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Regulations on the Work of Communist Party of China Branches (Trial)

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on the Work of Communist Party of China Branches (Trial)》(hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"),And send notification,Require all regions and departments to strictly comply with the implementation。

Notice pointed out,The party branch is the basic organization of the party,Is the party’s fighting fortress in the grassroots organizations of society,It is the foundation of all the party’s work and combat effectiveness,Responsible for directly educating party members、Manage party members、Supervise party members and organize the masses、Promote the masses、Gather the masses、Responsibility of serving the masses。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core attaches great importance to the construction of party branches,Requires comprehensive and strict party governance to be implemented in every branch、Each party member,Promote the whole party to form a strong grassroots focus、Good situation of the big branch,obvious results。current,Advance the great struggle、Great Project、Great cause、Great dream,Must implement the party’s organizational line in the new era,Place party branch building in a more prominent position,Strengthening the standardization of party branches、Standardized construction,Continuously improve the quality of party branch construction。

Notice pointed out,The Regulations are guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Implement the requirements of the Party Constitution,While carrying forward the glorious tradition of "the branch is built on the company",It also reflects the new practices and new experiences created by the grassroots,Comprehensively regulate the work of party branches,Is the basic guideline for party branch construction in the new era。The formulation and implementation of the "Regulations",For strengthening the construction of the party’s organizational system,Promote comprehensive and strict party governance extending to the grassroots,Comprehensively improve the organizational strength of the party branch,Strengthen the political functions of party branches,Consolidate the organizational foundation of the party’s long-term governance,It is of great significance。

Notice emphasis,Good at grasping the party branch、Good at grasping the party branch,Is an important symbol of the political maturity of party members and leading cadres。Party committees (party groups) at all levels must firmly establish political awareness、Awareness of the overall situation、Core consciousness、Align consciousness,Effectively take Party branch management as the basic content of the party’s organizational system construction、The basic tasks of managing and governing the party、Basic standards for testing the effectiveness of party building work,Take effective measures,Promote the implementation of the Regulations、See results。We must do a good job in studying, publicizing and implementing the "Regulations",Use newspapers、Broadcast、TV and mobile phone、Internet and other media,Passed the special seminar、Concentrated training and other methods,Enable party organizations at all levels、The majority of party members, especially the party branch secretaries, have a deep understanding of the spirit of the "Regulations",Comprehensively understand the contents of the Regulations,Effectively enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of implementing the "Regulations"。We must strengthen the training of party members and leading cadres,Incorporate the "Regulations" into the learning content of the theoretical study center group of the Party Committee (Party Group) and the education curriculum of the Party School (Administrative College),Improving leadership teams at all levels to do a good job in party branch work、The ability to promote party branch building。Need to strengthen supervision and inspection,Serious accountability for ineffective implementation of the Regulations。The Central Organization Department must work with relevant departments to strengthen supervision and implementation,Ensure that all regulations are implemented。

Notification requirements,Important situations and suggestions in the implementation of the Regulations by various regions and departments,Report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner。

Regulations on the Work of Communist Party of China Branches (Trial)》The full text is as follows.

 Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1: In order to uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership,Carry forward the glorious tradition of "the branch is built on the company",To implement the party, we must manage the party、Requirements for comprehensive and strict governance of the party,Comprehensively improve the organizational strength of the party branch,Strengthen the political functions of party branches,Give full play to the role of the party branch as a battle fortress,Consolidate the organizational foundation of the party’s long-term governance,According to the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China" and relevant intra-party regulations,Enact this Regulation。

Article 2: The party branch is the basic organization of the party,Is the basic unit for the party organization to carry out its work,Is the party’s fighting fortress in the grassroots organizations of society,It is the foundation of all the party’s work and combat effectiveness,Responsible for directly educating party members、Manage party members、Supervise party members and organize the masses、Promote the masses、Gather the masses、Responsibility of serving the masses。

Article 3 The work of the party branch must follow the following principles:

(1) Adhere to Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is guided by,Abide by the Party Constitution,Strengthen ideological and theoretical arming,Strong ideals and beliefs,Don’t forget your original intention、Keep your mission in mind,Always maintain advancement and purity。

(2) Insist on putting the party’s political construction first,Firmly seabet loginestablish seabet sports bettingthe “Four Consciousnesses”,Strong “Four Confidences”,Achieve "Four Obediences",Talk about politics with a clear-cut stand,Resolutely safeguard the core of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Party Central Committee、The core position of the whole party,Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee。

(3) Adhere to the party’s purpose and mass line,Organize and lead party members、The masses listen to the party、Follow the party,Become a party member、The backbone of the masses。

(4) Adhere to democratic centralism,Enhance vitality,Respect the dominant position of party members,Strict party discipline,Improve your ability to solve your own problems,Enhance vitality。

(5) Adhere to the center、Serve the overall situation,Give full play to enthusiasm, initiative and creativity,Ensure the party’s line, principles, policies and decisions and arrangements are implemented。

  Chapter 2 Organizational Settings

Article 4 Party branches are generally set up in units、Region-based,Separate formation is the main method。School、rural area、Organization、School、Scientific Research Institute、Community、Social organization、People’s Liberation Army and Armed Police Force companies (squadrons) and other grassroots units,Everyone with more than 3 official party members,Everyone should establish a party branch。

The number of party members in a party branch generally does not exceed 50.

Article 5: Innovate the establishment of party branches based on actual conditions,Enable full coverage of party organizations and party work。

Larger scale、A cross-regional farmer professional cooperative organization,Professional Market、Business District、Business buildings, etc.,Eligible,Party branch should be established。

Units with less than 3 official party members,Should be geographically adjacent、Similar industries、Appropriate scale、Principles of easy management,Establishment of United Party Branch。United party branches generally cover no more than 5 units。

Projects lasting more than 6 months、Work projects, etc.,Eligible,Party branch should be established。

There are more mobile party members,The place of work or residence is relatively fixed and concentrated,The party organization in the place of outflow should discuss the party organization in the place of inflow,Relying on the park、Chamber of Commerce、Industry Association、Offsite offices and other offices set up mobile party branches。

Article 6 Establishment of Party Branch,Generally, applications are submitted by grassroots units,The grassroots party committee of the town (street) or unit where you are located held a meeting to study, decide and approve,The approval time generally does not exceed 1 month。

After approval by the grassroots party committee,The grassroots unit holds a party member meeting to elect a party branch committee or a party branch secretary without a committee、Deputy Secretary。The approval and election results shall be reported by the grassroots party committee to the organization department of the higher-level party committee for record。

According to work needs,The higher-level party committee can directly make the decision to establish a party branch in a grassroots unit。

Article 7: Due to the number of party members or the unit they belong to、Region etc. changed,Party branch that no longer meets the conditions for establishment,The higher-level party organization should make timely adjustments or cancel them。

Adjustment and cancellation of party branches,Generally, the party branch shall report to the township (street) or unit grassroots party committee for approval,The decision can also be made directly by the township (street) or the grassroots party committee of the unit,And reported to the superior party committee organization department for record。

Article 8: Organization temporarily formed to perform a certain task,Party member organization relationship is not transferred,Approved by the superior party organization,Provisional party branch can be established。

The temporary party branch mainly organizes party members to carry out political studies,Education、Management、Supervise party members,Educate and train party activists, etc.,Generally do not recruit party members、Punishment of party members,No party dues,No election of party congress delegates and no change of office。

Temporary Party Branch Secretary、Deputy secretaries and committee members are designated by the party organization that approved their establishment。

After the temporary organization was cancelled,The temporary party branch is naturally cancelled。

 Chapter 3 Basic Tasks

Article 9 The basic tasks of the party branch are:

(1) Promote and implement the party’s theory, line, principles and policies,Propaganda and Implementation of the Party Central Committee、Resolutions of superior party organizations and party branches。Discuss and decide or participate in deciding important matters of this region, department and unit,Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members,Unite and organize the masses,Strive to complete the tasks of this region, department, and unit。

(2) Organize party members to study Marxism-Leninism seriously、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Promote the normalization and institutionalization of "Two Studies and One Action" learning and education,Study the party’s line, principles, policies and resolutions,Learn the basic knowledge of the party,Learning Science、Culture、Legal and business knowledge。Do a good job in ideological and political work and ideological work。

(3) Educating party members、Management、Supervision and Service,Highlight political education,Improving the quality of party members,Strong ideals and beliefs,Enhance party spirit,Strict Party Organizational Life,Carry out criticism and self-criticism,Maintain and enforce party discipline,Supervise party members’ effective performance of their obligations,Protect the rights of party members from infringement。Strengthen and improve the management of mobile party members。Care and help party members and old party members who have difficulties in life。Collect party dues、Usage and management work。Properly handle unqualified party members in accordance with regulations。

(4) Close contact with the masses,Promote the party’s policies to the masses,Always understand the masses’ views on party members、Criticisms and opinions on the party’s work,Understand the demands of the masses,Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses,Do a good job in the ideological and political work of the masses,Gathering the wisdom and strength of the masses。Lead the labor union of this region, department, and unit、Communist Youth League、Women’s organizations and other mass organizations,Support them to carry out their work independently and responsibly in accordance with their respective charters。

(5) Educate and train activists who request to join the party,Do a good job in developing party members on a regular basis,Put political standards first,Strict procedures、Serious discipline,Develop party members with pure political qualities。Discovered、Cultivate and recommend party members、Outstanding talents among the masses。

(6) Supervise party members, cadres and any other staff to strictly abide by national laws and regulations,Strictly abide by the country’s financial and economic regulations and personnel systems,Not allowed to invade the country、The interests of the collective and the masses。

(7) Seeking truth from facts in party building、Provide opinions and suggestions on the party’s work,Report important situations to higher-level party organizations in a timely manner。Educate party members、The masses consciously resist bad tendencies,Resolutely fight against all kinds seabet loginof violations seabet appof discipline and law。

(8) In accordance with regulations,To party members、The masses report on the party’s work,Disclosure of relevant affairs within the party。

Article 10: Party branches in different fields combine reality,Respectively undertake different key tasks:

(1) Village Party Branch,Comprehensive leadership of various organizations and various tasks affiliated with the village,Carry out work around the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy,Organize and lead farmers to develop collective economy,Take the road of common prosperity,Leading village-level governance,Building a harmonious and beautiful countryside。Poverty-stricken village party branches should mobilize and lead the masses,Winning the battle against poverty with all our strength。

(2) Community Party Branch,Comprehensive leadership of various organizations and various tasks affiliated with this community,Focusing on consolidating the party’s ruling foundation in the city、Carry out work to improve the welfare of the masses,Leading grassroots social governance,Organize and integrate jurisdictional resources,Serving the community、Maintain harmony and stability、Build a beautiful home。

(3) Party branches in state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises,Ensure and supervise the implementation of the party and national policies,Carry out work around enterprise production and operations,Participate in decision-making on major corporate issues as required,Service reform and development、Gathering workers together、Building corporate culture,Create first-class performance。

(4) Party branches in universities,Ensure and supervise the implementation of the party’s education policy,Consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field of colleges and universities,Strengthen ideological and political leadership,Building a solid foundation for students’ ideals and beliefs,Implementing the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people,Ensure the completion of various tasks in teaching and scientific research management。

(5) Party branches in non-public economic organizations,Guide and supervise enterprises to strictly abide by national laws and regulations,Unite and unite the employees,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties in accordance with the law,Building advanced corporate culture,Promote the healthy development of enterprises。

(6) Party branches in social organizations,Guide and supervise social organizations to practice according to law、Work with integrity,Education guides employees to strengthen their political identity,Guide and support social organizations to participate in social governance in an orderly manner、Provide public services、Undertake social responsibility。

(7) Party branches in public institutions,Ensure the correct direction of supervision reform and development,Participate in important decisions,Growth of service talents,Promote career development。Party branch that plays a leading role in public institutions,Discuss and make decisions on major issues。

(8) Party branches in party and state organs at all levels,Around Service Center、Building a team to carry out work,Give full play to the education of party members、Management、Supervisory role,Assist the administrative person in charge of this department to complete the task、Improvement work。

(9) Mobile Party Member Party Branch,Organize mobile party members to carry out political study,Live a good organizational life,Conduct democratic review,Guide party members to fulfill their obligations as party members,Exercising the rights of party members,Make full use of it。Democratic evaluation of floating party members whose organizational relationship is not with the party branch,Should notify the party branch where its organizational relationship is located。

(10) Retired Cadre Workers’ Party Branch,Promote and implement the party’s line, principles and policies,Carry out the party’s organizational life,Organize participation in study,Carry out the party’s organizational life,Listen to opinions and suggestions,Guide them to play their role based on their actual situation。

  Chapter 4 Working Mechanism

Article 11: The party branch member conference is the deliberative and decision-making body of the party branch,Participated by all party members,Generally held once every quarter。

The functions and powers of the party branch member conference are: to hear and review the work report of the party branch committee;Carry out party branch election work in accordance with regulations,Recommend representative candidates to attend the higher-level party congress,Elect representatives to attend the higher-level party congress;Discuss and vote on accepting probationary party members and probationary party members to become regular、Extend the preparatory period or cancel the preliminary party membership;Discuss and decide on the commendation of party members、Organizational disposition and disciplinary action;Decide other important matters。

Village、Important matters in the community and matters closely related to the interests of the masses,Must be discussed at the party branch meeting。

Before the topic of the party branch member meeting is submitted for voting,Should be fully discussed。Voting must be attended by more than half of the party members with voting rights,If the number of people in favor exceeds half of the party members who should be present and have the right to vote, it will be passed。

Article 12 The Party branch committee is the leading body for the daily work of the Party branch。

Party branch committee meetings are generally held once a month,Can be held at any time as needed,Discuss the important work of the party branch、Making decisions, etc.。Party branch committee meetings must be attended by more than half of the committee members。Before submitting important matters to the party members meeting for decision,Generally, it should be discussed at the party branch committee meeting。

Article 13 The number of party members is large or the place where party members work、Party branches with relatively scattered residences,According to the principle of facilitating organization and carrying out activities,Several party groups should be divided,And establish a party group leader。The leader of the party group is designated by the party branch,It can also be recommended by party members of the party group。

The party group mainly implements the work requirements of the party branch,Complete the tasks assigned by the party branch。

Party group meetings are generally held once a month,Organize party members to participate in political studies、Heart-to-heart talk、Carry out criticism and self-criticism。

Article 14 Party Branch Party Member Conference、The party branch committee meeting is convened and chaired by the party branch secretary。The secretary cannot attend the meeting,You can entrust the deputy secretary or committee member to convene and preside over。The party group meeting is convened and chaired by the leader of the party group。

  Chapter 5 Organizational Life

Article 15 Party branches shall strictly implement the party’s organizational life system,Frequently、Seriously、Carry out criticism and self-criticism seriously,Enhancing the political nature of political life within the party、Contemporary、Principle、Combatability。

Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in participating in the organizational life of their party branch or party group。

Article 16 The party branch shall organize party members to participate in party members’ conferences on schedule、Party group meeting and party class,Convene regular party branch committee meetings。

"Three meetings and one lesson" should highlight political learning and education,Highlight party spirit training,With "Two Studies and One Action" as the main content,Combining party members’ seabet.comseabet mythoughts and work practices,Determine the theme and specific methods,Do it in a variety of ways、solemn atmosphere。

Party lessons should be targeted at party members’ seabet.comseabet mythoughts and work practices,Response to common concerns,Pay attention to the people around you and talk about things around you,Enhance appeal and appeal。Party members and leading cadres should regularly give party classes to grassroots party members,The secretary of the party committee (party group) teaches a party class at least once a year。

The party branch holds a theme party day on a relatively fixed day every month,Organize party members to study together、Live an organizational life、Carry out democratic discussions and voluntary services, etc.。Before the theme party day,The party branch should carefully study and determine the theme and content;After launch,We should organize and implement the agreed matters。

For party members who do not need to transfer organizational relationships with the consent of the party organization,The party organization of your unit can incorporate it into a party branch or party group,Participate in organizational life。

Article 17 The party branch shall hold at least one organizational life meeting every year,Generally scheduled in the fourth quarter,It can also be held at any time according to work needs。Organizing life meetings generally takes the form of party branch party members meeting、The party branch committee meeting or party group meeting is held。

Organization life meeting should determine the theme,Study carefully before the meeting,Heart-to-heart talk,Listen to opinions;Identification of issues at the meeting,Carry out criticism and self-criticism,Clear the direction of rectification;Develop corrective measures after the meeting,Reform and implement one by one。

Article 18: The party branch generally conducts a democratic evaluation of party members once a year,Organize party members to compare the standards for qualified party members、Compare the oath of joining the party,Contact individuals to conduct actual party analysis。

The party branch held a party members meeting,According to personal self-evaluation、Party members’ mutual evaluation、Procedure of democratic assessment,Organize party members to conduct reviews。Party branch with a larger number of party members,Personal self-evaluation and party member mutual evaluation can be conducted within the scope of the party group。Party branch committee meeting or party member meeting shall be based on the evaluation and daily performance of party members,Provide evaluation opinions。

Democratic appraisal of party members can be conducted in conjunction with organizational life meetings。

Article 19 Party branches should frequently carry out heart-to-heart talks。Between party branch members、Between party branch members and party members、Between party members and party members,Heart-to-heart conversations are generally no less than once a year。Conversations should be frank、Exchange ideas、Exchange opinions、Help improve。

Party branches should pay attention to analyzing the ideological status and psychological state of party members。Major changes and major difficulties in the family、Party members with outstanding physical and mental health problems,The party branch secretary should provide psychological counseling;For party members who have been punished and have adverse reactions,Party branch secretaries should carry out ideological and political work in a targeted manner。

  Chapter 6 Party Branch Committee Construction

Article 20 Party branches with more than 7 official party members,Party branch committee should be established。The party branch committee consists of 3 to 5 people,Generally no more than 7 people。

Party branch committee has secretary and organization committee member、Propaganda Committee、Discipline Inspection Committee, etc.,One deputy secretary can be set up if necessary。

Party branch with less than 7 official party members,Set 1 secretary,One deputy secretary can be set up if necessary。

Article 21 Village、The term of each community party branch committee is 5 years,Other grassroots party branch committees generally have a term of three years。

The party branch committee is elected by the party branch member meeting,Party branch secretary、The deputy secretary is generally elected by the party branch committee meeting,Party branch secretary without committee、The deputy secretary is elected by the party branch member meeting。Elected party branch members,Report to the superior party organization for record;Party branch secretary、Deputy Secretary,Submit to superior party organization for approval。Party branch secretary、Deputy Secretary、There is a vacancy in the committee members,By-elections should be held promptly。When necessary,The higher-level party organization can appoint the party branch secretary or deputy secretary。

Establish and improve the reminder and supervision mechanism for party branch reelection on schedule。According to party organization affiliation and cadre management authority,The superior party organization’s response to the party branch that has expired,Usually notified by letter or phone call 6 months in advance,Reminder to prepare for the change。For those who need to postpone or change their term in advance,Should be carefully reviewed、Strict control,The extension or advance period generally does not exceed 1 year。

Article 22: The party branch secretary presides over the overall work of the party branch,Supervise other members of the party branch to perform their duties、Make a difference,Do a good job in building the party branch committee itself,To the Party Branch Committee、Report work of party members’ conference and superior party organization。

The deputy secretary of the party branch assists the secretary of the party branch in carrying out his work。Other members of the party branch carry out their work according to the division of responsibilities。

Article 23: Party branch secretaries should have good political qualities,Love the work of the party,Have a certain level of policy theory、Organizational coordination ability and mass work ability,Dare to take responsibility、Wish to contribute,Take the lead and play a pioneering and exemplary role,Party member、High prestige among the masses,Generally, one should have more than 1 year of party experience。

Article 24: Higher-level party organizations should combine the actual conditions in different fields,Highlight political standards,Follow organizational procedures,Adopt multiple methods,Select qualified outstanding party members to serve as party branch secretaries。

Village、The community should focus on recruiting villagers with strong ability to bring wealth、Demobilized veterans、Business workers、Rural Teacher、Country doctor、Social worker、College Student Village Official、Select party branch secretaries from retired cadres, employees and other groups。There is no suitable candidate,The higher-level party organization can select party branch secretaries across regions or from agencies, enterprises and institutions。According to work needs,The higher-level party organization can select and send outstanding cadres to the village、The community serves as the first secretary of the party branch,Guidance、Help the party branch secretary to carry out his work,Mainly responsible for building a strong party branch、Promote the work of the center、Serving the people、Responsibilities and tasks such as improving governance level。Eligible villages、The secretary of the community party branch can serve as the village committee through legal procedures、Director of the Residents Committee。

Organization、State-owned enterprise、Public institution,The party branch secretary is generally held by the main person in charge of the department and unit,It can also be held by other persons in charge of this department and unit。According to work needs,The higher-level party organization can select party members and cadres to serve as full-time party branch secretaries。

Non-public economic organizations、Social organization,Generally, the party branch secretary is selected from the management,Focus should be placed on selecting party branch secretaries from among business backbones。No suitable candidate,The party branch secretary Seabetseabet clubcan be selected by the superior party organization。

Strengthen the construction of the reserve team of party branch secretaries,Pay attention to the discovery of outstanding party members as reserve talents for party branch secretaries,Establish a village、Reserve talent pool for party branch secretaries in communities and other fields。

Article 25: The higher-level party organization shall regularly report to the party branch secretary、Deputy Secretary and other committee members conduct training。

Party branch secretary training included as party members、cadre education and training plan,The new party branch secretary should be given on-the-job training。The Organization Department of the Central Committee organized and carried out demonstration training for party branch secretaries,Place、Industry、The system is generally based on party organization affiliation,Carry out rotation training for all party branch secretaries in different categories。Party branch secretaries shall participate in at least one centralized rotation training organized by party organizations at or above the county level every year。Pay attention to overall arrangements,Prevent frequent training,Ensure that the party branch secretary does his daily work。

To the party branch secretary、The training of deputy secretaries and other committee members should highlight the party’s basic theory、Basic Policy、Basic knowledge and basic requirements for party work,The Party’s fine traditions and style,Party rules and disciplines, etc.。Pay attention to the role of outstanding party branch secretaries in guiding and guiding。

Article 26: Pay attention to outstanding villages、Select township and street leading cadres from community party branch secretaries,Recruiting civil servants and recruiting public institutions personnel。

Cultivate and establish advanced models of party branch secretaries,Recognize and commend outstanding party branch secretaries。

Article 27 Members of the party branch committee shall consciously accept the superior party organizations and party members、Mass supervision,Strengthen mutual supervision。

The party branch secretary shall report his work to the higher-level party organization and the party branch member conference every year,Accept review and assessment,The assessment results are used as the first evaluation、Important basis for selection。

Article 28: Establish a working mechanism to continuously rectify weak and disorganized party branches。Those who are not suitable to serve as party branch secretary、Deputy secretary and committee member positions,The higher-level party organization should make timely adjustments。There is canvassing and bribery in the general election、Problems such as interference and infiltration by clan, religion and evil forces,The higher-level party organization should deal with it promptly and seriously。

  Chapter 7 Leadership and Guarantee

Article 29 Party committees (party groups) at all levels should regard the construction of party branches as the most important basic construction,Regular research and discussion、Strengthen leadership guidance,Effectively fulfill the main responsibilities。The county-level party committee conducts at least one special study on party branch construction work every year。

Party committee (party group) secretaries at all levels should take the lead in establishing party branch work contact points,Take the lead in in-depth grassroots investigation and research,Discover and solve problems,Summary of promotion experience。

Article 30 The organizational department of the party committee shall regularly analyze and judge the construction situation of the party branch,Strengthen classified guidance and supervision and inspection,Expand the increase of advanced party branches,Improving the level of the central party branch,Advanced party branch after rectification。Strengthening the standardization of party branches、Standardized construction。Grassroots party committees should generally be equipped with full-time and part-time organizers,Strengthen specific guidance on party branch construction。

Party committee organizational departments at all levels should pay attention to understanding and understanding the daily performance of party members and cadres through party branches,Cadre inspections should listen to the opinions of the party branch where the inspection target is located。

Village、Community party branch secretaries are included in the registration management of the organization department of the county-level party committee。

Article 31 Village、The work of the community party branch is included in the inspection and supervision work of the county-level party committee。

Article 32: The construction of party branches shall be included in the important content of the performance evaluation and evaluation of party committee secretaries at all levels in the work of grassroots party building,As an important basis for judging their performance of political responsibilities in managing and governing the Party。Inadequate efforts to build party branches、All tasks are not implemented,The higher-level party committee and its organizational department should conduct interviews。Serious problems arise in the construction of party branches,Party member、The masses reacted strongly,Should be held strictly accountable in accordance with regulations。

Article 33 Party organizations at all levels shall provide necessary conditions for party branches to carry out their work,Provide funding guarantee。Enhanced Village、Community Party branch’s operational funding support capability,Implementation Village、Remuneration and benefits of community party branch secretary,And establish a normal growth mechanism based on the local economic development level。Grant financial support to party branches of non-public economic organizations and social organizations。Strengthening the Village、Construction of activity venues for grassroots party organizations in communities, parks and other fields,Actively use modern technology and information methods,Make full use of office discussions、Carry out party activities、Provide comprehensive functions such as convenient services。

The party dues managed by the party committee at or above the county level should be allocated to the party branch according to a certain proportion every year,Focus on supporting party branches in poor villages、Party branch of state-owned enterprises in difficulty、Party branches of non-public economic organizations and social organizations、Mobile Party Member Party Branch、Retired cadres and workers’ party branches and others carry out party activities。

  Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

Article 34 Village、Community Party’s grassroots committee、General Branch Committee,Executed in accordance with these regulations。

Article 35 The Central Military Commission may act in accordance with these Regulations,Formulate relevant regulations。

Article 36: The Organization Department of the Central Committee is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

Article 37 This Regulation shall come into effect on October 28, 2018。Other regulations regarding party branches that are inconsistent with these regulations,Executed in accordance with these regulations。

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