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November 26,The Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce officially issued a new business license to Shunde Building,The company name was changed from "Shandong Shunde Building" to "Shandong Shunde Building Co., Ltd.",The nature of the company was transformed from an enterprise owned by the whole people to a company,marks the successful completion of the restructuring work of Shunde Building。

Since the restructuring work of Shunde Building was seabet sports bettingseabet live casinostarted,Received strong support and help from the leaders of the group company and various departments。The restructuring work of Shunde Building is undergoing asset clearance and capital verification、Special audit、Special Assessment、After industrial and commercial changes and other procedures,Finally completed the restructuring work。

Shunde Building will take this as an opportunity,Continue to deepen the reform of the management system,Improve service quality and operation and management level,Continuously improve core competitiveness and influence,Based on a new starting point,Embark on a new journey,Create a good service、Management Skills、The brand new Shunde with a high degree of marketization。

Contributed by: Shandong Shunde

Shandong Development Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.      Copyright 2019 All rights reserved      Lu ICP No. 16018610

Address: Shandong Development Building, the intersection of Haiyou Road and Xingong North Street, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province     
