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current,New infrastructure seabet live casinoinvestment in various places is at full capacity,As the "vanguard" of new infrastructure,5G construction is accelerating at full speed。While seizing the construction period for 5G communication infrastructure construction,All localities and the three major operators are stepping up their efforts to refine the 5G commercial “script”。Among them,Countdown to 5G messaging commercial use,Industrial Internet、The Internet of Vehicles and other fields are poised for development。

The Standing Committee meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held on March 4 emphasized that,Accelerate 5G network、Construction progress of new infrastructure such as data centers。Subsequently,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have made specific arrangements on many occasions。

March 24,The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice on Promoting the Accelerated Development of 5G",Making system deployment to enrich 5G technology application scenarios,Including promoting new information consumption、Promote the innovative development of “5G + medical health”、Implementing the “5G + Industrial Internet” 512 Project、Promote the coordinated development of "5G + Internet of Vehicles", etc.。April 17,Chen Zhaoxiong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, emphasized at the expert seminar on promoting digital infrastructure construction,Accelerate the progress of 5G construction,Strive to build high quality as soon as possible、Wide coverage 5G network,Especially in industrial clusters with urgent needs、Prioritize construction and application in economically developed areas。

April 20,Wu Hao, Director of the Department of Innovation and High-tech Development of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at the press conference,The next step is to do a good job in project construction。Accelerate the deployment of 5G networks,Promote the optimization and upgrading of fiber optic broadband networks,Accelerate the seabet online casinoconstruction of a national integrated big data center。

Various regions have also released 5G construction plans for 2020。For example,Yunnan Province has made it clear that 5G independent networking and large-scale deployment of 5G base stations will be launched in 2020,Achieve official commercial use of 5G。Proposed by Jiangxi Province,Comprehensive launch of large-scale 5G network deployment and application scenario development,Accelerate the establishment of 5G Industry Development Fund,Develop a directory of 5G industry chain enterprises。Wang Zhiqin, Vice President of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology said,More than 20 provinces (autonomous regions) and cities have issued 5G-related guidance or action plans。

The three major operators are racing against time to speed up the construction of 5G networks。Li Zhengmao, general manager of China Telecom Group Co., Ltd., said recently,China Telecom strives to build 5G base stations this year covering all cities at or above the prefecture level across the country,Develop 5G commercial services in real time,Plan to realize the world’s first commercial use of 5G independent networking。According to the recent news released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,It is expected that the number of 5G base stations nationwide will exceed 500,000 by the end of the year。

Guangdong Telecom、Guangdong Unicom recently joined forces with Huawei、ZTE took the lead in completing independent network co-construction and shared network verification in 21 cities in Guangdong Province,Laying a solid network foundation for the subsequent commercial use of 5G independent networking。

"Accelerate the construction of 5G network,Not only directly promotes the development of 5G industry,It is also the basic support for 5G to accelerate the empowerment of other fields of "new infrastructure"。" said Peng Jian, deputy director of the Radio Management Research Institute of the Saidi Think Tank of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology。CICC believes,Support policies are introduced one after another,Help seabet online casinostabilize and enhance investment in 5G。2020 to 2022 is the peak investment period for 5G construction,Operators’ capital expenditures will gradually increase to build 5G commercial networks that basically cover the entire country。

Meanwhile,All regions and the three major operators are stepping up efforts to turn 5G commercial “construction drawings” into “real-life drawings”。

Currently,5G news has entered the countdown。April 8,China Telecom、China Mobile、China Unicom jointly released the "5G Message White Paper",China Unicom jointly released the "5G Message White Paper",Will promote the accelerated upgrade of traditional short message services。ZTE、Huawei、Xiaomi、Samsung、OPPO and other companies have fully affirmed and looked forward to the 5G messaging service。

Industrial Internet、Internet of Vehicles、5G application scenarios such as smart medical care are also ready to take off。“In ‘5G+VR/AR’、Live event、Games and entertainment and other emerging consumer fields,Already have better practices,And the market demand is huge。The application potential of 5G in the medical and health field is also accelerating its release。" Peng Jian said。

Internet of Vehicles,The "Smart Vehicle Innovation and Development Strategy" recently issued by 11 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission clearly stated,Combined with 5G commercial deployment, Promote the collaborative construction of 5G and Internet of Vehicles;Promote the large-scale development of city-level smart cars in places where conditions permit、Comprehensive application pilot,Support advantageous areas to create national IoV pilot areas。

Also,Many provinces have pressed the “accelerator button” to promote the development of “5G + Industrial Internet”。Liaoning Province has recently made arrangements to speed up the construction of 5G networks,Synchronously carry out application promotion such as “5G+Industrial Internet”。The "Three-Year Action Plan for the Innovation and Development of Industrial Internet in Liaoning Province (2020-2022)" recently released,By 2022,Construct 100 “5G + Industrial Internet” seabet clubdemonstration factories across the province。Proposed by Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Increase policy support,Deeply dig into the needs of industrial enterprises and 5G network application scenarios,Promote the safe development of “5G + Industrial Internet”。Fujian Province plans to implement the “10,000,000,000” Industrial Internet Project,Support the construction of industrial Internet platforms and application benchmark enterprises,Cultivation of typical application scenarios and application cases of "5G + Industrial Internet"。

Experts say,Accelerate the development of 5G industry,Need government、Operator、Enterprises work together,Focusing on important industrial links and products,Build an industrial system that matches needs。

Said Pan Helin, Executive Dean of the Digital Economy Research Institute of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Cultivation and development of new 5G industry momentum,First, we must grasp the development window,Increase 5G R&D and innovation support,Accelerate the construction of basic network,Consolidate and break through industrial advantages;Second, we must promote industrial integration and development,Optimizing industrial synergy capabilities,Encourage and support equal entry of diverse market entities,Enhanced service packages,Make full use of the advantages of 5G technology,Expand industrial development space。

Source of article: Economic Information Daily

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