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Issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China"Regulations on the Disclosure of Party Affairs of the Communist Party of China (Trial)"

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a document"Regulations on the Disclosure of Party Affairs of the Communist Party of China (Trial)"(hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"),and send notification,Require all regions and departments to strictly comply with the implementation。

Notice emphasis,Promote the disclosure of party affairs,It is to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Unswervingly and strictly administer the party in an all-round way,Major measures to improve the party’s governing ability and leadership level。This is an important manifestation of our party’s “four self-confidences”,It is also an important way to enhance the “four consciousnesses” of the whole party,For the development of intra-party democracy,Strengthening intra-party supervision,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole party、Initiative、Creativity,For promoting the construction of socialist democratic politics,Mobilize and organize the people to form the largest concentric circles and cohesion,Better implement the party’s theory, line, principles and policies,of great significance。The formulation and promulgation of the "Regulations",Provides basic guidelines for the disclosure of party affairs,marks the comprehensive institutionalization of party affairs disclosure work、Normalization、Programmed track。

Notification request,Party organizations at all levels must be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Firmly grasp the basic principles of disclosure of party affairs,Place the disclosure of party affairs in the new era and uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics、Planning and promoting the new great project of party building in practice,Implement the requirements for upholding and improving the party’s leadership into the entire process and all aspects of party affairs disclosure。We must carefully study and train the "Regulations",Enable the majority of party members and cadres to fully and accurately grasp the basic spirit of the "Regulations"、Main content and work requirements。Theoretical study center groups of party committees (party groups) at all levels should organize special studies,Party School、Leader Academy、The School of Administration should incorporate the Regulations into training courses。All regions and seabet iodepartments must closely integrate with actual conditions,Develop an implementation plan for the Regulations,Preparation of public directory of party affairs,Follow the implementation with the spirit of nailing。We must strengthen the organizational leadership of party affairs disclosure work,The establishment is the responsibility of the leading comrades of the party committee、Led by the general office (office)、Overall coordination mechanism involving relevant departments,Strengthen the construction of party affairs disclosure work institutions and personnel,Ensure that the work of disclosing party affairs is carried out in a solid and effective manner。

  "Regulations on the Disclosure of Party Affairs of the Communist Party of China (Trial)"The full text is as follows.

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Article 1: In order to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Promote comprehensive and strict party governance to in-depth development,Strengthen and standardize the disclosure of party affairs,Develop intra-party democracy,Strengthening intra-party supervision,Enable the majority of party members to better understand and participate in party affairs,Mobilize and organize the people to implement the party's theory, line, principles and policies,Improving the party’s governing ability and leadership level,According to the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China",Enact this Regulation。

Article 2: Disclosure of party affairs as referred to in these regulations,refers to the party organization that implements the party’s leadership activities、Relevant matters related to strengthening party building work,Disclosed within the party or to outside the party according to regulations。

Article 3 These regulations apply to the party’s central organization、Local organization、Grassroots organization,Party’s disciplinary inspection agency、Working organs and other party organizations。

Article 4 The disclosure of party affairs shall follow the following principles:

(1) Stick to the right direction。Insist on safeguarding the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Conscientiously implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Firmly establish the “Four Consciousnesses”,Strong “Four Confidences”,Put the disclosure of party affairs into the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to plan and promote,Implement the requirements for upholding and improving the party’s leadership into the entire process and all aspects of the disclosure of party affairs。

(2) Adhere to and promote democracy。Guarantee the democratic rights of party members,Implement party members’ right to know、Right to participate、Right to vote、Supervision rights,Better mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole party、Initiative、Creativity,Respond to the concerns of party members and the public in a timely manner,Promote implementation through publicity、Promote supervision、Promote improvements。

(3) Adhere to positivity and prudence。Focus on the connection between the disclosure of party affairs and the disclosure of government affairs,Coordinate all levels、Party affairs disclosure work in various fields,Generally, first inside the party and then outside the party,Classification implementation,Strive for practical results。

(4) Adhere to the rules and laws。Respect the Party Constitution,Govern the party according to regulations,According to the law,Scientifically standardizing the content of party affairs disclosure、Scope、Procedures and methods,Enhance seriousness、Credibility,Continuously improve the institutionalization of party affairs disclosure work、Normalization level。

Article 5: Establish and improve the unified leadership of the Party Central Committee,Local party committees are responsible for different levels,The leadership system for party affairs disclosure work in which each department and each unit takes its own responsibility。

The General Office of the Central Committee is responsible for the specific work of disclosing party affairs of the Party Central Committee,Responsible for overall coordination, supervision and guidance of the entire party affairs disclosure work。The local party committee office (office) is responsible for the specific work of disclosing party affairs of the party committee at the same level,Responsible for overall coordination, supervision and guidance of party affairs disclosure work in the region。All regions and departments should strengthen the construction of party affairs disclosure work institutions and personnel。

Article 6 The party organization shall be based on the responsibilities and tasks it undertakes,Establish and improve the confidentiality review of party affairs Seabetdisclosure、Risk Assessment、Information Release、Policy Interpretation、Public opinion guidance、Public opinion analysis、Emergency response and other working mechanisms。

Chapter 2 Disclosure Content and Scope

Article 7 Party organizations implement the party’s basic theory、Basic route、Basic strategic situation,Leadership’s economic and social development,Implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party、Strengthening Party Building,And the party’s organizational functions、Institution, etc.,Except for matters involving party and state secrets that must not be disclosed or should not be disclosed in accordance with relevant regulations,Generally should be made public。

Strengthen restrictions and supervision on the exercise of power,Let the people supervise power,Let power run in the sun。

The disclosure of party affairs must not endanger political security, especially the security of the political power、System Security,And economic security、Military Security、Cultural Security、Social Security、Homeland security and national security, etc.。

Article 8 The party organization shall reasonably determine the scope of disclosure based on the degree of connection between party affairs and party members and the masses:

(1) Leading economic and social development、Party affairs involving the production and life of the people,Open to the public;

(2) Major issues involving party building or party members’ obligations and rights,Party affairs that require all party members to be generally aware of and abide by,Open to the whole party;

(3) Various regions、Departments、Party affairs of each unit,In this area、This department、This unit is public;

(4) Organizations involving specific party、Party affairs in the vital interests of party members and the masses,For specific party organizations、Open to party members and the public。

Article 9 The Party’s central organization discloses the Party’s theory, line, principles and policies,Manage the Party and govern the Party、Major decisions and arrangements for governing the country,General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech、Important Instructions,Important meeting of the Party Central Committee、Activities and important personnel appointments and removals,Party Central Committee、Politburo of the CPC Central Committee、The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee strengthens its own construction, etc.。

Article 10: Local Party organizations shall disclose seabet mythe following content:

(1) Study and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and superior organizations,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core;

(2) Arrangements for the economic and social development of the region、Major reform matters、Major decisions and implementation of major livelihood measures and other measures,And emergency response to major emergencies;

(3) Fulfilling the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,Adhere to the principle of democratic centralism,Serious political life within the party,Comprehensively responsible for the party building situation in the region;

(4) Important Party Meetings in the Region、Activities and appointments and removals of important personnel;

(5) The Party’s local committees strengthen their own construction;

(6) Other party affairs that should be made public.

Article 11 The party’s grassroots organizations shall disclose seabet mythe following content:

(1) Study and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and superior organizations,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core;

(2) Work objectives during the term、Phased work deployment、Key tasks and implementation;

(3) Strengthening ideological and political work、Carry out intra-party study and education、Organize education and training for party members、The implementation of the "three meetings and one lesson" system;

(4) General election、Party organization established、Develop Party Members、Democratic Comment、Convening organizational life meeting、Protect the rights of party members、Party dues collection and use management and the party organization’s own construction, etc.;

(5) Preventing and correcting the "four winds" phenomenon,Contact and serve party members and the masses;

(6) Implementing the political responsibility of managing and governing the party,Strengthening the construction of party style and clean government,Organizational handling and disciplinary sanctions against party members;

(7) Other party affairs that should be disclosed.

Article 12 The party’s disciplinary inspection agency shall disclose seabet mythe following content:

(1) Study and implement the Party Central Committee’s major policies and major decisions and arrangements,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Implement the implementation of the party committee at the same level、Work deployment situation of superior disciplinary inspection agencies;

(2) Carry out discipline education、Strengthen discipline construction,Upholding the Party Constitution, Party Rules and Party Discipline;

(3) Investigate and punish violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations,happens around the masses、Irregularities and corruption problems that have a bad influence;

(4) File and review cases of party members and leading cadres who seriously violate disciplines and are suspected of illegal crimes、Organization review and punishment of expulsion from the party;

(5) Accountability for serious negligence of party members and leading cadres;

(6) Strengthening the construction of the discipline inspection agencies themselves;

(7) Other party affairs that should be disclosed.

Article 13 The Party’s Working Organs、Party committee dispatched agency、Public institutions and party groups directly under the Party Committee shall comply with the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 1 of these Regulations,Determine the disclosure content based on actual conditions。

The party’s working organs and public institutions directly under the party committee should focus on the public implementation of the party committee’s decisions and arrangements、Carrying out party work。

The organs dispatched by the Party committee should focus on publicly representing the Party committee in leading the region、This field、This industry、The work situation of the party in this system。

The party group should focus on disclosing the leadership role played in the unit and the implementation of the party building work responsibility system。

Article 14 Party organizations shall prepare a directory of party affairs disclosures based on the content and scope of party affairs disclosures stipulated in these regulations,And dynamically adjust according to the requirements of responsibilities and tasks。The public directory of party affairs should be reported to the party’s superior organization for record,And disclose it within the party or to the public in accordance with regulations。

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection、All departments of the central government should strengthen guidance on the preparation of public catalogs of party affairs in this area of ​​the system。

Chapter 3 Disclosure Procedures and Methods

Article 15 All matters included in the party affairs disclosure directory,Relevant party organizations should promptly and proactively disclose information in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) Proposed。Relevant departments of the party organization study and propose a plan for the disclosure of party affairs,Prepare public content、Scope、Time、Methods, etc.。

(2) Review。Relevant departments of the party organization conduct confidentiality review,And from necessity、Reviewed for accuracy and other aspects。

(3) Approval。The party organization shall review and approve the party affairs disclosure plan in accordance with its authority,Anything beyond the scope of authority must be submitted for approval according to procedures。

(4) Implementation。The relevant departments of the party organization implement the disclosure of party affairs in accordance with the approved plan。

Article 16 The party organization shall disclose party affairs according to the content and scope,Choose the appropriate disclosure method。

Open within the party,Generally, a meeting is held、Production and distribution documents、Preparation and distribution report、Publish on LAN, etc.。Open to the public,Generally, a communiqué is adopted、Convene a press conference、Accept interview,In newspapers、Broadcast、TV、Internet、New media、Public column publishing and other methods,Priority to use party newspapers and periodicals、Radio and TV station、Published by key news websites and other party media。

The Party’s Central Discipline Inspection Organ、Relevant working organs of the Party Central Committee,Local party committees at or above the county level and local discipline inspection agencies、Relevant working organs of local party committees should establish and improve the party committee spokesperson system,Gradually establish a routine release system,Timely and accurate release of important party affairs information。

Article 17: The disclosure of party affairs can be combined with the disclosure of government affairs、Factory seabet live casinoaffairs disclosure、Village (residential) affairs disclosure、A carrier and platform for resource sharing in public institutions’ service disclosure,Should be used in a coordinated manner。

Conditional party organizations can establish a unified party affairs information disclosure platform。

Article 18 Pay attention to the monitoring and feedback of information related to the disclosure of party affairs,To those that caused major public reactions,Should be reported promptly。Found to be untrue、Incomplete、Inaccurate information,Should be clarified and guided in time。

Article 19: Establish and improve party members to attend party committee meetings、Delegates to the Party Congress attended the Party Committee meeting、Internal party situation report and reflection、Intra-Party Affairs Consulting、Soliciting opinions on major decisions、Systems such as social publicity and public hearings on major matters,Develop and make good use of new forms of party affairs disclosure,Continuously expand the breadth and depth of party members and the public’s participation in party affairs disclosure。

Chapter 4 Supervision and Accountability

Article 20 Party organizations shall include the disclosure of party affairs as an important part of reporting work to higher-level organizations or special reports on party building work。

Article 21 Party organizations should regard the disclosure of party affairs as an important part of fulfilling the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party,Conduct assessment of subordinate organizations and their main persons in charge。

The party organization shall report the disclosure of party affairs to relevant party members and the public every year,And included in the scope of democratic evaluation by party members,Actively listen to the opinions of the masses。

Article 22 Party organizations should establish and improve the supervision mechanism for the disclosure of party affairs,Carry out regular inspections and special inspections,Special inspection can be combined with the inspection and assessment of the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction、Integrated party building work assessment, etc.。Inspection status should be reported within an appropriate scope。

Article 23: Those who violate the provisions of these regulations and cause adverse consequences,Relevant party organizations should be investigated in accordance with regulations and disciplines、Responsibilities of party members, leading cadres and staff。

Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

Article 24 The Central Military Commission may act in accordance with these Regulations,Formulate regulations on disclosure of party affairs。

Article 25 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection、Central departments,Provinces、Autonomous Region、The municipal party committee shall formulate implementation details in accordance with these regulations。

Article 26 These Regulations shall be interpreted by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee in conjunction with the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee。

Article 27 These Regulations shall come into effect on December 20, 2017。

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