region、The actual situation of this department,Can request changes;If the parent organization insists on the original decision,Subordinate organizations must implement,Do not publicly express different opinions,But has the right to report to the next higher level organization。

Newspapers and other propaganda tools of party organizations at all levels,Must propagate the party’s line、Policy、Policies and Resolutions。

Article 17 Party organizations discuss and decide issues,The principle of minority submission to the majority must be implemented。Deciding important issues,To be voted on。Different opinions of a few people,Should be seriously considered。If there is a dispute about important issues,The number of both sides is close,Except in emergencies the majority opinion must be followed,Decision should be postponed,Further investigation,Exchange opinions,Vote next time;In special circumstances,You can also report the dispute to the superior organization,Request for ruling。

Individual party members express important opinions on behalf of the party organization,If it exceeds the scope decided by the party organization,Must be submitted to the party organization for discussion and decision,Or ask for instructions from the higher-level party organization。Any party member regardless of position,No one can decide major issues personally;In case of emergency,When the decision must be made by an individual,Report to the party organization promptly after the incident。No leader is allowed to exercise personal arbitrariness and put individuals above the organization。

Article 18 The Central Committee of the Party、Local and grassroots organizations,Everyone must pay attention to party building,Frequently discuss and review the party’s propaganda work、Education work、Organization work、Discipline inspection work、Mass work、United front work, etc.,Pay attention to the ideological and political situation inside and outside the party。

Chapter 3 The Party’s Central Organization

Article 19 The National Congress of the Party is held every five years,Convened by the Central Committee。The Central Committee deems it necessary,Or more than one-third of provincial-level organizations make requests,The National Congress can be held in advance;If there are no extraordinary circumstances,No postponement allowed。

Quota and election methods of deputies to the National Congress,Decided by the Central Committee。

Article 20 The functions and powers of the Party’s National Congress are:

(1) Hear and review the report of the Central Committee;

(2) Review the report of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection;

(3) Discuss and decide on major issues of the party;

(4) Amending the Party’s Constitution;

(5) Election of the Central Committee;

(6) Election of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Article 21 The functions and powers of the Party’s National Congress are: to discuss and decide on major issues;Adjustment and co-optation of the Central Committee、Some members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection。The amount of adjustment and election of Central Committee members and alternate Central Committee members,Shall not exceed one-fifth of the total number of Central Committee members and alternate Central Committee members elected by the Party’s National Congress。

Article 22 The term of each Party Central Committee is five years。If the National Congress is held in advance or postponed,Its tenure changes accordingly。Members and alternate members of the Central Committee must have more than five years of party experience。Quota of members and alternate members of the Central Committee,Decided by the National Congress。Central Committee member vacancy,Alternate members of the Central Committee will be replaced in order according to the number of votes they receive。

The plenary meeting of the Central Committee is convened by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee,Hold at least once a year。The Political Bureau of the Central Committee reports its work to the plenary session of the Central Committee,Accept supervision。

During the intersession of the National Congress,The Central Committee implements the resolutions of the National Congress,Lead all the work of the party,Representing the Communist Party of China to the outside world。

Article 23 The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee、General Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee,Elected by the Central Committee Plenary Session。The General Secretary of the Central Committee must be selected from the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee。

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee and its Standing Committee during the intersession of the Central Committee Plenary Session,Exercising the powers of the Central Committee。

The Secretariat of the Central Committee is the administrative agency of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and its Standing Committee;Members are nominated by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee,Adopted by the plenary session of the Central Committee。

The General Secretary of the Central Committee is responsible for convening meetings of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee,And preside over the work of the Secretariat of the Central Committee。

The composition of the Party’s Central Military Commission shall be determined by the Central Committee,The Central Military Commission implements the chairman responsibility system。

The central leadership body and central leaders produced by each Central Committee,During the next session of the National Congress,Continue to preside over the regular work of the party,Until the next Central Committee produces a new central leadership agency and central leaders。

Article 24 Party Organization of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army,Work according to the instructions of the Central Committee。The Central Military Commission is responsible for the party’s work and political work in the army,Provisions on the party’s organizational system and institutions in the military。

Chapter 4 Local Organizations of the Party

Article 25 The Party’s Province、Autonomous Region、Municipal Congress,Congresses of District Cities and Autonomous Prefectures,County (Flag)、Autonomous County、Congresses of cities without districts and municipal districts,Held every five years。

The local party congresses at all levels are convened by the party committee at the same level。In special circumstances,Approved by the superior committee,Can be held in advance or postponed。

Quota and election methods for deputies to the Party’s local congresses at all levels,Decided by the party committee at the same level,And report it to the higher-level party committee for approval。

Article 26 The functions and powers of the Party’s local congresses at all levels are:

(1) Hear and review reports of committees at the same level;

(2) Review the report of the disciplinary inspection committee at the same level;

(3) Discuss and make resolutions on major issues within the region;

(4) Election of party committees at the same level,Elect the disciplinary inspection committee of the party at the same level。

Article 27 The Party’s Province、Autonomous Region、Municipality、Committees of districted cities and autonomous prefectures,Five-year term。Members and alternate members of these committees must have more than five years of party experience。

Party County (Flag)、Autonomous County、Commissions of municipalities without districts and municipal districts,Five-year term。Members and alternate members of these committees must have more than three years of party experience。

If the party’s local congresses at all levels are held in advance or postponed,The term of the committee elected by it changes accordingly。

Number of members and alternate members of local party committees at all levels,Decided by the upper level committee respectively。Vacancies in local party committee members at all levels,Alternate members will be replaced in order according to the number of votes they receive。

Plenary meetings of local party committees at all levels,Convened at least twice a year。

Local party committees at all levels during the intersessions of the Congress,Implement the instructions of the superior party organization and the resolutions of the party congress at the same level,Lead the work of the local area,Regularly report work to higher-level party committees。

Article 28 Plenary meetings of local party committees at all levels,Election of Standing Committee and Secretary、Deputy Secretary,And report to the higher-level party committee for approval。Standing committees of local party committees at all levels,During the intersessional period of the Committee Plenary,Exercise committee powers;During the next session of the Congress,Continue to host regular work,Until a new standing committee is formed。

The standing committees of local party committees at all levels report their work regularly to the plenary meetings of the committee,Accept supervision。

Article 29 Regional Committees of the Party and Organizations Equivalent to Regional Committees,It is the province of the party、Autonomous regional committees in several counties、Autonomous County、Representative agencies dispatched within the city limits。It is based on province、Authorization from the Autonomous Region Committee,Leading work in the region。

Chapter 5 The Party’s Grassroots Organization

Article 30 Enterprise、Rural Area、Organization、School、Hospital、Scientific Research Institute、Street community、Social organization、People’s Liberation Army companies and other grassroots units,Any party with more than three official party members,Everyone should establish a grassroots party organization。

The party’s grassroots organization,Based on work needs and number of party members,Approved by the superior party organization,Establish separate party grassroots committees、General Branch Committee、Branch Committee。Grassroots committees are elected by party members’ conferences or congresses,The general branch committee and branch committees are elected by the party members conference,When proposing candidates for committee members, we must extensively solicit opinions from party members and the masses。

Article 31 The Party’s grassroots committee、General Branch Committee、The term of each branch committee is three to five years。Grassroots Committee、General Branch Committee、Secretary of the branch committee、After the deputy secretary is elected,Should be reported to the superior party organization for approval。

Article 32 The Party’s grassroots organizations are the Party’s fighting fortress in the grassroots organizations of society,It is the foundation of all the party’s work and combat effectiveness。Its basic tasks are:

(1) Propaganda and implementation of the party’s line、Policy、Policy,Propaganda and Implementation of the Party Central Committee、Resolutions of parent organizations and this organization,Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members,Actively strive for excellence,Unity、Organize cadres and masses inside and outside the party,Work hard to complete the tasks assigned by this unit。

(2) Organize party members to study Marxism-Leninism seriously、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Promote "Two Studies and One Action" learning and education、Normalization and institutionalization of party history study and education,Learn the party’s line、Policy、Policies and Resolutions,Learn the basic knowledge of the party,Learning Science、Culture、Legal and business knowledge。

(3) Educating party members、Management、Supervision and Service,Improving the quality of party members,Strong ideals and beliefs,Enhance party spirit,Strict Party Organizational Life,Carry out criticism and self-criticism,Maintain and enforce party discipline,Supervise party members’ effective performance of their obligations,Protect party members’ rights from infringement。Strengthen and improve the management of mobile party members。

(4) Close contact with the masses,Always understand the masses’ views on party members、Criticisms and opinions on the party’s work,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people,Do a good job in the ideological and political work of the masses。

(5) Give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of party members and the masses,Discovered、Cultivate and recommend outstanding talents among them,Encourage and support them to contribute their talents and talents in reform, opening up and socialist modernization。

(6) Educate and train activists who request to join the party,Do a good job in developing party members on a regular basis,Emphasis on production、Develop party members on the front line and among young people。

(7) Supervise party members, cadres and any other staff to strictly abide by national laws and regulations,Strictly abide by the country’s financial and economic regulations and personnel systems,Not allowed to invade the country、The interests of the collective and the masses。

(8) Educate party members and the masses to consciously resist bad tendencies,Resolutely fight against all kinds of violations of discipline and law。

Article 33 Street、Township、The grassroots committee of the town party and the village、Community Party Organization,Unified leadership of various grassroots organizations and various tasks in the region,Strengthening grassroots social governance,Support and guarantee administrative organization、Economic organizations and mass autonomous organizations fully exercise their powers。

State-owned enterprise party committees (party groups) play a leadership role,Turn the direction、Manage the overall situation、Guarantee implementation,Discuss and decide on major corporate matters in accordance with regulations。The party’s grassroots organizations in state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises,Carry out work around enterprise production and operations。Guarantee to supervise the policies of the party and the country、Implementation of policies in the enterprise;Support shareholders meeting、Board of Directors、The board of supervisors and the manager (factory director) exercise their powers in accordance with the law;Rely wholeheartedly on the employees,Support the work of the Workers’ Congress;Participate in decision-making on major corporate issues;Strengthen the self-construction of the party organization,Leading ideological and political work、Construction of spiritual civilization、United Front Work and Trade Unions、Communist Youth League、Women’s organizations and other mass organizations。

The party’s grassroots organization in non-public economic organizations,Implement the party’s principles and policies,Guide and supervise enterprises to comply with national laws and regulations,Leading Trade Union、Communist Youth League and other mass organizations,Unite and unite the employees,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties,Promote the healthy development of enterprises。

The party’s grassroots organization in social organizations,Promote and implement the party’s line、Policy、Policy,Leading Trade Union、Communist Youth League and other mass organizations,Education Management Party Member,Leading and serving the masses,Promote career development。

The grassroots party organization in public institutions that implement the administrative leader responsibility system,Function as a battle fortress。The party’s grassroots organization in a public institution that implements the administrative leader responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee,Discuss and make decisions on major issues,At the same time, ensure that administrative leaders fully exercise their powers。

The party’s grassroots organizations in party and state organs at all levels,Assist the administrative person in charge to complete the task,Improvement work,Educate every party member including administrative leaders、Management、Supervision,Do not lead the business work of this unit。

Article 34: The party branch is the basic organization of the party,Responsible for directly educating party members、Manage party members、Supervise party members and organize the masses、Promote the masses、Gather the masses、Responsibility to serve the masses。

Chapter 6 Party Cadres

Article 35 Party cadres are the backbone of the party’s cause,A public servant of the people,Be loyal, clean and responsible。The party follows the principle of having both ability and political integrity、Selecting cadres based on the principle of morality first,Adhere to all corners of the country、Merit-based,Adhere to career first、Fair and decent,Oppose nepotism,Strive to realize the revolutionization of the cadre team、Rejuvenation、Knowledgeable、Specialization。

The party attaches great importance to education、Training、Selection、Assessment and supervision of cadres,Especially training、Select outstanding young cadres。Actively promote the reform of the cadre system。

The party attaches great importance to training、Select female cadres and minority cadres。

Article 36 The party’s leading cadres at all levels must have firm beliefs、Serving the people、Diligent and pragmatic、Dare to take responsibility、Integrity and integrity,Exemplarily perform the obligations of party members stipulated in Article 3 of this Article,And must meet the following basic conditions:

(1) Possess the Marxism-Leninism necessary to perform duties、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、The level of scientific development concept,Take Seabetthe lead in implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Strive to use a Marxist stance、Opinion、Method analysis and solving practical problems,Insist on learning、Talk about politics、Talk about integrity,Withstand the test of all kinds of wind and waves。

(2) Having lofty ideals of communism and a firm belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics,Resolutely implement the party’s basic line and various policies、Policy,Determined to reform and open up,Dedicated to the cause of modernization,Working hard in socialist construction,Establish a correct view of political performance,Made to withstand practice、People、Achievements in historical testing。

(3) Persist in emancipating the mind,Seek truth from facts,Advancing with the times,Pioneering and innovative,Careful investigation and research,Be able to implement the party’s policy、The policy is the same as that of this region、Combined with the actual situation of this department,Carry out work effectively,Tell the truth,Do practical things,Seeking practical results。

(4) Have a strong sense of revolutionary enterprise and political responsibility,Have practical experience,Have the organizational ability to be competent in leadership work、Educational level and professional knowledge。

(5) Correctly exercise the power granted by the people,Adhere to principles,According to the law,Integrity and integrity,Work diligently for the people,Lead by example,Hard work and simplicity,Close contact with the masses,Adhere to the party’s mass line,Consciously accept criticism and supervision from the party and the masses,Strengthen moral cultivation,Talk about party spirit、Good conduct、Set an example,Respect yourself、Introspection、Self-alarm、Self-motivated,Oppose formalism、Bureaucracy、Hedonism and luxury,Oppose the idea and phenomenon of privilege,Oppose any abuse of power、Behavior seeking personal gain。

(6) Uphold and safeguard the party’s democratic centralism,Have democratic style,Have a global perspective,Good at uniting comrades,Including uniting with comrades who have different opinions to work together。

Article 37 Party members and cadres must be good at cooperating with non-party cadres,Respect them,Learn their strengths with an open mind。

Party organizations at all levels must be good at discovering and recommending non-party cadres with real talents and practical knowledge to assume leadership positions,Ensure they have authority,Make full use of them。

Article 38 Leading cadres of the Party at all levels,Whether democratically elected,Or appointed by the leading authority,None of their positions are lifelong,All can be changed or canceled。

Cadres whose age and health are not suitable for continuing to serve,Should be returned in accordance with national regulations、Retired。

Chapter 7 Party Discipline

Article 39 Party discipline is the rules of conduct that all levels of the Party’s organizations and all Party members must abide by,It is to safeguard the unity of the party、Guarantee to complete the party’s tasks。Party organizations must strictly implement and maintain party discipline,Communist members must consciously accept the constraints of the party’s discipline。

Article 40 Party discipline mainly includes political discipline、Organizational discipline、Integrity and discipline、Mass discipline、Work discipline、Life discipline。

Insist on learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones、Treat diseases and save lives,Discipline must be strictly enforced、Discipline violations will be investigated,Catch the early ones and catch the little ones、Prevent the slightest change,According to the nature of the error and the seriousness of the circumstances,Give criticism and education、Ordered to check、Admonition to disciplinary action。Using "Four Forms" of Supervision and Discipline,Let "red face、Sweating” has become the norm,Party disciplinary sanctions、Organizational adjustment has become an important means of managing and governing the party,Serious violation of discipline、Party members who seriously violate criminal laws must be expelled from the party。

The party is strictly prohibited from treating party members by means that violate the party constitution and national laws,Retaliation and false accusations and frame-ups are strictly prohibited。Organizations or individuals who violate these regulations must be held accountable by party discipline and national laws。

Article 41 There are five disciplinary sanctions against party members: warning、Severe warning、Revocation of party positions、Stay in the party for probation、Expelled from the Party。

The longest stay on party probation shall not exceed two years。Party members do not have the right to vote while on probation、The right to vote and the right to be elected。Party members have been detained for inspection,The error has been corrected,The rights of his party members should be restored;Those who insist on making mistakes,Should be expelled from the party。

Expulsion from the party is the highest punishment within the party。When party organizations at all levels decide or approve the expulsion of party members,Relevant materials and opinions should be studied comprehensively,Adopt a very cautious attitude。

Article 42 Disciplinary Punishment of Party Members,Must be discussed and decided at the branch meeting,Submit to the party’s grassroots committee for approval;If the issues involved are important or complex,Or party members may be expelled from the party,Should be different situations,Report to the Party Discipline Inspection Committee at or above the county level for review and approval。In special circumstances,Party committees and disciplinary inspection committees at the county level and above have the power to directly decide on disciplinary sanctions against party members。

To the members of the Party Central Committee、Alternate member,Give warning、Severe Warning Punishment,After deliberation by the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Submit to the Party Central Committee for approval。For members of local party committees at all levels、Alternate member,Give warning、Severe Warning Punishment,Should be approved by the higher level disciplinary inspection committee,And report it to its party committee at the same level for the record。

To members of the Party Central Committee and local committees at all levels、Alternate member,Remove party positions、Punishments of staying on party probation or expelled from the party,Must be decided by a two-thirds majority of the plenary meeting of the committee to which I belong。Between plenary meetings,The decision can be made first by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Standing Committee of local committees at all levels,To be ratified at the plenary meeting of the committee。The above-mentioned sanctions against members and alternate members of local committees at all levels,Must be reviewed by the Standing Committee of the Superior Commission for Discipline Inspection,The disciplinary inspection committee at this level shall report it to the party committee at the same level for approval。

Central Committee member who seriously violated criminal law、Alternate member,The Political Bureau of the Central Committee decides to expel him from the Party;Members of local committees at all levels who have seriously violated criminal laws、Alternate member,The standing committee of the committee at the same level decides to expel him from the party。

Article 43: Party organizations make disciplinary decisions on party members,We should seek truth from facts to find out the facts。The factual materials on which the disciplinary decision is based and the disciplinary decision must be met in person,Listen to my explanation and defense。If I am not satisfied with the disciplinary decision,You can file a complaint,Relevant party organizations must be responsible for handling or transmitting quickly,No detention。For those who really insist on wrong opinions and unreasonable demands,Need to provide criticism and education。

Article 44 If the party organization fails to maintain party discipline,Must be held accountable。

For serious violations of party discipline、A party organization that cannot correct itself,After verification by the party committee at the higher level,Should be based on the seriousness of the circumstances,Decision to reorganize or disband,Also reported to the next higher party committee for review and approval,Officially announced execution。

Chapter 8 The Party’s Discipline Inspection Organ

Article 45 The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection carries out its work under the leadership of the Party’s Central Committee。The Party’s local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels and grassroots disciplinary inspection committees work under the dual leadership of the party committees at the same level and the higher-level disciplinary inspection committees。The higher-level Party Discipline Inspection Committee strengthens its leadership over the lower-level Party Discipline Inspection Committee。

The terms of the Party's disciplinary inspection committees at all levels are the same as those of the Party committees at the same level。

Plenary Meeting of the Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Election of Standing Committee and Secretary、Deputy Secretary,Also reported to the Party Central Committee for approval。Plenary Meeting of the Party’s Local Discipline Inspection Committees at All Levels,Election of Standing Committee and Secretary、Deputy Secretary,And approved by the party committee at the same level,Submit to the superior party committee for approval。The grass-roots committee of the party establishes a disciplinary inspection committee,It is better to establish a disciplinary inspection committee,Decided by its superior party organization based on specific circumstances。The party’s general branch committee and branch committee shall establish discipline inspection committees。

The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and local Commissions for Discipline Inspection fully dispatch Party discipline inspection teams to Party and state organs at the same level,Report to relevant state-owned enterprises in accordance with regulations、The party’s discipline inspection team dispatched by public institutions。The leader of the discipline inspection team participated in relevant meetings of the party leadership organization in the unit。Their work must be supported by the party leadership organization of the unit。

Article 46: The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels are the organs responsible for intra-Party supervision,The main task is: maintaining the party’s charter and other intra-party regulations,Check the party line、Policy、Implementation of policies and resolutions,Assist the party committee to promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party、Strengthen party style construction and organize and coordinate anti-corruption work,Promote and improve the party and state supervision system。

The responsibility of the Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels is to supervise、Discipline enforcement、Accountability,Party members must be regularly educated on observing discipline,Make decisions on maintaining party discipline;Perform responsibilities to party organizations and party members and leading cadres、Exercise power to supervise,Accept and handle mass reports from party members,Start conversation reminder、Inquiry by letter;Inspect and handle relatively important or complex cases in which party organizations and party members violate the party's charter and other intra-party regulations,Decide or cancel the punishment of party members in these cases;Carry out accountability or make suggestions for accountability;Accepting complaints and complaints from party members;Protect the rights of party members。

Disciplinary inspection committees at all levels should handle the issues and results of particularly important or complex cases,Report to the party committee at the same level。The Party’s local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels and grassroots disciplinary inspection committees must report to the higher-level disciplinary inspection committee at the same time。

Discipline inspection committees at all levels discover that members of party committees at the same level have violated party discipline,You can conduct preliminary verification first,If you need to file a case for inspection,Should report to the higher-level disciplinary inspection committee while reporting to the party committee at the same level;Involving standing committee members,Report to the higher-level disciplinary inspection committee,Preliminary verification by the higher-level disciplinary inspection committee,Requires review,The disciplinary inspection committee at the higher level shall report it to the party committee at the same level for approval。

Article 47: Discipline inspection committees at higher levels have the right to inspect the work of discipline inspection committees at lower levels,And has the power to approve and change the decision of the lower-level disciplinary inspection committee on the case。If the decision of the lower-level disciplinary inspection committee is to be changed,Has been approved by its peer party committee,This change must be approved by its superior party committee。

If the party’s local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels and grassroots disciplinary inspection committees have different opinions on the decisions of the party committees at the same level in handling cases,You can request the higher-level disciplinary inspection committee for review;If a party committee at the same level or its members is found to have violated party discipline,When the party committee at the same level does not give a solution or does not give a correct solution,Right to lodge a complaint with the superior disciplinary inspection committee,Requesting assistance。

Chapter 9 Party Group

Article 48 In central and local state agencies、People’s Group、Economic Organization、In the leading bodies of cultural organizations and other non-party organizations,Party group can be established。The party group plays a leading role。The tasks of the party group,Mainly responsible for implementing the party’s line、Policy、Policy;Strengthen the leadership of party building in this unit,Perform the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party;Discuss and decide on major issues of the unit;Do a good job in cadre management;Discuss and decide on the establishment, adjustment and development of party members of grassroots party organizations、Punishment of party members and other important matters;Unite non-party cadres and the masses,Complete the tasks assigned by the party and the country;Work of leading organs and party organizations of directly affiliated units。

Article 49 Members of the Party Group,Decided by the party organization that approved the establishment of the party group。Party Party Secretary,Deputy secretary can also be set up if necessary。

The party group must obey the leadership of the party organization that approved its establishment.

Article 50 In the leading organs of national work departments and relevant units that implement centralized and unified leadership over subordinate units,Party committee can be established,Methods for the formation of party committees、Permissions and tasks,Subject to separate regulations by the central government。

Chapter 10 The relationship between the Party and the Communist Youth League

Article 51 The Chinese Communist Youth League is a mass organization of advanced youth led by the Communist Party of China,It is a school where young people learn socialism and communism with Chinese characteristics in practice,is the party’s assistant and reserve force。The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League is under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Party。The local organizations of the Communist Youth League at all levels are under the leadership of the party committee at the same level,Also under the leadership of the superior organization of the Communist Youth League。

Article 52 Party committees at all levels must strengthen their leadership over the Communist Youth League,Pay attention to the selection and training of regiment cadres。The Party must firmly support the Communist Youth League based on the characteristics and needs of the majority of young people,lively、Work creatively,Give full play to the regiment’s role as a commando and as a bridge connecting young people。

Secretary of the county-level and committee committees below the county level,Secretary of the Youth League Committee of enterprises and institutions,Is a party member,Can attend meetings of party committees and standing committees at the same level。

Chapter 11 Party Emblem and Flag

Article 53 The emblem of the Communist Party of China is a pattern composed of a sickle and a hammer。

Article 54 The flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag with a golden party emblem pattern on the flag surface。

Article 55 The emblem and flag of the Communist Party of China are the symbols and symbols of the Communist Party of China。Party organizations at all levels and every party member must safeguard the dignity of the party emblem and flag。The party emblem and flag must be made and used in accordance with regulations。

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