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(Deliberated and approved at the Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee on December 6, 2021 and released by the CPC Central Committee on December 24, 2021)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 In order to strengthen and standardize the work of the Party’s Discipline Inspection Committee in the new era,According to the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China",Enact this Regulation。

Article 2 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is guided by,Enhance "Four Consciousnesses"、Strong “Four Confidences”、Achieve "two maintenances",Don’t forget your original intention、Keep your mission in mind,In-depth implementation of the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,Unswervingly promote the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption,Build an integrated promotion and dare not be corrupt、Cannot be corrupted、I don’t want to corrupt the system,Strengthen self-construction with strictness and pragmatism,Consciously accept supervision,Give full play to supervision to ensure implementation、Promote and perfect development role。

Article 3 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels are the organs responsible for intra-Party supervision,It is the party that promotes comprehensive and strict governance over the party、Specialized force to carry out party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption struggle。

The main tasks of the Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels are: to maintain the Party’s charter and other intra-Party regulations,Check the party’s theory, line, principles and policies、Implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decisions and arrangements,Assist the party committee to promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party、Strengthen party style construction and organize and coordinate anti-corruption work。

The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels must resolutely safeguard the core of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Party Central Committee、The core position of the whole party,Maintaining the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee is the highest political principle and fundamental political responsibility。

Article 4 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels carry out their work in accordance with the following principles:

(1) Uphold the party’s overall leadership,Adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee。

(2) Adhere to the people-centered approach,Practice the party’s fundamental purpose and mass line。

(3) Adhere to democratic centralism,Implementing a system that combines collective leadership and individual division of labor and responsibility。

(4) Adhere to the main tone of strictness,Strict across the board、Strict to the end。

(5) Adhere to seeking truth from facts,Perform duties in accordance with rules, disciplines and laws。

(6) Persisting in learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones、Treat diseases and save lives,Achieving political effects、Discipline effect、Social effects are organically unified。

Chapter 2 Leadership System

Article 5 The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (National Supervisory Commission) works under the leadership of the Party Central Committee,Perform the duties of the party’s highest disciplinary inspection agency (the country’s highest supervisory agency)。

The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection strictly implements various institutional requirements to strengthen and maintain the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee,Report to the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in a timely manner、Requesting instructions and reporting work from the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee,Research on major issues、Important issues and case review decisions、Request instructions and report from the Party Central Committee on matters such as party disciplinary sanctions。The implementation of important decisions of the Party Central Committee should be specially reported。

Article 6 The Party’s local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels and grassroots disciplinary inspection committees work under the dual leadership of the Party committee at the same level and the higher-level disciplinary inspection committee。

The Party’s local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels and grassroots disciplinary inspection committees should implement the Party committees at the same level to promote comprehensive and strict governance over the Party、Strengthening the deployment of party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work,Implement the decisions made by the party committee at the same level,Report work to the party committee at the same level in a timely manner,Request instructions and report major matters in accordance with regulations。

Higher-level Party Discipline Inspection Committees strengthen their leadership over lower-level Party Discipline Inspection Committees,Make arrangements for the work of lower-level discipline inspection commissions、Make a request;Supervise, guide and support lower-level discipline inspection commissions to carry out peer-level supervision,Inspect the work of the lower-level Discipline Inspection Commission,Listen to work reports regularly,Carry out political and business training;Insist on investigating and handling corruption cases with the leadership of the higher-level Discipline Inspection Commission as the main priority,Deliberate and approve the disposal of clues by the lower-level Discipline Inspection Commission in accordance with regulations、Filing for review、Request for instructions on disciplinary actions, etc.,Change the wrong or inappropriate decisions made by the lower-level disciplinary committee in accordance with the procedures,Directly review or organize if necessary、Command the review of major impact or complex cases within the jurisdiction of lower-level disciplinary committees。

Article 7 The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission work together,The Party’s local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels and local supervisory committees at all levels work together,Implementing a set of working organizations、Two agency names,Perform the two responsibilities of party discipline inspection and national supervision,Realize the unified integration of the leadership system and working mechanism of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision,Centralized decision-making、Integrated operation,Adhere to strict discipline and law,Complete discipline and law enforcement。

Chapter 3 Generation and Operation

Article 8 The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall be elected by the Party’s National Congress,Each term is the same as the term of the Party Central Committee。

Plenary Meeting of the Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Election of Standing Committee and Secretary、Deputy Secretary,Also reported to the Party Central Committee for approval。

Article 9 Members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection must be politically firm、Loyal to the party、Dare to fight、Take responsibility、Integrity and integrity,Have the ability to organize and lead discipline inspection work、The ability to promote the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption。

Members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall conscientiously perform the following duties:

(1) Participate in the plenary meeting of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Actively express opinions、Make a suggestion。

(2) Committee members responsible for specific work in the disciplinary inspection agency,Should perform job responsibilities in an exemplary manner,Complete the disciplinary inspection work undertaken with high quality。

(3) Committee members who do not undertake specific work in the disciplinary inspection agency,This region should be supported and helped、This department、The disciplinary inspection agency of this unit is working;Know your area、Department、The unit party organization and party members and leading cadres abide by the party constitution, rules and disciplines、Implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee,Provide comments and suggestions,Report important issues to the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in a timely manner。

(4) Work on the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,And members of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection、Other members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to supervise。

(5) Undertake other tasks assigned by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Article 10 The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall exercise the following powers by convening a plenary meeting:

(1) Formulate and implement major arrangements for the implementation of the resolutions and decisions of the Party’s National Congress and the Party Central Committee、Major measures。

(2) Hear and review the work report of the Standing Committee.

(3) Elect the standing committee, secretary and deputy secretary.

(4) Discuss and decide on major issues in disciplinary inspection and supervision work、Major matters。

(5) Review important intra-party regulations or normative documents in accordance with authority。

(6) Decision or ratification to impose sanctions on members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection or above the seabet online sports bettingseabet sports bettingremoval of party positions。

(7) Study and decide on matters submitted to the Standing Committee for decision,Or other important matters that should be decided by the plenary meeting。

Article 11 The plenary session of the Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall be held at least once a year,Convened and chaired by the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection。

The plenary meeting of the Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection can only be convened if more than two-thirds of its members are present。Members who are unable to attend the meeting for any reason should ask for leave before the meeting,Opinions may be expressed in writing。As needed,Relevant personnel can be arranged to attend the meeting。

Depending on the matters discussed and decided,Use Raise Hand、Voting by secret ballot etc.,The approval vote exceeds half of the members who should be present at the meeting to pass。

Give members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection a sanction of more than removal from their party positions,Must be decided by a majority of more than two-thirds of the members who should be present,Submit to the Party Central Committee for approval。

Article 12 The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection implements the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee,And the decisions and arrangements of the plenary meeting of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Report work to the plenary meeting,Accept supervision。Between plenary sessions,Exercising the powers of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Mainly include:

(1) Discussion of the work report to the Party’s National Congress,Request instructions from the Party Central Committee to report work,Study and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee。

(2) Convene a plenary meeting,Preliminary review of matters to be submitted to the plenary meeting for discussion and decision、Advice。

(3) Discuss and decide on important issues in disciplinary inspection and supervision work、Important matters。

(4) Review intra-party regulations or normative documents according to authority。

(5) Hearing briefings on relevant cases filed for review in the name of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection。

(6) Discuss and decide on party organizations that violate party discipline in accordance with their authority、Party member processing、Disciplinary matters。

(7) Decided to impose sanctions of more than removal from party positions on members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Also reported to the Party Central Committee for approval,To be ratified at the plenary meeting。

(8) Reviewing cadre appointment and removal matters in accordance with cadre management authority。

(9) Study and decide other important matters that should be decided by the Standing Committee。

Article 13: Meetings of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection are generally held regularly,Can be held at any time in case of important situations。

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is convened and chaired by the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,The meeting topics are determined by the secretary。

A meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection must be attended by more than half of the members of the Standing Committee before it can be held。More than two-thirds of the members of the Standing Committee must attend the meeting to deliberate on the appointment and removal of cadres。As needed,Relevant personnel can be arranged to attend the meeting。

Discuss and decide important issues,A vote should be held。Involving multiple matters,Should be voted on item by item。Voting can depend on the matters discussed and decided,Use verbally、Raise your hand、Conducted by secret voting or registered voting,The approval vote exceeds half of the members of the Standing Committee who should be present at the meeting to pass。

Article 14: Central Commission for Discipline Inspection office meetings are generally held regularly,Can be held at any time in case of important situations。The office meeting is convened and chaired by the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,The meeting topics are determined by the secretary,Deputy Secretary to the Committee、Members of the Standing Committee and relevant responsible comrades attended。Office meeting to study or decide on the following matters:

(1) Study and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee.

(2) Need to study in the daily work of the agency、Important matters decided or notified。

(3) Discuss and decide on party organizations that violate party discipline in accordance with their authority、Party member processing、Disciplinary matters。

(4) Discuss and decide on matters related to the appointment and removal of cadres in accordance with the cadre management authority。

(5) Other important matters that need to be submitted to the office meeting for discussion。

Article 15 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall be based on work needs,Establish necessary internal organizations,Configure organizational functions and authorities in accordance with relevant regulations。

Article 16 The local Party discipline inspection committees at all levels shall be elected by the Party congress at the same level,Each term is the same as the term of the party committee at the same level。

Plenary meeting of the Party’s local discipline inspection committees at all levels,Election of Standing Committee and Secretary、Deputy Secretary,And approved by the party committee at the same level,Submit to the superior party committee for approval。

The higher-level party committee may decide according to work needs,During the intersession of lower-level party congresses,Transfer、Appointment and removal of the secretary of the lower-level disciplinary inspection committee、Deputy Secretary。

Article 17 The Party’s local discipline inspection committees at all levels shall exercise the following powers by convening plenary meetings:

(1) Formulate and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the work arrangements of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Resolutions and decisions of party congresses and party committees at the same level、Major measures required by the superior discipline inspection commission。

(2) Hear and review the work report of the Standing Committee.

(3) Elect the standing committee, secretary and deputy secretary.

(4) Discuss and decide on major issues of discipline inspection and supervision within the jurisdiction、Major matters。

(5) Review normative documents according to authority.

(6) Decision or ratification to impose sanctions on members of the Discipline Inspection Commission at the same level or above such as removal from party positions。

(7) Study and decide on matters submitted to the Standing Committee for decision,Or other important matters that should be decided by the plenary meeting。

Article 18 The standing committees of local discipline inspection committees at all levels implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the work arrangements of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Implement party committees at the same level、Superior Discipline Inspection Commission、Work arrangements for the plenary meeting of the Discipline Inspection Commission at this level,Report work to the plenary meeting,Accept supervision。Between plenary sessions,Exercise the powers of the Discipline Inspection Committee at the same level,Mainly include:

(1) Discuss the work report to the party congress at the same level,Request instructions from the Party Committee at the same level and the Discipline Inspection Commission at the higher level to report work。

(2) Convene a plenary meeting,Preliminary review of matters to be submitted to the plenary meeting for discussion and decision、Advice。

(3) Discuss and decide on important issues of discipline inspection and supervision within the jurisdiction、Important matters。

(4) Review normative documents according to authority.

(5) Hearing briefings on relevant cases filed for review in the name of the Discipline Inspection Commission at the same level。

(6) Discuss and decide on party organizations that violate party discipline in accordance with their authority、Party member processing、Disciplinary matters。

(7) Decided to impose sanctions on members of the Discipline Inspection Commission at the same level or above such as removal from party positions,After reporting to the party committee at the same level for approval,Report to the higher level Discipline Inspection Commission for filing or approval in accordance with regulations,To be ratified when the plenary meeting of the Discipline Inspection Commission at this level is convened。

(8) Reviewing cadre appointment and removal matters in accordance with cadre management authority。

(9) Study and decide other important matters that should be decided by the Standing Committee。

Article 19 Conditions for serving as members of local discipline inspection committees at all levels、Duty performance requirements,Convening of plenary meetings and standing committee meetings、Vote,As well as matters such as the establishment of institutions,Refer to Article 9 of these Regulations、Article 11、Article 13、Implementation of the provisions of Article 15。

Article 20 The party’s grassroots committee shall establish a disciplinary inspection committee,It is better to establish a disciplinary inspection committee,Decided by its superior party organization based on relevant regulations and specific circumstances。

The party’s grassroots discipline inspection committee is elected by the party members’ conference or party members’ congress,Each term is the same as the term of the party committee at the same level。

The secretary elected by the party’s grassroots discipline inspection committee、Deputy Secretary,After approval by the party committee at the same level,Submit to superior party organization for approval。

Conditions for serving as members of grassroots discipline inspection committees、Duty performance requirements and other matters,Execute in accordance with relevant regulations。

Article 21 The party’s grassroots discipline inspection committee shall promptly convene plenary meetings as necessary,Convey and study the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the work arrangements of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Convey and learn the work arrangements of the Party Committee at the same level and the Discipline Inspection Commission at the higher level,Propose specific measures for implementation,Study and discuss important issues in disciplinary inspection work within the jurisdiction、Important matters,Discuss or decide on party organizations that violate party discipline according to their authority、Party member processing、Disciplinary matters。

Article 22 Townships and Enterprises、Organization、The Party’s grass-roots discipline inspection committees in universities and other institutions shall follow the Party Constitution、Relevant provisions of these regulations and other intra-party regulations,Establish and improve the rules of procedure based on actual conditions、Work system,Pay attention to the role of members of the Discipline Inspection Commission in supervising and enforcing discipline、The role of discussion and decision-making,According to work needs, members of the Discipline Inspection Commission can be organized to participate in supervision of matters related to discipline enforcement。

The party’s grassroots discipline inspection committee may follow relevant regulations,Establish necessary working organizations,Equipped with full-time staff。

The party’s grassroots discipline inspection committee shall guide and urge the grassroots party organization discipline inspection committee members affiliated to the party committee at the same level to perform their duties、Make a difference。

Article 23 Due to transfer out of the region、Resign from public office、Those who are not suitable to continue serving as members of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee due to retirement or other reasons,Should resign or be removed from the position of member of the Discipline Inspection Commission in accordance with procedures。Death、Loss of nationality、Being held criminally responsible、Suspended party membership、Those who have been punished by removal from party positions or above,His position as a member of the Discipline Inspection Commission is automatically terminated。Resigned、Removal or automatic termination of local disciplinary committee members、Position of grassroots Discipline Inspection Committee member,Should be reported to the party committee at the next higher level for record。

Chapter 4 Main Tasks

Article 24 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels firmly uphold the Party Constitution,Promote party organizations and party members to firmly establish awareness of the party constitution、Strictly abide by the provisions of the Party Constitution,Give full play to the role of the Party Constitution as the general charter for governing the Party,Consolidate the unity of the party with strict discipline。Effectively maintain various intra-party laws and regulations,Follow the rules、Enforcement of regulations must be strict、Violations will be punished,Ensure effective implementation of party regulations,Promote party governance in accordance with regulations。

Article 25 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels inspect the implementation of the Party’s theory, line, principles and policies,Insist on serving the overall work of the party and the country,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee,Promote the unity of will of party organizations and party members、Unified Action。Strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decisions and arrangements,seabet casino reviewInsist on follow-up and supervision、Precise supervision、Full supervision,Supervise party organizations and party members to perform seabet mytheir duties、Take responsibility,Ensure the smooth flow of the Party Central Committee’s decrees、Prohibited by order。

Article 26 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels assist the Party committees at the same level in promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the Party:

(1) Assist party committees at the same level to formulate plans for comprehensive and strict party governance、Plan,Promote the implementation of various tasks。

(2) Promote the implementation of the main responsibility system for comprehensive and strict governance of the party,Inspect the implementation of party management responsibilities by members of the leadership team of the party committee at the same level, including the “top leaders”,Supervise the implementation of main responsibilities by lower-level party organizations。

(3) Strengthen supervision of the leadership team of the party committee at the same level,Discovered that team members including “top leaders” are performing their duties、Important issues such as integrity and self-discipline,Report truthfully in accordance with regulations。

(4) Assist party committees at the same level to strengthen their understanding of the political ecology of the unit in the region、Analysis on party style and clean government,Report relevant issues to the party committee at the same level and provide opinions and suggestions。

(5) Assist the party committee at the same level to carry out inspections and inspections.

(6) Daily supervision、Inspection and inspection、Inspection on the rectification of problems found in audit supervision,Promote the normalization of rectification through strengthening supervision。

(7) Assist in drafting relevant intra-party regulations and normative documents。

(8) Participate in special work related to party management and governance organized by the party committee。

Adhere to the organic combination of assistance and supervision responsibilities,Promote the coordination of the main responsibilities of the Party Committee and the supervision responsibilities of the Discipline Inspection Commission for comprehensive and strict governance。

Article 27 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels assist the Party committees at the same level in strengthening the party’s work style,Persevere in implementing the spirit of the eight central regulations,Vigorously carry forward the party’s glorious tradition and fine style,Continuously correcting formalism、Bureaucracy、Hedonism and luxury,Resolutely correct unhealthy trends that harm the interests of the masses,Maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people。

Article 28 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels assist the Party committees at the same level in organizing and coordinating anti-corruption work,Unswervingly advance the fight against corruption,Uphold and improve the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee、Party committees at all levels coordinate and command、Organization and Coordination of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee、Efficient collaboration between functional departments、An anti-corruption work system and mechanism with the support and participation of the people。

Give full play to the coordinating role of the party committee’s anti-corruption coordination agency,Carry out anti-corruption and international work to pursue fugitives and recover stolen property,Strengthen collaboration between relevant departments,Enhancing the overall anti-corruption force。

Article 29 The Party’s disciplinary inspection work insists on advancing the work in an integrated manner and does not dare to corrupt、Cannot be corrupted、Not wanting to be corrupt is the basic policy of the fight against corruption、An important strategy for comprehensively and strictly governing the party in the new era,Punishment and Deterrence、Institutional constraints、Raise awareness and work together,System treatment、Treat both the symptoms and the root causes,Strive to achieve more institutional results and greater governance effectiveness:

(1) Adhere to no restricted areas、Full coverage、Zero tolerance,Insist on heavy containment、Strong high pressure、Long time shock,Insistence on accepting and offering bribes will be investigated together,Consolidate and avoid corruption。

(2) Persist in punishing corruption and deepening reforms、Promote unified governance,In-depth search for problems existing in systems and institutional mechanisms,Promote the completion of shortcomings in the system、Plugging regulatory loopholes、Regulating the operation of power,Strengthened and cannot be corrupted。

(3) Persistence in educating party members、Cadres strengthen their ideals, beliefs and purposes,Improve party spirit,Improve moral cultivation,Cultivate a culture of integrity,Build a strong ideological dam that resists corruption and prevents change,Consciously don’t want to be corrupt。

Article 30: Give full play to the important role of the party’s discipline inspection work in the party and state supervision system,Strengthen restrictions and supervision on the exercise of power,Focus on strengthening the supervision of leading cadres, especially main leading cadres,Improve the quality of full supervision coverage,Enhance the political nature of supervision、Seriousness、Cooperativity、Validity。

Deepening the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system,Promote disciplinary supervision、Supervision and supervision、Resident supervision、Inspection, supervision and coordination,Integrated use of supervision forces,Build system integration、Coordinated and efficient supervision mechanism。Insist on inner-party supervision as the leading role,Promote National People’s Congress supervision、Democratic supervision、Administrative supervision、Judicial Supervision、Audit supervision、Financial Supervision、Statistical supervision、Mass supervision、Public opinion supervision and other types of supervision are organically integrated、Mutual coordination,Improving information communication、Lead handover、Cooperation with measures、Result sharing and other mechanisms,Form a normal and long-term supervision force。

Chapter 5 Job Responsibilities

Article 31 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels focus on realizing the tasks assigned by the Party Constitution,Insist on focusing on the main responsibilities and main business,Performance Supervision、Discipline enforcement、Accountability。

Insist on supervision as a basic responsibility,Catch the early ones and catch the little ones、Prevent the slightest change,Considering the nature of the error、Plot consequences、Subjective attitude and other factors,Follow the rules, disciplines and laws、Accurate and effective use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement:

(1) Party members、Cadres show signs of style and discipline、Tensity issues or minor disciplinary issues,Or those who have general disciplinary problems but are exempt from punishment,The first form of using supervision and discipline,Reminder for conversation according to regulations、Critical education、Order inspection, etc.,Or give warning。

(2) Party members、Cadres have general disciplinary problems,Or those who have serious disciplinary violations but have voluntary explanations and other mitigating circumstances,The second form of supervision and discipline,Give warning according to regulations、Severe Warning Punishment,Or suggest a separate location、Concurrently suspended for inspection、Adjust position、Ordered to resign、Removal and other processing。

(3) Party members、Cadres have serious discipline violations,Or seriously violate disciplines and constitute serious job violations,The third form of using supervision and discipline,Removal of party positions in accordance with regulations、Stay in the party for probation、Expulsion from the Party,At the same time, it is recommended to be demoted or dismissed according to law、Dismissed from public office、Adjust the benefits and other treatments they enjoy。

(4) Party members、Severe disciplinary violations by cadres、Suspected of committing a crime,The fourth form of using supervision and discipline,Expelled from the Party in accordance with regulations,At the same time, dismissal from public office in accordance with the law、Adjust or cancel the benefits they enjoy, etc.,Refer to judicial authorities for investigation of criminal liability according to law。

Article 32 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels should regard the education of conscious observance of discipline as their basic work,Regularly carry out party constitution and party rules education,Strengthen the party’s political discipline、Organizational discipline、Integrity and discipline、Mass discipline、Work discipline、Life discipline education,Carry out in-depth warning education,Make records clear with cases、Explain the case。

Carry out integrity education,Strengthening comprehensive and strict governance over the Party、The situation and tasks of party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work, as well as publicity and education on family tradition and tutoring,Promote the construction of a culture of integrity,Create an atmosphere of integrity and rejection of corruption。

According to the needs of the situation,Focus on ensuring the Party’s central work,Make a decision to maintain party discipline,Develop relevant regulatory documents,Strict disciplinary requirements,Education、Guide and standardize party organizations、Party member behavior。

Article 33 The Party’s Commission for Discipline Inspection shall strengthen political supervision,Focus on supervising party organizations、Party members, especially leading cadres, have the following situations:

(1) Loyal to the Party,Adhere to the party’s leadership,Implement the party’s theory, line, principles and policies、Decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee,Practice "two maintenances"。

(2) Firm ideals, beliefs and purposes,Keep in mind the original intention and mission,Practice the oath of joining the party,Adherence to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics。

(3) Implementation of the main responsibilities and supervisory responsibilities of comprehensively and strictly governing the party。

(4) Implement democratic centralism,Fair use of rights、Use rights according to law、Integrity in using power、The situation of taking responsibility。

Political supervision should highlight the “key minority”,Focus on strengthening the "top leaders"、Supervision by party committees at the same level, especially members of the Standing Committee。

Article 34 The Party’s Commission for Discipline Inspection shall strengthen daily supervision,Supervision methods mainly include: discussion,Convocation、Participate or attend the meeting,Understand the reactions of comrades within the party and the public;Check relevant information and information data;On-site investigation,Resident supervision;Supervise inspections and rectification;Heart-to-heart talk,Listen to work report,Listen to the statement of responsibility and integrity;Establish and improve the integrity files of party members and leading cadres,Carry out work such as responding to opinions on party style and clean government。

Carry out special supervision,In response to outstanding issues in the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decision-making and deployment,Industry、Systematic、seabet online sports bettingKey regional issues in party management,Formalism、Bureaucracy、The problem of hedonism and luxury,The public reacted strongly、Strengthen supervision seabet cluband inspection on outstanding issues that harm the interests of the masses。When necessary,Can organize、Participate in or supervise the implementation of centralized rectification、Special management。

Strengthen grassroots supervision,Promote the integration of grassroots supervision resources and forces,Exercise discipline inspection and supervision、Inspection and other functions,Effectively connect village (residential) affairs supervision,Establish a supervision information network platform,Expand mass participation,Timely discovery、Deal with corruption issues and unhealthy trends around the masses。

Article 35 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels should open channels for interviews and reports,Accept letters and reports from party members in accordance with regulations and disciplines,Health Branch Office、Assigned、Supervision、Feedback and other working mechanisms。

The situation of letters and visits should be analyzed and judged regularly,Typicality of reflection、Universality、Propose targeted work suggestions for emerging problems,Form comprehensive analysis or thematic analysis materials,To the party committee at the same level、Report by the superior disciplinary committee or notify relevant party organizations。

Reflections on petitions and reports、Problem clues discovered during supervision and enforcement and handed over by inspection agencies and other units,Centralized management should be implemented,Take a conversation and inquire、Preliminary verification、temporarily stored for investigation、Category disposal such as settlement,Make sure everything is in place。

、Party members’ problem clues have been initially verified,For suspected disciplinary violations、Those who need to be held accountable for party discipline,The case should be filed for review in accordance with regulations。

Discipline inspection committees at all levels according to their management authority,Reviewing relatively important or complex cases that violate the Party Constitution and other intra-Party regulations,Mainly include: members of the party committee at the same level、Alternate member,Member of the Discipline Inspection Commission at the same level,Party members and cadres managed by the party committee at the same level,And the party committee work department at the same level,Party group (party committee) approved by the party committee at the same level,Lower level party committee、Discipline Inspection Commission and other suspected disciplinary cases;The case is serious and complex,Case requiring important review measures;Party committee at the same level、Other cases assigned by the superior disciplinary committee。

Local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels and grassroots disciplinary inspection committees handle matters involving members of the party committees at the same level、Alternate member,Full-time leading cadres managed by the party committee at the same level,Member of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission at the same level、Case involving members of the Supervisory Committee and other personnel,As well as political issues、Problems and results in particularly important or complex cases such as national security,While reporting to the party committee at the same level,Report to the superior Discipline Inspection Commission。

Disciplinary review work should be carried out in accordance with regulations and disciplines、Query、Retrieve、Temporarily held、Search、Inspection and Inspection、Identification and other measures,And by requesting explanations from relevant organizations,Collect evidence,Find out the facts,Disposal of disciplinary proceeds。

Article 37 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels shall conduct disciplinary inspections based on the results of disciplinary inspections,According to relevant intra-party regulations,Discipline the party organizations and party members who should be held accountable for party discipline、Punishment。

For party members who have been reviewed by disciplinary inspection committees at all levels,Requiring disciplinary action,Generally, the Discipline Inspection Commission responsible for review will propose disciplinary opinions,Resolved after discussion at the party member meeting of the party branch where the person under review is located,And report it to the party’s grassroots committee for approval or the party organization with the power to impose sanctions in accordance with regulations。In special circumstances,Discipline Inspection Commissions at the county level and above have the right to directly decide on disciplinary sanctions against party members,Mainly including: confidential cases、Sensitive;Disciplinary cases cross regions, departments and units;The grassroots party organization where the party members who violate discipline cannot perform their duties normally、Improper performance of duties or the person in charge is related to disciplinary violations;Discipline-violating party members are party members and cadres managed by party committees at or above the county level;Relevant situations clearly stipulated in the Party Constitution and other intra-Party regulations。

Local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels and grassroots disciplinary inspection committees have different opinions on the decisions of party committees at the same level in handling cases,You can request the higher-level Discipline Inspection Commission for review。

Establish and improve the implementation public announcement of disciplinary decisions、Return visit to education、Situation reporting and special inspection systems,Strengthen collaboration and communication with relevant party organizations and functional departments,Ensure that disciplinary decisions are strictly implemented。

Article 38 The Party’s Discipline Inspection Committee discovers Party organizations、The party’s leading cadres in party building、Those who have neglected their duties in the Party’s cause,Accountability investigation should be carried out in accordance with relevant intra-party regulations,Identify the problem of negligence and negligence,Propose accountability recommendations to the party committee,Or make accountability decisions in accordance with prescribed authority and procedures。

Article 39: The Party’s Discipline Inspection Committee accuses party members of being infringed upon by party organizations or other party members due to their legitimate rights and interests,Accepted in accordance with regulations,Process it promptly and appropriately。Disciplinary and illegal issues discovered through handling complaints against party members,Inspect and handle in accordance with this chapter。

The punishment given to party members for dissatisfaction with the Discipline Inspection Commission or other party organizations、Complaint filed due to disciplinary action,Accepted in accordance with regulations,Conduct reconsideration and review。

Article 40 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels shall act in accordance with relevant intra-Party regulations,Strengthen supervision and inspection of party organizations and leading cadres in fulfilling their responsibilities to protect the rights of party members,Investigate and deal with violations of party members’ rights in accordance with regulations and disciplines。Carry out supervision and discipline enforcement work,Regulations and requirements to protect the rights of party members should be implemented。

Article 41 Supervision and Inspection、In the process of disciplinary review,Attention should be paid to finding and analyzing the party organization’s party style and clean government construction、Outstanding problems in management and supervision,Adopt a disciplinary inspection proposal or other appropriate methods,Proposal on strengthening party management、Purify political ecology、Sound system、Opinions and suggestions for rectification and correction,Supervise, guide and promote relevant areas、Department、The unit party organization draws inferences from one example、Practical rectification。

For matters related to party building、The universality of the party’s cause、Tendency question,Should conduct in-depth research,Form a special report,Submit to the party committee at the same level、Superior Discipline Inspection Commission or notify relevant party organizations,Promote problem solving、Normative decision-making、Improve policy、Sound system。

Chapter 6 Stationing and dispatching agencies

Article 42 The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission、Supervisory committees of local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels have fully dispatched disciplinary inspection and supervision teams to party and state organs at the same level,According to regulations, you can apply to state-owned enterprises、Public institutions and other organizations and units dispatch discipline inspection and supervision teams。

The Party Central Committee and local committees at all levels dispatch party organization working committees、Representative agencies such as street working committees,The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission、The supervisory committees of local disciplinary inspection committees at all levels may dispatch disciplinary inspection and supervision working committees accordingly。

Article 43: The stationed institution is an integral part of the Supervisory Committee of the Party’s Commission for Discipline Inspection that sends it,Directly led by the dispatching agency、Unified management。

The dispatched agency works under the dual leadership of the Supervisory Committee of the Party’s Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Party Working Committee at the corresponding level。The dispatched agencies carry out disciplinary inspections in accordance with regulations,Lead the work of the Discipline Inspection Commission and other disciplinary inspection agencies within the jurisdiction。

Article 44 The stationed agencies shall carry out supervision and discipline enforcement and accountability work in accordance with the authorization of the stationing agency:

(1) Strengthen supervision of resident units (including comprehensive supervision units),Focus on the leadership team and its members of the resident unit、The leadership team and its members managed by the party group (party committee) shall supervise。

(2) Supervise and promote the leadership team of the resident unit to implement the party’s theory, line, principles and policies、Decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee,Perform the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party。

(3) Frequently、Report the situation and problems to the dispatching authority in a timely manner。

(4) Strengthen the business guidance, supervision and inspection of the discipline inspection agencies stationed in the units,Promote their performance of supervisory responsibilities。

(5) Seriously handle complaints and reports,Centralize management and processing of problem clues。

(6) Conduct disciplinary review in accordance with regulations and disciplines,Seriously investigate and deal with disciplinary violations。

(7) Make accountability decisions or make accountability suggestions in accordance with management authority。

(8) Assist the party group (party committee) of the stationed unit to do inspection work。

(9) Complete other tasks assigned by the dispatching agency.

Article 45: Improve the work mechanism for dispatch supervision,Coordinate and coordinate the internal supervision and inspection office of the dispatched agency、Dispatched Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team、Local disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies、Inspection and inspection agencies and other forces,Through "room team" joint supervision、Methods such as "room, group and local area" joint handling of cases,Improving the quality of field supervision。

County (city)、District) Discipline Inspection Committee and Supervisory Committee carry out supervision work,The personnel strength of the agencies stationed there should be guaranteed,Promote the extension seabet casino reviewof supervision work to the grassroots,Adopt comprehensive posting、Work collaboration and other methods,Improve seabet betting platformsupervision efficiency。

Chapter 7 Team Building and Supervision

Article 46 The Party’s disciplinary inspection committees at all levels must persist in arming their minds with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era、Guide to practice、Promote work,Focus on the party’s political construction,Educate and guide disciplinary inspection cadres to continuously improve their political judgment、Political understanding、Political execution,Take the lead in practicing "two maintenances",Dare to be good at fighting,Be loyal, clean and responsible。

Article 47 Implement the party’s organizational line in the new era,Insist on party management of cadres,Strictly control the admission of cadres,Strengthen ideological tempering、Political experience、Practice exercise、Professional training,Strengthen theoretical research and discipline construction,Improve control policy、Supervision and discipline、Ability to do ideological and political work, etc.,Building a team of high-quality professional cadres。

Article 48 Strengthen the construction of work style and discipline,Ensure that disciplinary inspection cadres strictly abide by political disciplines and rules,Exemplary observance of party discipline and national laws,Insist on seeking truth from facts,Carry out in-depth investigation and research,Close contact with the masses,Establish strict discipline、In-depth style、Solid work、Humble and prudent、Good image of impartiality and discipline。

Article 49 Strengthen the standardization of supervision and discipline enforcement,Improving laws and regulations,Standardized work process,Firmly establish awareness of the rule of law、Program awareness、Evidence awareness,Exercise the power of disciplinary inspection in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws。

Article 50 The Party’s Discipline Inspection Committee must accept the strictest restraint and supervision,Leadership of the Party Committee at the same level and the Discipline Inspection Commission at the higher level、Strengthen self-supervision under supervision,Consciously accept the supervision of party organizations and party members。Establish and improve supervision and inspection、Review Investigation、Case Supervision and Management、Mutual coordination of case trials、Mutual restrictive working mechanism,Utilize the internal cadre supervision mechanism、The role of the Discipline Inspection Commission and other functions,Increase supervision and self-purification,Resolutely prevent and control "darkness under the light"。

The Party’s Discipline Inspection Committee should consciously accept democratic supervision、Mass supervision、Public opinion supervision and other aspects of supervision。Any unit or individual may respond to the disciplinary inspection agency、Discipline and illegal behaviors of disciplinary inspection cadres,Right to file a report、Accusation。

Article 51 Strictly enforce discipline inspection cadres to inquire about the case、Interrogation case、Intercession Intervention Problem Reporting System,Relevant circumstances should be registered and filed。

The disciplinary inspection cadre discovered that the staff of the review team had unauthorized contact with the person under review、Persons involved in the case and their specific related persons,Or there is a relationship,Should be reported and registered in a timely manner。

Article 52: Discipline inspection cadres handling disciplinary inspection matters have circumstances that may affect the fair handling of matters,Should actively apply for avoidance,Person under review、The accuser and other relevant persons also have the right to ask them to recuse themselves。

Article 53 Discipline inspection officials shall strictly implement the confidentiality system,Not allowed to be kept privately、Hidden、View、Excerpt、Copy、Bring clues and information about the case,It is strictly prohibited to disclose the review work status。

Disciplinary inspection cadres who resigned,Should strictly abide by the regulations on employment restrictions after leaving employment,Not allowed to engage in occupations related to disciplinary inspection within three years。

Article 54 Establish and improve the safety responsibility system,Strictly prevent review security incidents。Organize regular inspections and irregular spot inspections,Promptly urge rectification when problems are discovered。

Article 55: Discipline inspection officials may use cases for personal gain、Wind leakage、Abuse of power and other violations of regulations, disciplines and laws,Must be investigated seriously;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Disciplinary inspection agencies and their leading cadres who neglect their duties in the performance of their duties, resulting in serious consequences or adverse effects,Should be held accountable。

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

Article 56 Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Party Discipline Inspection Committee at all levels,The Party’s regional discipline inspection commissions and other discipline inspection commissions equivalent to regional discipline inspection commissions,Party Group (Party Committee) Discipline Inspection Team (Discipline Inspection Commission),Discipline Inspection Committee,Refer to and implement these regulations。

Article 57 The Central Military Commission may act in accordance with these Regulations,Formulate relevant regulations。

Article 58 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

Article 59 These Regulations shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.

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