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The establishment of the China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Pilot Free Trade Zone) is the responsibility of the Party Central Committee、Major decisions made by the State Council,It is a strategic measure to promote reform and opening up in the new era。Building a free trade pilot zone for high standards and high quality,Develop this plan。

1. General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Comprehensive implementation of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Central Committee of the 19th Central Committee、Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee,Coordinate and promote the "Five-in-One" overall layout and coordinate the promotion of the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout,Adhere to the general tone of pursuing progress while maintaining stability,Adhere to the new development concept,Adhere to high-quality development,Taking supply-side structural reform as the main line,Proactively serve and integrate into major national strategies,Better service overall strategic layout for opening up,Emancipate the mind、Bold innovation,Build the free trade pilot zone into a new highland for reform and opening up in the new era。

(2) Strategic positioning and development goals

Taking institutional innovation as the core,The basic requirement is that it can be copied and promoted,Comprehensively implement the central government’s recommendations on enhancing innovation in economic and social development、Change the way of economic development、Requirements for building a maritime power,Accelerate the continuous conversion of old and new development momentum、Developing marine economy,Forming a new highland for opening up to the outside world。After three to five years of reform and exploration,Benchmarking international advanced rules,Form more internationally competitive institutional innovation results,Promote quality changes in economic development、Efficiency Change、Powerful Change,Strive to build trade and investment convenience、Complete financial services、Supervision is safe and efficient、A high-standard and high-quality free trade park with outstanding radiating and driving effects。

2. Location layout

(1) Implementation scope

Implementation scope of the free trade pilot zone 119.98 square kilometers,Covering three areas: Jinan Area 37.99 square kilometers,Qingdao area 52 square kilometers (including Qingdao Qianwan Bonded Port Area 9.12 square kilometers、Qingdao West Coast Comprehensive Bonded Zone 2.01 square kilometers),Yantai Area 29.99 square kilometers (including Yantai Bonded Port Area Block 2 2.26 square kilometers)。

Land development and utilization in the pilot free trade zone must comply with land use、Ecological and environmental protection、Urban and rural planning laws and regulations,Comply with the overall land use plan and urban and rural planning,And comply with the relevant requirements for economical and intensive land use;Involving the ocean,Must comply with the "Sea Area Use Management Law of the People's Republic seabet casino reviewof seabet myChina"、Relevant provisions of the "Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations。

(2) Functional division

Jinan area focuses on developing artificial intelligence、Industrial Finance、Medical and Recuperation、Cultural Industry、Information technology and other industries,Carry out comprehensive pilot test of new open economic system,Building an important regional economic center in the country、Logistics Center and Technology Innovation Center;Qingdao area focuses on the development of modern marine、International Trade、Shipping Logistics、Modern Finance、Advanced manufacturing and other industries,Building an international shipping hub in Northeast Asia、An important innovation center on the eastern coast、Marine Economic Development Demonstration Zone,Help Qingdao build an important coastal central city in my country;Yantai area focuses on developing high-end equipment manufacturing、New material、New generation information technology、Energy saving and environmental protection、Biomedicine and producer services,Building a pioneer zone for trade and investment cooperation between China and South Korea、Marine Intelligent Manufacturing Base、National scientific and technological achievements and international technology transfer demonstration zone。

3. Main tasks and measures

(1) Accelerate the transformation of government functions

  1.Create a world-class business environment。Deepening the reform of the commercial system,Promote the full coverage of the “separation of licenses and licenses” reform。All economic and social management authorities that can be delegated by Shandong Province are delegated to the Pilot Free Trade Zone。Promote “simplified approval”、"No face-to-face approval (service)",Deepen the "get it done once" reform。Comprehensively carry out the reform of the construction project approval system。Application of artificial intelligence technology,Improving the level of social governance。Establish and improve credit supervision as the core、In-process and post-event supervision system that is compatible with the negative list management method。Strengthening the fundamental status of competition policy。Cooperate in the security review of foreign investment。

(2) Deepening the reform in the investment field

  2.In-depth promotion of investment liberalization and facilitation。Comprehensive implementation of the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list management system for foreign investment。Exploring the establishment of a foreign investment information reporting system。Support foreign-invested enterprises to participate in the formulation of hydrogen energy vehicle standards。Support wholly foreign-owned enterprises to establish commercial education and training and vocational skills training institutions。Support foreign investment in establishing air transportation sales agency enterprises。Unify the investor qualification requirements for domestic and foreign talent agencies,The free trade pilot zone management agency is responsible for approval,Report to the provincial human resources and social security department for filing。Qualified foreign-funded travel agencies registered in the Pilot Free Trade Zone are allowed to engage in outbound tourism business except Taiwan area。

  3.Improving the investment promotion and protection mechanism。Establish and improve the foreign investment service system,Improve foreign investment promotion、Project tracking service and complaint working mechanism。Encourage pilot free trade zones to formulate foreign investment promotion policies within their legal authority。Pilot construction of a two-way investment promotion public service platform for small and medium-sized enterprises。Improving the comprehensive service system for enterprises “going global”。Support “going global” enterprises with overseas assets and equity、Mining rights and other interests are used as collateral to obtain loans。

(3) Promote trade transformation and upgrading

  4.Improving the level of trade facilitation。Exploring the international mutual recognition mechanism for inspection, quarantine and traceability standards for food and agricultural products,Expand the scope of third-party inspection results acceptance products and institutions。Innovative guaranteed release method for patent disputes on export goods。Vigorously develop transit trade。Concentrate on carrying out domestic and overseas cargo transit、Consolidation and international distribution and distribution business。Comprehensively implement classified supervision of cargo status in special customs supervision areas。Import and export aircraft for financial leasing companies registered in the special customs supervision area of ​​the Pilot Free Trade Zone、Ship、Ocean engineering structures and other large equipment involving cross-customs areas,Under the premise of ensuring effective supervision and implementation of current tax policies,Implement customs entrusted seabet app downloadsupervision seabet sports bettingin different places。Explore the cancellation of business licenses for enterprises in the special customs supervision area of ​​the Pilot Free Trade Zone to engage in trade brokerage and agency or change to registration,Except otherwise provided by laws and regulations。The import of high value-added CNC machine tools that meet national environmental protection requirements is allowed、Engineering equipment、Electronic equipment、Import of old electromechanical equipment such as communication equipment、Processed and then exported,Customs provides customs clearance convenience。Support the establishment of comprehensive bonded zones in eligible areas of the Pilot Free Trade Zone。

  5.Cultivation of new trade formats and new models。Support enterprises in the pilot free trade zone to carry out cross-border e-commerce import and export business,Gradually realize the comprehensive application of cross-border e-commerce retail import policies in accordance with laws and regulations in the comprehensive bonded area within the free trade pilot zone。Risk is controllable、Under the premise of complying with laws and regulations,Actively carry out recycling and remanufacturing of aircraft parts。Support the construction of complete vehicle import ports in the Pilot Free Trade Zone。Support the Qingdao area to increase the number of automobile parallel import pilot enterprises in a timely manner。Accelerate the development of digital trade。Promote the storage of cultural relics and cultural artworks in the comprehensive bonded area in the Pilot Free Trade Zone、Display etc.。

  6.Continuous optimization of trade structure。Based on the oil and gas system reform process and industry needs,Study on granting crude oil import qualifications to qualified enterprises in the pilot free trade zone。Allow registered enterprises in the Pilot Free Trade Zone to blend and blend bonded oil products under different tax numbers。Support qualified ship oil supply companies to carry out bonded oil supply business for international sailing ships。Support the use of existing trading venues to carry out cotton and other bulk commodity transactions in accordance with laws and regulations。Support the establishment of designated supervision sites for imports of food and agricultural products,Building food and agricultural products、Wine Import and Export Distribution Center。Develop high added value for qualified enterprises outside the special customs supervision area、High technology content、"Two ends outside" testing that meets environmental protection requirements、Repair and remanufacturing state will be subject to bonded supervision。

(4) Deepening open innovation in the financial field

  7.Expand cross-border use of RMB。Explore the method of reflow under export trade under RMB capital account,Focus on promoting the cross-border use of RMB in trade and investment。Support qualified multinational companies to carry out cross-border RMB capital pool business in accordance with regulations。Support banks in the Pilot Free Trade Zone to issue overseas RMB loans in accordance with regulations。Explore the use of RMB pricing and settlement by financial institutions in the Pilot Free Trade Zone when conducting cross-border asset transfers and other businesses in accordance with regulations,And included in full-scale cross-border financing macro-prudential management。

  8.Promote cross-border investment and financing facilitation。Carry out pilot reform of capital account income payment facilitation。Enterprises’ goods trade income with Category A foreign exchange management classification for trade in goods in the pilot free trade zone can directly enter the current account settlement account。Study on launching a pilot program for qualified domestic limited partners (QDLP)。Support the establishment of foreign-invested financial institutions in the pilot free trade zones in accordance with laws and regulations。Explore the establishment of a fund company specializing in domestic equity investment。Support foreign equity investment management institutions、Foreign venture capital management institutions initiate and manage RMB equity investments and venture capital funds in the Pilot Free Trade Zone。

  9.Exploring and implementing financial innovation。Carry out comprehensive financial operation pilot projects in a prudent and orderly manner under strict supervision。Support local corporate banks to carry out pilot projects of stock-bond linkage business。Exploring the development of private equity investment secondary trading funds。Encourage innovation in intellectual property insurance business,Carry out special reform and innovation in fund management services。Support insurance legal persons in the free trade zone to carry out overseas investments in accordance with laws and regulations。Support qualified financial leasing companies to establish professional subsidiaries in the Pilot Free Trade Zone。According to the needs of futures bonded delivery business,Allow expansion of warehouse receipt pledge financing function,Promote and improve the warehouse receipt confirmation and other work involved in warehouse receipt pledge financing。Strengthen the identification seabet casino reviewof major risks and prevent systemic financial risks。seabet sports bettingStrengthening anti-money laundering、Anti-Terrorist Financing、Anti-tax evasion work。

(5) Promote innovation-driven development

  10.Strengthening innovation capability building。Support the construction of overseas innovation incubation centers、Innovation platforms such as offshore innovation and entrepreneurship bases for overseas talents。Support corporate financial institutions、College、Scientific research institutes build industrial innovation platform。Support the construction of Shandong Industrial Technology Research Institute。Encourage famous foreign universities to come to China to carry out cooperative education。Promote the development of dual vocational education,Establishment of Intelligent Manufacturing Technician College。Support Qingdao area to carry out high-level Sino-German cooperation in running schools。

  11.Promote the development of the medical and pharmaceutical industry。Under the framework of relevant institutional arrangements,Allow Hong Kong and Macao service providers to establish wholly-owned medical institutions in accordance with regulations。Support plastic surgery、Advanced medical technology R&D and incubation and other industry development。Medical institutions in the pilot free trade zone may carry out stem cell clinical cutting-edge medical technology research in accordance with relevant regulations。Accelerate the approval and marketing of innovative drugs,Anti-cancer drugs、Priority review and approval of innovative drugs urgently needed for clinical use such as drugs for rare diseases。Optimizing the quarantine and inspection process for special items used in global collaborative R&D trials of biomedicine。Carry out pilot program of medical device registrant system,Allow medical device registrants in the Pilot Free Trade Zone to entrust medical device manufacturers in Shandong Province to produce products。Allows the introduction and creation of international medical organizations,Host international medical conference。Give medical talents、Priority access to advanced medical technology。Encourage qualified personnel to provide TCM treatment services in medical institutions、Prompt trials on the promotion of professional titles of full-time doctors in medical institutions。

  12.Improving the intellectual property protection and utilization system。Establishing an intellectual property dispute settlement and rapid rights protection mechanism。Support the establishment of an intellectual property operation center。Improving the intellectual property evaluation mechanism、Pledge financing risk sharing mechanism and convenient and fast pledge disposal mechanism。Exploring talent and technology capitalization evaluation mechanism,Realizing intellectual property rights that can be priced、Achievement transformation energy valuation、The talented team is valuable。Relax conditions for shareholders and partners of patent agencies。

  13.Optimizing the development environment for foreign and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan talents。Support Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan professionals and qualified foreign professionals to work in the Pilot Free Trade Zone。Further development of business in the Free Trade Pilot Zone、Provide entry and exit convenience for foreigners traveling and other activities。Carry out the “one-card” pilot program for high-end foreign talent services。At International Conference、External invitation、Envoy’s visit and other matters that need to be reviewed and approved,Establish a through-train system for foreign affairs review and approval。

(6) High-quality development of marine economy

  14.Accelerate the development of marine specialty industries。Building a Northeast Asian aquatic products processing and trade center。Promote the Marine Engineering Equipment Research Institute and major research and development、Test verification platform and smart terminal construction,Developing R&D and manufacturing of maritime equipment、Repair、Service and other industries。Support the exploration and construction of a modern marine seed industry resource introduction and transfer base,Accelerate the quarantine access of high-quality aquatic seedlings。Optimize import licensing procedures for marine biological germplasm and biological products,Strengthen the research and industrial application of marine biological germplasm and genetic resources。Promote the National Marine Drug Pilot Base、Construction of Blue Drug Library R&D and Production Base,Incorporate marine drugs into the national medical insurance catalog as required。Support qualified financial institutions in the Pilot Free Trade Zone to provide various maritime-related financial services。

  15.Improving the level of international ocean cooperation。Leverage the role of East Asia’s maritime cooperation platform,Linkage within and outside the area,Deepening open cooperation。Support maritime-related universities、Scientific Research Institute、National Laboratory、Enterprises and domestic and foreign institutions jointly build marine laboratories and marine research centers。seabet app downloadSupport the International Maritime Organization to establish Seabeta branch in Shandong Province。Building an International Marine Genomics Alliance,Carry out global marine biological gene sequencing services。Support maritime-related enterprises to participate in the formulation of international standards。

  16.Improve shipping service capabilities。Building a comprehensive shipping big data information platform。Explore relying on existing trading venues to carry out transactions in shipping elements such as ships in accordance with laws and regulations。Support Qingdao International Marine Property Rights Trading Center’s pilot program to carry out international ship trading。Support the establishment of multi-functional consolidated warehouses for international transit and consolidated goods。Gradually open the classification inspection of Chinese international sailing ships。Support the development of foreign cruise ship maintenance business。Taking advantage of port functions,Establish a multimodal transport service system with "one order system" as the core,Improving Shandong Province China-Europe Train Operation Platform,Building Eastern Alliance with Japan and South Korea、The east-west interconnection channel connecting Eurasia to the west。Strengthening free trade pilot zones and seaports、Airport linkage,Promote the coordinated development of sea, land and air mail。

(7) Deepening regional economic cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea

  17.Exploring local economic cooperation among the three countries。Strengthen complementary advantages,Explore jointly developing third-party markets。Constructing China-Korea (Yantai) Industrial Park with High Standards,Innovative "Two Countries, Two Parks" Cooperation Model。Support cooperation in building medical and health centers。Promote the establishment of an international platform for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements。Support the development of RMB overseas fund business in compliance with regulations。Allow foreign exchanges to set up offices in the free trade pilot zone。

  18.Promote regional cooperation and exchange facilitation。Strengthening China and Japan、Mutual recognition cooperation of "Authorized Economic Operators (AEO)" between China and South Korea customs,Building information exchange、Mutual regulatory recognition、Mutual assistance in law enforcement and inspection and quarantine、An efficient and smooth cooperation mechanism in standard measurement and other aspects。With Japan、South Korea cooperates to determine the catalog list of fresh agricultural and sideline products,Accelerate the opening of the green channel for fast customs clearance。Innovative Free Trade Agreement Parties on Liner Health and Quarantine “Telecommunication Declaration”、Epidemic-free passage” supervision model。

4. Guarantee mechanism

Uphold and strengthen the party’s leadership in reform and opening up,Insert the party’s leadership throughout the entire process of the construction of the pilot free trade zone。Strengthen bottom-line thinking and risk awareness,Improving risk prevention, control and disposal mechanisms,Achieving regional stability, safety and efficient operation,Effectively safeguard national security and social security。Under the overall coordination of the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on Free Trade Pilot Zone Work of the State Council,Give full play to local and departmental enthusiasm,Follow the implementation of various reform pilot tasks,High standards and high quality construction free trade pilot zone。Shandong Province needs to improve its working mechanism,Build streamlined and efficient、Free Trade Pilot Zone Management System with Clear Rights and Responsibilities,Strengthen talent training,Build a high-quality management team;Need to strengthen local legislation,Establish fairness and transparency、Comprehensive legal environment。Each area of ​​the Pilot Free Trade Zone must do its work in detail,System implementation,Strict supervision,Strictly enforce discipline and law enforcement。Relevant departments should delegate relevant management authority to the next level in a timely manner,Give full reform autonomy。Various reform policies and measures proposed in this plan,Anything involving adjustments to existing laws or administrative regulations,Process according to prescribed procedures。Report major matters to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner、State Council Request for Instruction Report。


Source: Dazhong Daily

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Address: Shandong Development Building, the intersection of Haiyou Road and Xingong North Street, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province     
