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  To promote centralized rectification of formalism、Bureaucratic deployment and implementation,Warning and educating party members and cadres to strictly abide by regulations、Improve your style,Continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of style construction,Recently, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection seabet online casinoseabet ioreported 5 cases of formalism、Typical problems of bureaucracy,They are:

  The Urban Management and Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Lingcheng District, Dezhou City shirks the people’s demands、Coping with problems passively。October 2018,The masses reported to the leaders of the Dezhou Municipal Party Committee who visited Lingcheng District on-site,The family home where he lives is in a low-lying area、Internal sewage irrigation,The toilet in the resident’s home cannot be used,Requesting renovation of the blocked public toilets in the hospital。The responsible comrade from the Lingcheng District Government who accompanied the visit,Clearly require the District Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau to complete the renovation of public toilets before November 20 of that year。The then party secretary of the bureau、Director Zhang Hongyong and others,Indifference to the interests and sufferings of the masses,Shifting the blame for the masses’ demands、Passive coping,As a result, the reported problem could not be solved for a long time,causing adverse effects。June 2019,Zhang Hongyong was warned and punished by the party,Other relevant personnel will be dealt with accordingly。

Linshu County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau、The county finance bureau fails to supervise rural toilet renovation、Workflow formality issues。2016,In the process of hardening village roads and improving rural toilets,Linshu County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau did not strictly implement the regulations of superiors,Supervision、Audit and acceptance is just a formality,Resulting in substandard toilet renovation quality、The toilet renovation data is untrue;Linshu County Finance Bureau does not perform its duties correctly,There is a third-party acceptance agency that does not follow government procurement procedures、Not carefully reviewing the qualifications of acceptance personnel、Illegal allocation of funds for toilet renovation projects and other issues。January 2019,The problem of toilet renovation in Dongguan Village, Yushan Town was exposed by relevant media,causing serious adverse effects。February 2019,Member of the Party Leadership Group of the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau、Deputy Director Shen Taiwu,Former Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the County Finance Bureau、Deputy Director of the Non-Tax Revenue Administration Zhang Fuqiu received warnings Seabetseabet cluband sanctions from the party;Yuan Weiping, former section chief of the Rural Construction Section of the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau、Wang Yingbao, deputy director of the Logistics Office, received warnings from the party、Serious warning and punishment within the party,Ji Zhenjie, director of the Comprehensive Reform Office of the County Finance Bureau, received a serious warning and punishment from the party;Other personnel will be dealt with accordingly。

Gong Yongming, deputy director of the Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Center of Qixia Agricultural Bureau, does not strictly control the review of poverty alleviation projects,Resulting in corporate poverty alleviation work being divorced from actual problems。2016 to 2017,Qixia Agricultural Bureau is in the process of organizing the demonstration and construction of an industrial cluster on the quality and safety of exported agricultural products,Gong Yongming is the person directly responsible,Insufficient review of project plan,Following corporate poverty alleviation work、Supervision、Inspection is not in place,Resulting in the impracticality of the company’s targeted poverty alleviation material subsidy plan,Distributing fertilizers to elderly people who are unable to work multiple times in a row、Pesticides and other supplies,Poor effect of package assistance in poverty alleviation,causing adverse effects。November 2018,Gong Yongming was warned and punished by the party。

Wang Quanmin, deputy section cadre of Guhe Town, Gaotang County、The problem of Qu Lei, director of the Urban Development Office, committing fraud in the construction of clean heating。November 2018,Guhe Town is reporting the statistics of villages (residentials) on the completion of clean heating construction in rural areas,Wang Quanmin as the leader in charge,Knowing that the town has not completed the renovation task as scheduled,Qu Lei was instructed to report the project as completed and accepted。December 2018,The provincial government working group discovered during inspection of some villages in Guhe Town,19 out of 50 households have not completed the renovation、20 households have not completed the completion acceptance。February 2019,Wang Quanmin、Qu Lei received warnings and punishments from the party。

Zhang Lei, a member of the Audit Section of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Jiyang District, Jinan seabet casino reviewseabet casino reviewCity, does nothing to serve the masses、Slowness as a problem。May 2016,Zhang Lei is in the process of approving skills training subsidies,For those who meet the requirements for receiving subsidies,Rejection due to incomplete application materials,It has been postponed until July 2018,causing adverse effects。August 2018,Zhang Lei received an administrative warning。

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out,The above 5 typical problems,Some ignore the interests of the masses,Failure to respond to the reasonable demands of the masses、Slow action,Shifting the blame、Passive coping;Some people only act as "setters" to implement the arrangements of their superiors,Insufficient follow-up and supervision、Inspection and acceptance is just a formality;Some fail to implement targeted poverty alleviation work,Assistance to the poor is out of touch with reality;Some cheat at work、Concealed problem。Occurrence of these problems,Describe current formalism、Bureaucratic problems are still prominent in some places and departments,Concentrated rectification work needs to be carried out in depth、Do it to the truth。These party members and cadres will be dealt with severely,Profound lesson,Party members and cadres must draw inferences from one example、Take a warning,Always look at yourself from the perspective of the unity of knowledge and action、Require yourself、Check yourself,Take the lead in implementing the spirit of the eight central regulations,Consciously correct the "four trends"。

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasized,Formalism、Bureaucracy goes against the nature and purpose of the party,Harm the vital interests of the masses,Affect the party’s image and credibility,The cadres and the masses are deeply disgusted,Must be vigorously rectified、Resolutely overcome。Party organizations at all levels must be guided by the party’s political construction,From adhering to political principles、The height of strict political discipline,In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee,Jointly carry out "Don't forget the original intention、Keep your mission in mind” theme education,Breaking through one problem at a time,Advance stage by stage,Troubleshoot the problem、Rectification, seabet myseabet casino reviewcorrection, implementation and details,Resolutely prevent "going through the motions" and "doing nothing"。Discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels must be based on their functional positioning,Perform supervision responsibilities conscientiously,Assist the party committee to promote the in-depth implementation of centralized rectification;Formalism must be investigated and dealt with、Bureaucratic issues as daily supervision、Inspection inspection、Disciplinary review、Key points of supervision and investigation,Special treatment of corruption and work style issues in the field of poverty alleviation、Environmental Protection Accountability、Management of outstanding issues in the field of people’s livelihood、Combined the special struggle against organized crime and evil,Strict supervision and discipline;We must comprehensively apply the "four forms" of supervision and discipline,Accurately grasp the policy、Accurate quantitative measurement、Precise processing and disposal,It embodies catching the early and catching the young、Prevent the slightest change,It also reflects strict investigation and strict punishment、Serious accountability;Strengthen warning education,In-depth analysis of typical cases,Guide party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, to consciously improve their work style,Increase the exposure of notifications,Revelation of all those who violate disciplines by name and surname exposed,Release a strong signal to the whole society that is real and hard to deal with。

Source: Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision website

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