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Regulations on Requesting Instructions and Reporting on Major Matters of the Communist Party of China

  Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on Requesting Instructions and Reporting on Major Matters of the Communist Party of China》(hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"),And send notification,Require all regions and departments to strictly comply with the implementation。

Notice pointed out,The requesting and reporting system is an important political discipline of our party、Organizational discipline、Work discipline,Is an effective working mechanism to implement democratic centralism,For resolutely safeguarding the core of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Party Central Committee、The core position of the entire party,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee,Ensure unity and unity of the whole party and consistent actions,of great significance。Formulate and promulgate the "Regulations",Conducive to improving the institutionalization of requesting and reporting of major matters、Normalization、Scientific level。

Notification request,Party organizations at all levels must conscientiously organize the study of the "Regulations",Enable party members and cadres to accurately grasp the importance of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters、Basic Principles、Main content and work requirements,Strengthen ideological consciousness and action consciousness。Leading cadres at all levels must effectively assume political responsibility,The entity that ensures that the region and department strictly abide by the "Regulations"、Matters、Procedures and methods,Do a good job in requesting instructions and reporting。Central departments、The Party Group (Party Committee) of the central state organs must take the lead in implementing the "Regulations",Effectively strengthen the work of requesting instructions and reporting to the Party Central Committee,In accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations", we will strengthen the guidance on the work of requesting instructions and reporting in this area of ​​the system。It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of the "Regulations",Ensure that all regulations are implemented to the letter。

Regulations on Requesting Instructions and Reporting on Major Matters of the Communist Party of China》The full text is as follows.

  Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1: In order to strengthen and standardize the work of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters,Strict party political discipline、Organizational discipline and work discipline,Guarantee that the whole party and the whole country obey the Party Central Committee、The government order is smooth,According to the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China"、"Several Guidelines on Intra-Party Political Life under the New Situation" and other intra-party regulations,Enact this Regulation。

Article 2: The work of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters is guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership,Insist that the Party must govern the Party、Comprehensively and strictly govern the party,Implement democratic centralism,Resolutely safeguard the core of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Party Central Committee、The core position of the entire party,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee,Ensure unity and unity of the whole party and consistent actions,Ensure that the party always takes charge of the overall situation、Coordinate all parties。

Article 3: These regulations apply from lower-level party organizations to higher-level party organizations,And party members、Leading cadres request instructions from the party organization to report major events and related activities。

Major matters referred to in these regulations,refers to beyond party organizations and party members、Leading cadres’ own scope of authority,Or it may be within the scope of one's own authority but it is related to the overall situation、Important things and situations that have a wide impact,Including the party organization’s implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the decisions of superior party organizations、Leading economic and social development affairs、Implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,Party members perform their obligations、Exercise rights,Leading cadres exercise power、Important things and important situations for which you are responsible。

Request for instructions as referred to in these regulations,refers to the lower-level party organization to the higher-level party organization,Party member、Leading cadres request instructions or approval from the party organization on major matters;Alleged report,refers to the lower-level party organization to the higher-level party organization,Party member、Leading cadres report important matters and seabet iosituations to the party organization。

Article 4 The following principles shall be followed when conducting requests for instructions and reports on major matters:

(1) Adhere to political orientation。Shu Lao "Four Consciousnesses",Implement the “Four Obediences”,Regard requests for instructions and reports as important political disciplines and rules,Implement political requirements into the entire process and all aspects of requesting instructions and reports。

(2) Adhere to clear rights and responsibilities。Keep in mind the limited authorization,This request is required,This report must be reported;Also keep in mind the responsibility to protect the land,Those responsible must be held responsible,Must take the responsibility。

(3) Adhere to objective truth。Comprehensive and truthful request for instructions and report work、Report the situation、Analysis problem、Make a suggestion,Reporting both good and bad news、Repaying both merit and demerit、Report both results and process。

(4) Adhere to norms and order。Implementing the requirements for governing the party in accordance with regulations,Subjects who strictly abide by the Party Constitution and Party Rules、Scope、Procedures and methods for conducting requests for instructions and reports on major matters。

Article 5: Party organizations in various regions and departments bear the main responsibility for requesting instructions and reporting on major matters,The main responsible comrade of the party organization is the first responsible person,Responsible for the work of requesting instructions and reporting。

The General Office of the Central Committee is responsible for accepting and handling major matters reported to the Party Central Committee for instructions,And coordinate, supervise and guide the reporting work of various regions and departments to the Party Central Committee。The general office (office) of the local party committee is responsible for accepting and handling major matters reported to the party committee at the same level,And coordinate, supervise and guide the request and report work in the region。

  Chapter 2 Party Organization Request for Instructions Report Subject

Article 6: Party organizations’ request for instructions and reports shall generally be conducted in the name of the organization,Request instructions and report from the superior party organization responsible for leadership or supervision and guidance。Special circumstances,You can request instructions and reports on behalf of the party organization in the name of the comrade in charge of the party organization according to work needs。

Request for instructions and reporting should be carried out step by step,Generally, you are not allowed to ask for instructions from above the level。Special circumstances,You can directly request instructions and reports from higher-level party organizations in accordance with relevant regulations。

Article 7 Unit Party Organizations Accepting Dual Leadership,Request instructions and reports from the superior party organization with main leadership responsibilities according to the nature and content of the matter,Also copy to another higher-level party organization。Special circumstances,You don’t need to copy it to another higher-level party organization。

Article 8: Accept centralized leadership、Managed unit party organization,Must obey the leadership of the party organization that approved its establishment,Ask for instructions and report work,And report to the centralized leader in accordance with relevant regulations、Request report from the party organization of the management unit。

Article 9: Accept centralized guidance、Coordinating or supervising unit party organization,Reports to higher-level party organizations for instructions should generally be copied to the leader、Unit party organization with coordination or supervision responsibilities。

Responsible for guidance、The unit party organization with coordination or supervision responsibilities shall coordinate the area it is responsible for、Field、Industry、Request for instructions and reports from party organizations in various units within the system,Report the overall situation to the higher-level party organization for instructions、Completion status of leading matters, etc.。

Article 10 Involving cross-region、Cross-domain、Cross-industry、Major cross-system matters,Relevant party organizations should jointly request instructions and report to the common superior party organization。The joint request report should clearly identify the leading party organization。

Joint request for instructions from the party and government agencies,Generally, the higher-level party and government agencies should also be listed as the target of requests for instructions and reports。

Article 11 In accordance with the provisions of intra-party laws and regulations,The party’s decision-making, deliberation and coordination bodies and party working organs can accept requests for instructions from lower-level party organizations within their scope of authority and handle them。

The main responsible comrades of the party organization can accept reports from lower-level party organizations on overall work or certain aspects of work;Relevant responsible comrades can accept reports from lower-level party organizations for instructions on work in their respective fields,You can also be entrusted by the party organization or the main responsible comrade of the party organization,Accept reports from lower-level party organizations on comprehensive work。

  Chapter 3 Party Organization Requests and Reports

Article 12 Major principles and policies involving the overall work of the party and the state,Economy、Politics、Culture、Society、Major principles and issues in the construction of ecological civilization and party building,National Security、Overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan、Diplomacy、National Defense、Army and other matters under the centralized and unified management of the Party Central Committee,And other major matters that can only be led and decided by the Party Central Committee,Must report to the Party Central Committee for instructions。

Article 13 The party organization shall ask the higher-level party organization for instructions on the following matters:

(1) Implement important situations and issues in the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the decisions of superior party organizations,Policy measures that need to be adjusted,Special difficulties that require support;

(2) Major reform measures、Major legislative matters、Major system changes、Promotion of major projects、Major emergencies、Major organizational adjustments、Appointment and removal of important cadres、Important Commendation Award、Handling of major disciplinary violations and complex and sensitive cases, etc.;

(3) Clearly stipulate important meetings that need to be requested、seabet loginImportant events、Important documents, etc.;

(4) Major events、Propaganda and reporting caliber of important policies,Overall issues and difficult-to-grasp issues in news propaganda and ideological work;

(5) Introducing major innovation measures,Especially when encountering new situations and new problems without explicit provisions、Need to try first,Or innovative measures may conflict with existing regulations、Situations that require authorization before implementation;

(6) Matters that are within the scope of one’s own powers but are of major importance or are particularly sensitive;

(7) Situations in which there are large differences of opinion when making major decisions;

(8) Cross-region、Cross-domain、Cross-industry、Major matters that need to be coordinated and promoted by the superior party organization in cross-system work;

(9) Adjustment of superior party organization documents、The scope of communication and knowledge of the spirit of the meeting,Use the unpublished speech of the responsible comrade of the superior party organization、Audio and video materials, etc.;

(10) Other major matters that require instructions.

There is no need to ask for instructions from the higher-level party organization for the following matters: daily work within the scope of one's own authority;The higher-level party organization has made clear approval on relevant issues;Matters that can be reported afterwards。

Article 14 The party organization shall report the following matters to the higher-level party organization:

(1) Study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Important information on coordinating and promoting the "Five-in-One" overall layout and coordinating and promoting the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout;

(2) Important meetings of the Party Central Committee and higher-level party organizations、Important documents、Implementation of major decision-making arrangements,Implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions,Study and handling of matters assigned by responsible comrades of the superior party organization;

(3) Strengthening party building,Perform the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,Includes focused learning and education activities、Ideological work、Adjustment of party organization setup and affiliation、Democratic Life Meeting、Building party style and clean government、Implement the spirit of the eight central regulations、Party members and cadres directly contact the masses、Inspection, inspection and rectification、Discover major disciplinary and illegal issues, etc.;

(4) Comprehensive work summary and plan;

(5) Development status of major special projects;

(6) Major sensitive events、Response to emergencies and mass incidents;

(7) Important situations and major public opinions arising in economic and social development;

(8) Local region、This department、Experiences, practices, opinions and suggestions in the work of this unit that have the value of being promoted to a wider range;

(9) Other major matters that should be reported.

The following matters do not need to be reported to the higher-level party organization: specific routine work;Statements and situation reflections without substantive content。

Article 15 The party organization shall report the following matters to the higher-level party organization in accordance with relevant regulations:

(1) Intra-party regulations and normative documents;

(2) Division of work among members of the leadership team;

(3) Appointment and removal of relevant cadres;

(4) Party Committee Member、Resignation from the position of alternate member、Exemption or automatic termination;

(5) Other major matters that should be reported.

Article 16 Central Decision-making, Discussion and Coordination Bodies、Central departments、Relevant party groups (party committees) of central state organs should conduct research in this field、Industry、Set clear requirements for specific matters reported within the system、Strengthen work guidance。

Higher-level party organizations should proceed from reality,Request for instructions from lower-level party organizations has similar themes、Request for merging and integrating similar matters related to content,Promote request for instruction reports to be streamlined and pragmatic。

Article 17 The party organization shall report the scope and content of matters requiring instructions in accordance with these regulations,Combining superior requirements and own actual conditions,Prepare a list of matters to be reported。

  Chapter 4 Procedures for Requesting Instructions and Reporting from Party Organizations

Article 18 Reports on requests for instructions on major matters shall generally be collectively studied or circulated for approval by the leadership team of the party organization,Issued or made by the main responsible comrade。If necessary, it should be reported to the responsible comrade of the superior party organization for approval in advance。

Two or more party organizations jointly request instructions,Should be submitted after consensus。Unanimous,The relevant situation should be explained。

Article 19: Request instructions from higher-level party organizations on major matters,Must ask for permission in advance,Give the superior party organization sufficient time for research, judgment and decision-making。The situation is urgent and it is too late to ask for instructions and must be dealt with on the spot,Should perform duties in accordance with regulations,And make follow-up request reports in a timely manner。

Periodic reports are carried out according to the specified time。Special reports will be conducted in a timely manner based on the progress of the work,Special reports on studying and implementing the spirit of important meetings and documents of superior party organizations should focus on reflecting the results of implementation,Don’t just seek speed。Major matters assigned by the superior party organization,Should be reported according to the time limit。Surprise and major incidents should be reported in a timely manner,And continue to report according to the development and handling of the incident。

Article 20 When submitting a request for instructions, the requested matters and relevant reasons shall be stated。Requests for instructions should be submitted in one article and one matter,No requests for instructions may be included in reports and other non-request documents。

Major matters requiring instructions from lower-level party organizations,If the accepting party organization needs to request instructions from the higher-level party organization in its name,Should be carefully studied and responsibly put forward handling suggestions,Do not just forward the original text to the higher-level party organization for instructions。

Article 21 After the superior party organization receives the request,Generally, seabet app downloadthe comprehensive department will put forward the proposal and report it to the responsible comrades of the party organization for approval in accordance with regulations。

Request jointly submitted by party and government agencies,Led by the superior party organization。

Article 22: The superior party organization shall handle urgent requests for instructions as soon as possible。If there is a clear processing time limit, the processing should be completed within the specified period,There are special circumstances that cannot be completed within the prescribed time limit,Should take the initiative to explain the situation to lower-level party organizations。

Article 23: The reply to a request for instructions should generally insist on who is asked for instructions and who will reply,Under special circumstances, the party organization that accepts the request for instructions may authorize the relevant department of the party organization to respond on its behalf。

Article 24 The report should have substantive content and reference value,It helps the higher-level party organization to understand the situation、Scientific decision-making,Strength is empty、Comment on your merits、Engage in formalism。Reports should be concise and to the point、Simple writing style,Comprehensive reports submitted to the Party Central Committee are generally within 5,000 words,Special reports are generally within 3000 words,The situation is complicated、Relevant content that is really necessary to be reported in detail can be reflected in the attachment。

Article 25: After the superior party organization receives the report,seabet app downloadthe comprehensive department shall submit the instructions to the responsible comrades of the party organization for review based on work needs。The comprehensive department can use the same theme、Reports with similar content are submitted in a centralized manner,Or submit the summary into comprehensive materials。

The responsible comrade of the party organization gives instructions on the report,seabet app downloadthe comprehensive department shall handle the matter in a timely manner as required。

Article 26: Higher-level party organizations should strengthen the comprehensive analysis and utilization of reports。Typical experiences and practices with promotion value,Can be promoted through appropriate forms;For common issues,Should be taken seriously and studied and solved;For valuable opinions and suggestions,Should be carefully studied and absorbed、Promote improvements。

Article 27: There are situations in requesting and reporting of major matters that may affect the fair handling,Relevant personnel should avoid。

  Chapter 5 Methods for Party Organizations to Request Instructions and Reports

Article 28: The party organization shall use verbal methods according to the type and urgency of major matters、Request for instructions in writing。

Article 29 It is appropriate to request for instructions and report on major matters in a simple manner,Can be used verbally。The handling of urgent situations or major matters is still in the preliminary stage of preparation,You can request the report verbally in advance,The request report will be supplemented in writing later。

Article 30 Oral request for instructions and report shall be made by phone call as appropriate、In person、Meetings, etc.。The content is relatively simple or the situation is very urgent,You can use the call method;The content is more complex or the situation is sensitive and special,Can be done in person;The content is more formal or involves many subjects,Conference mode can be used。

Oral requests for instructions should be recorded and retained,Make sure it’s well documented。

Article 31 Non-emergency situations、A request for instruction report where the handling of major matters is at a relatively mature stage or is not suitable for easy processing,Should be in writing。

Article 32: The written report shall be a formal report as appropriate、Message、Presentation and other methods。Information focuses on reporting major emergencies,Issues that need attention、Phenomena and situations, etc.,Should be timely and efficient、Authoritative and accurate。The briefing focuses on reporting a brief summary of a certain aspect of work。

Party organizations should coordinate and make good use of written reports,Adhere to "Nothing should be repaid twice",Generally, duplicate reports on the same content using multiple methods are not allowed。The superior party organization clearly requires a formal report,No substitution by other means。

Article 33 Party organizations may use telephones、File、Fax、Telegram、The Internet and other carriers carry out the work of requesting instructions and reporting。Confidential matters shall be implemented in accordance with relevant confidentiality regulations。

Grassroots party organizations can be more flexible and convenient in requesting and reporting work、Outstanding effectiveness。

  Chapter 6 Request for Instructions from Party Members and Leading Cadres

Article 34 Party members should generally report major matters to their party organizations for instructions。Leading cadres should generally report important work to their party organizations for instructions。

Party member、Leading cadres request instructions from the party organization to report personal matters,Perform in accordance with relevant regulations。

Article 35 Party members shall ask the party organization for instructions on the following matters:

(1) Important issues in engaging in work assigned by the party organization;

(2) Express opinions or make decisions on behalf of the party organization;

(3) Foreign-related work exchange activities that require instructions in accordance with regulations;

(4) Transferring the party’s organizational relationship;

(5) Other matters that should be requested from the party organization.

Article 36 Party members shall report the following matters to the party organization:

(1) Implementing the resolutions of the party organization and completing the tasks assigned by the party organization;

(2) Opinions and suggestions on the party’s work and leading cadres;

(3) Discovering party members、Clues on disciplinary and illegal violations by leading cadres;

(4) Mobility and outbound situation;

(5) Other matters that should be reported to the party organization.

Article 37 Leading cadres shall ask the party organization for instructions on the following matters:

(1) Exceeding the scope of one’s authority,Major matters that should be decided by the party organization where you work or the party organization at the higher level;

(2) Issues and situations that fall within the scope of one’s own powers but are of major concern;

(3) Express important opinions on behalf of the party organization;

(4) Unable to perform duties or leave the place of work for some reason;

(5) Other matters that should be requested from the party organization.

Article 38 Leading cadres shall report the following matters to the party organization:

(1) Study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Implement the important situations and issues in the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the decisions of the Party organization;

(2) Observe political disciplines seabet online casinoand rules,Resolutely safeguard the core of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Party Central Committee、The core position of the entire party,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee;

(3) Adhere to democratic centralism,Promote intra-party democracy,Correct exercise of power,Participation in collective leadership;

(4) Participation in the democratic life meeting of the leadership team and the organizational life meeting of the party branch (party group);

(5) Fulfilling the responsibility of managing and governing the party,Strengthening the construction of party style and clean government, anti-corruption work and compliance with integrity and discipline;

(6) Major decision-making errors or improper handling of emergencies,Discipline Inspection and Supervision、Important issues found during inspections and audits,And violations of disciplines and laws;

(7) Major illnesses and other situations that may affect the normal performance of duties;

(8) Other matters that should be reported to the party organization.

Article 39 Party Members、Leading cadres use verbal methods in accordance with regulations、Request for instructions in writing。Party organizations should promptly register party members、Requests for instructions from leading cadres,The reported matters can be studied and processed when necessary。

  Chapter 7 Supervision and Accountability

Article 40: The party organization shall include the progress of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters as an important part of the reporting work to the party organization at the next higher level。

Article 41 The party organization shall establish and improve the supervision mechanism for requesting instructions and reporting on major matters,Incorporate the implementation of the instruction reporting system into the scope of daily supervision and inspections。

Article 42: Party organizations shall regard requesting instructions and reporting on major matters as an important part of fulfilling their political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party,Conduct assessment and evaluation of lower-level party organizations and their main responsible comrades。Assessment and evaluation can be combined with the inspection and assessment of the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction、Integrated party building work assessment, etc.,Results should be communicated in an appropriate manner。

Article 43: Establish and improve error correction mechanism,Inappropriate entities that appear in requesting instructions and reporting on major matters、Inaccurate content、Irregular procedures、Unreasonable methods and other issues,The higher-level party organization should promptly remind and correct it,And reflect the relevant information in the evaluation report。

Article 44 Implementation of accountability system for requesting instructions and reporting on major matters,Any of the following situations,Relevant party organizations and party members should be investigated in accordance with regulations and disciplines、Responsibilities of leading cadres and staff,Suspected of illegal crimes,Processed in accordance with relevant legal provisions:

(1) Violation of political disciplines and rules,Decide without authorization on major matters that should be decided by the Party Central Committee,Those who undermine the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee;

(2) Failure to fulfill leadership responsibilities,Not paying attention to requesting reports on major matters and not deploying them,The work is not carried out well;

(3) Violation of organizational principles,This request is not requested,This report does not report;

(4) Lack of responsibility,Shifting the blame、Submit conflict、passive;

(5) Engage in formalism、Bureaucracy,The content of the request report is untrue、Incorrect information,causing serious consequences;

(6) Violation of work requirements,Failure to request instructions and reports in accordance with prescribed procedures and methods,causing serious consequences;

(7) Other situations that should be held accountable.

  Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

Article 45 Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality Party Committee,Central decision-making and coordination agencies,Central departments,Party groups (party committees) of ministries and commissions of central state organs,Concrete implementation measures should be closely combined with the actual work。

Article 46 The Central Military Commission may act in accordance with these Regulations,Combined with the actual situation of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Formulate relevant regulations。

Article 47: The General Office of the Central Committee is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

Article 48 This Regulation shall come into effect on January 31, 2019。

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