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The high-quality development of the state-owned economy is an important foundation and guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of the Chinese economy and Chinese-style modernization。State-owned enterprises are an important material and political foundation for socialism with Chinese characteristics,It is an important pillar and relying force for our party to govern and rejuvenate the country。The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out,"Deepening the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises,Improve the management and supervision system and mechanism,Enhance strategic coordination among relevant management departments,Promote the optimization and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy,Promote state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger,Enhance core functions,Improve core competitiveness”。This shows,The direction of the new round of state-owned enterprise reform is,Continuously enhance the core functions and core competitiveness of the state-owned economy,Promoting state-owned capital is related to national security、Concentration of important industries and key areas that are the lifeblood of the national economy,To provide public services related to the national economy and people’s livelihood、Emergency capabilities、Concentrated in public welfare fields,Concentrate on forward-looking strategic emerging industries。August 7,Shandong Development Investment Group held a study (expansion) meeting of the Party Committee’s Theoretical Center Group,Carry out special study and seminar around the implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee,Further unifying thoughts、Strong understanding,Proposed to firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development,The fundamental task of anchoring the development of the real economy,Become the “main force” in developing new productive forces。

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Enhancing initiative and creativity in deepening reforms

New era and new journey,The new situation and new tasks have put forward new and higher requirements for deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises,Shandong Development Investment Group deeply studied and understood the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,In-depth understanding of the strategic significance of the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises,Strive to achieve "three precise grasps"。

Accurately grasp the key variables in deepening and improving the reform of state-owned enterprises。First, the focus of reform,Focus on improving the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises and enhancing core functions,Insist on classification reform,Reflects the new requirements of the changing situation faced by the current state-owned enterprise reform。The second is the reform task,Anchoring and serving seabet betting platformnational major strategies,Focusing on the functional seabet mymission of state-owned enterprises on the new journey,Strive to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises、Enhance core functions,Leverage state-owned enterprises in building a modern industrial system、Technological innovation in building a new development pattern、Industrial Control、Safety support function。The third is the reform effectiveness target,Proposed to 2025,In enhancing the role of state-owned enterprises in serving national strategic functions、Promote state-owned enterprises to truly operate according to market-oriented mechanisms、Achieve "three obvious results" in accelerating the construction of world-class enterprises and cultivating specialized and new enterprises。

Accurately grasp the profound connotation of deepening and upgrading the reform of state-owned enterprises。The core is to achieve "four steadfastness"、Achieve "Three Organic Unifications": Unswervingly make in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and party building as the top priority,Unswervingly regard the party’s overall leadership of state-owned enterprises as a fundamental principle,Unswervingly take making state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises stronger, better and bigger as the overall goal,Unswervingly enhance core functions、Improving core competitiveness as the focus of reform,Focus on main responsibilities and main businesses to develop the real economy,Accelerate towards high quality、High efficiency、Change in sustainable development methods,Strive to create unique competitive advantages that continuously create benefits,Promote state-owned enterprises to grow bigger、Be more determined, stronger and better,Effectively enhance the functional value of state-owned enterprises,Better realization of the economic attributes of state-owned enterprises、Political attributes、The organic unity of social attributes。

Accurately grasp the correct direction of deepening and upgrading the reform of state-owned enterprises。We must unswervingly consolidate and develop the public ownership economy,Promote the optimization and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy,Promote state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger。It is embodied in two aspects: on the one hand,Revolving around national strategies for state-owned enterprises、Regional strategic development puts forward new requirements,On the other hand,Deployed value-added accounting for state-owned enterprises,Put forward higher requirements for the total factor productivity and comprehensive production efficiency of state-owned enterprises,We must focus on becoming stronger, better and bigger in our main responsibilities and main business,Enhance core functions;We must pay more attention to maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned enterprises,Improve core competitiveness。

Solidly implement the actions to deepen and improve the reform of state-owned enterprises

Promote the main task of reform to achieve phased results

Shandong Development Investment Group closely surrounds the Party Central Committee、The State Council’s Decision and Arrangement on Deepening and Improving the Reform of State-owned Enterprises,First-rate benchmark、Deepening reforms、Pay close attention to management,Corporate core competitiveness is steadily improving,Core functions are further enhanced。

First, focus on major strategies of the province,Focus on improving core functions。Focus on industrial control、Technological Innovation、Safety support and other functions,In-depth participation in the province’s “Seven Networks” construction action,Cumulative investment completed is 23.6 billion yuan,73.3% investment in strategic emerging industries,Effectively guaranteeing the entry of foreign power into Shandong、Shandong Nuclear Power、CNN National Advanced Energy Demonstration Zone and other major projects worth hundreds of billions are progressing smoothly。Strive to promote the implementation of the "Long Electric Power to Shandong" project,The first batch of 1 million kilowatts "Shagehuang" new energy base project has been successfully connected to the grid;In the follow-up 2 million kilowatt project,The investment decision for the 1.45 million kilowatt project has been completed,Jingyuan 400,000 kilowatt wind power project has started construction。Implement the Provincial Party Committee’s requirements for clean energy development and deployment,In Dongying、Dezhou and other places are accelerating the promotion of geothermal development projects,Dongying Economic Development Zone Geothermal Heating Project、Xiajin County medium and deep geothermal comprehensive application demonstration project started simultaneously,Strive to achieve 1.5 million square meters of heating area this year,Expand and create the characteristic demonstration effect of "Shandong Development"。Implement the new energy security strategy,Help our province ensure energy supply、Green transformation,Green power supply exceeded 11 in the first half.6.3 billion kilowatt hours,seabet app downloadReduced CO₂ emissions seabet myby nearly 1 million tons。Efficiently build a bridgehead for the province’s opening up,Actively connect with 16 cities in Shandong,Weifang Double Recruitment and Double Invitation Liaison Office was unveiled in Shenzhen Donghua,Jinan、Weihai、Jining、Liaocheng and other cities set up talent recruitment offices in Donghua, Shenzhen。Shanghai Qilu completed Shandong Development (Singapore) International Business Service Center in Singapore,Beijing Chinatex was approved as the provincial “double recruitment and double attraction station”。Extensively carry out special activities and resource docking at window companies in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen,Build the "Haopin Shandong" online mall,Display 142 Shandong agricultural products、52 "Top Ten Industries" industrial products。Implement the province’s green and low-carbon transformation requirements,Successfully won the bid for the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology’s “Shandong Provincial Scrap Steel Recycling and Processing Transaction Smart Monitoring Platform Project”,Current platform 1.The 0 version system is ready for online operation,The functional status has been recognized by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and many users,2.Version 0 is stepping up its efforts to improve,The influence of “Shandong Development·Developing Shandong”、Value further improved。

The second is to insist on implementing two-wheel drive,Accelerate the development of the main business。The advantages of green development are accumulated over time,New energy in the first half of this year、Green and environmentally friendly、Industry investment in new generation information technology and other industries accounts for 73%,101% increase year-on-year。In green investment,Insist on project being king,Encourage all employees to "walk in four",Dynamic reserve of 1036 main business projects,202 of them are focused on tracking。Shandong Green Development Fund has completed on-site coverage in all prefectures and cities in the province,Achieved business cooperation with 9 cities,The cumulative fund size is 3.5 billion yuan,The scale of the contracted fund is nearly 4.5 billion yuan。In terms of green industrial development,Solidly promote the construction of new energy bases in the province,The first phase of CNNC’s national advanced energy demonstration zone project has been officially approved by the state,Currently under construction;The second phase project has obtained road conditions,Currently obtaining approval requirements、Design、Preparatory work such as equipment procurement。Lubei (Binzhou) Wind and Solar Energy Storage and Transmission Integrated Base Project,Project company registration completed,Actively promoting wind power、Photovoltaic capacity planning and preliminary project preparation work。The signing of the cooperative development agreement between the Yuncheng bid section of the centralized onshore wind power project and the city and county government was completed。In terms of investment and construction of environmental protection industry,95% of the civil engineering work of Shanfa Zhucheng sludge resource disposal project is completed,Yantai Construction Waste Resource Recycling Project Site Leveling Completed,The civil engineering works of Wulian Fecal Harmless Treatment Center Project are fully completed。In the construction of science and technology innovation park,Establishment of Shandong Development Park Industry and Talent Fund of Funds,Has been implemented in the Park Hejian Action Fund、Hongxin Hi-tech Park Fund,Dezhou Qingyun New Energy Industry Fund is under establishment、Jining Green Park Development Fund and other funds,Expanded Zibo Park,Signed with Weifang High-tech Zone Science and Technology Innovation Park、Weihai Wisdom Valley Park,Building a “Science and Technology Innovation Park Co-construction Base” with Gangcheng District。

The third is to focus on the key points of state-owned enterprise reform,Accelerate the pace of reform and innovation。Implementing reform, deepening, improvement and innovation-driven development strategy,Systematically promote the “1+6” implementation plan for state-owned enterprise reform,Currently 70% of the main tasks have been completed,The group implements the practices of the provincial high-quality development conference of state-owned enterprises and promotes them throughout the province,“Shandong Development strives to promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development” was selected into the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission’s “Third Batch of Typical Experiences in the Action to Deepen and Improve the Reform of State-owned Enterprises”,and was pushed to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council as a case of "Implementing the Dual-Carbon Strategy and Prospectively Adjusting the Industrial Structure"。Vigorously improve scientific and technological innovation Seabetcapabilities,2 approved Seabetinnovative small and medium-sized enterprises in Shandong Province,4 new national utility model patents、2 software copyrights,12 independent intellectual property rights entering the approval stage,Mountain Ecology、Shanfa Water successfully applied and was approved as the first batch of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises in 2024,R&D investment achieved rapid growth year-on-year。Coordinate and promote the digital improvement of management、Industrial digitalization improvement、Three major projects to improve digital industry investment and financing,Implementing the construction of “1+1+X+1” digital transformation platform、Construction of smart investment operation management system,Open bidding and subsequent construction work have been launched。Guide ownership enterprises to standardize the use of the new property rights registration system,Carry out "holding but not control"、Special inspection of "major shareholder equality" and joint-stock companies,Discover and resolve hidden risks in a timely manner。Learn to convey the spirit of the emergency meeting on production safety in provincial enterprises,Carry out the "Safety Production Month" activity,Promote the three-year action to tackle the root causes of production safety and make it deeper and more solid。

The fourth is to focus on improving party building work,Pay close attention to the study and education of party discipline。In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Shandong,Guide all party members to focus on "walking ahead、The responsibility and mission of "taking the leading role" comes up。Promote the integration of party building and production and operation,Deepen the "Red Engine, Green Future" party building brand,The experience of 5 party organizations including the group party committee was selected into the provincial enterprise party building brand building achievement exhibition。Experience of the Group Party Committee's "Lighting the Red Engine to Build a Green Future",Won the first prize for outstanding theoretical achievements in "Innovation and Practice of Grassroots Ideological and Political Work in the New Era"。

Unswervingly implement the spirit of the plenary session

Strive to create a new situation for green and modern industrial enterprises

Shandong Development Investment Group will learn, publicize and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,As a major political task at present and in the future。Focus on main responsibilities and main business,Further enhance the core functions of the enterprise,Increase the main role of scientific and technological innovation,Continuously improve core competitiveness,Continue to play the leading role of state-owned capital。

Pay more attention to strategic leadership。Focus on the great ones of the country、About the needs of the province,Always make service subject to carbon peak and carbon neutrality、Ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin、Major national strategies such as the construction of green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot areas、Provincial Development Strategy,As the starting point and foothold for planning and carrying out all work。Striving to be the first-class around target-seeking and benchmarking,Complete the innovative implementation pilot tasks of the “14th Five-Year Plan” with high quality and high quantity。Carry out the “15th Five-Year Plan” in an orderly manner、Special planning for scientific and technological innovation and the preparation of plans for affiliated enterprises,Form top-down coordination、Close connection、A highly operational "15th Five-Year Plan" planning system。

Pay more attention to enhancing core functions。Always "promote green development、Building Beautiful Shandong” as the corporate mission,By creating “major project investment and financing、Infrastructure construction and operation、Green modern industrial investment、Five major platforms of “Double Recruitment, Double Attraction Services and Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park Construction”,Continuously enhance the core functions of the enterprise。Create an "accelerator" for industrial development,From major infrastructure construction、Start with investment in key projects,Adhere to the integration of source, network, load and storage,Building wind power、Photovoltaic、Energy storage、Advantages of the entire industry chain in nuclear power and other fields,Promote the large-scale development of new energy,Efficiently assist the transformation and upgrading of our province’s energy structure。Expand the “fund pool” for green development,Coordinate the use of large national funds、International financial organization funds and other resources,To be stronger, better and bigger, with green industry investment fund of funds as the main body,With Shandong Green Development Fund、Carbon Neutral Technology Fund、New Energy Industry Fund、Green fund group supported by industrial parks and talent fund of funds,Increase investment in new energy、New material、Green and environmentally friendly、Biological Industry、Investment intensity in seabet sports bettingdigital economy and other industries,Help our province accelerate the construction seabet betting platformof a modern industrial system。Promote double recruitment and double citation to “achieve fruitful results”,Actively meet the recruitment needs from various parts of the province,Develop a ledger of attraction needs for 16 prefectures and cities and a ledger of various external resources,Enhance Shenzhen Donghua、Shanghai Qilu、Beijing China Textile “Double Recruitment and Double Attraction” Station Function,Build into Shandong’s "Double Recruitment and Double Attraction" program in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen、The first choice platform for expanding opening up。

Pay more attention to improving core competitiveness。Based on existing industries,Strengthening technological innovation empowerment。Focus on new energy、Geothermal、Environmental protection、Big data、Agricultural and animal husbandry solid waste disposal、Existing businesses such as construction waste recycling,Implement “stuck neck” technology、Research on key common technologies,Strive to achieve a significant increase in the number of main intellectual property rights,Add a new batch of national levels、Provincial Innovation Platform,Cultivation of a group of national-level specialized and new “little giant” enterprises,Accelerate the realization of self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology。Focusing closely on improving technological innovation capabilities and enhancing functions,Taking advantage of resource endowments、Investment and operation advantages、Enterprise brand advantage,Increase investment in technological innovation,Intensify the merger and acquisition of technological innovation enterprises,Integrating scientific and technological innovation resources,Reconstructing a new ecosystem integrating industry and finance,Creating a new innovation-driven engine,The best part is accelerating the formation of new productive forces、Enhancing the leading role in developing new momentum。

Pay more attention to layout and focus on real industries。“Three concentrations” around the direction of state-owned capital layout,Insist on "doing something"、Something not to be done”,Insist on long-term capital、Patient Capital、Strategic Capital,Implementing two-wheel drive of equity investment and industrial investment and operation。Focus on the transformation and upgrading of functional traditional industries,Focus on high-endization、Intelligent、Strengthening in the direction of greening,Increase equipment updates、Process upgrade、Investment support in digital empowerment and other fields,Helping the province’s traditional industries transform into new technologies, new business formats and new models,Towards high-end、Intelligent、Green development,Improve the level of productivity development。Focus on the development of strategic emerging industries,Focus along new energy、New material、Developing efforts in new infrastructure and other fields,Revolving around the new generation of information technology、Layout in electric power equipment and other fields,Accelerate the cultivation of sailing enterprises、Leading company、Unicorn Enterprise,Make the real industry bigger and stronger,Seize the commanding heights of technology,Cultivation of more new productive forces。Focus on forward-looking future industrial expansion,Around Artificial Intelligence、Opportunistic layout of life sciences and other industries,Increase technological innovation、Green transformation、Investment in seabet sports bettingdigital economy and other aspects,Choose an opportunity to implement mergers, acquisitions and reorganization,After cultivation and maturity, it will be promoted to the capital market,Develop future industries for our province、Contribution to building an industrial highland,Be a good stabilizer of the national economy、Ballast Stone、The pillar of support。

The wind is strong and the sails are sailing,It’s time to strive forward。Shandong Development Investment Group will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,In-depth implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,Stand firm and “walk ahead”、Take the lead,Be a pioneer、The mission of “setting an example”,Go all out to build a domestic first-class green and modern industrial enterprise,Make new and greater contributions to striving to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Shandong。

Shandong Development Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.      Copyright 2019 All rights reserved      Lu ICP No. 16018610

Address: Shandong Development Building, the intersection of Haiyou Road and Xingong North Street, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province