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From Shikumen to Tiananmen,From Xingye Road to Fuxing Road;From the "little red boat" that set sail in Nanhu Lake to the "powerful giant ship" that cuts through the waves in the new era,A hundred years of difficult and tortuous journey、Ups and downs。A century of stormy journey,Why our party creates glory in suffering,From twists and turns to victory?

The mirror reflects the image,How the past can inform the present。A compulsory course to learn party history well,You must be good at clearing the clouds and seeing the sun,Grasp the theme and main line of a century-old party history、Mainstream and essence,Understand the objective laws and historical inevitability contained in it,Absorb the power of truth,Continuous struggle mission,To be more determined、More confident、Embark on a new journey with a more conscious attitude、Join yourself in a new great cause。

A century of storms,Learn from history。Under the lights on the Octagon Tower in Jinggangshan,The glorious work that guided the Chinese revolution was born;Yan’an Rectification Movement,Eradicated the "three evil tendencies" within the party,Become the source of living water for style construction;The great discussion on the standard of truth ushered in the era of great changes in reform and opening up;The great exploration of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics,Leading economic and social development to achieve "historic achievements","Historic changes" occurred... emancipate the mind、Seek truth from facts、seabet sports bettingAdvancing with the times、Seeking truth and being pragmatic,Carry out arduous theoretical exploration、Promote great theoretical innovation,Integrate the basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific reality,Answer the question of the times、Practical question、People’s Question,Find our own path,Create the "human road" of socialism with Chinese characteristics。A century of party history has profoundly revealed: Socialism with Chinese characteristics,Is the inevitable choice for China’s social development,Is the entire theme of contemporary China。Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China,No socialism with Chinese characteristics。

History is a mirror,It illuminates reality,Also illuminate the future。A compulsory course to learn party history well,We must understand the historical logic behind a century of ups and downs from the party’s extraordinary journey,Absorb the power of truth,Tracing the original intention and laying the foundation for thought,Keep an eye on the “fixing star” for the new journey。We must combine the study of party history with the study of Marxist classics,A deep understanding of why Marxism “works”,Consciously use the Marxist worldview and methodology to transform the subjective and objective world,Build ideals and beliefs on profound theoretical cultivation,Illuminating the way forward with the light of truth of Marxism that travels through time and space。We must combine the study of party history with the understanding and implementation of the party’s innovative theories,Understand deeply why the Chinese Communist Party is “able”、Why socialism with Chinese characteristics is “good”,Consolidate and strengthen the “four consciousnesses”、Strong seabet login“Four Confidences”、Achieve the ideological consciousness of "two safeguards"、Political Consciousness、Conscious action,Make good use of the "golden key" to solve difficult problems in strengthening theoretical arms,Develop the true skills and true kung fu for a new journey。

How ambitious to sacrifice,Dare to ask the sun and moon to change the sky。“It doesn’t matter if you behead your head,As long as the principle is true” and “carry out reform and opening up to the end”... Generations of Communists have carried forward the fearless heroism,Continue to work for the cause of the party and the people、heroic struggle,Create an epic struggle that moves heaven and earth,Achieve a great leap for the Chinese nation from standing up to becoming rich and strong,Created the “Chinese Miracle” that shines in the annals of history。Century of Party History,Singing and crying,Batches of revolutionary martyrs who looked forward to death、A heroic figure who fights tenaciously、Advanced model of selfless dedication,Condensed into the Red Boat Spirit、Jinggangshan Spirit、Long March Spirit、Spirit of Zunyi Conference、Yan’an Spirit、Daqing Spirit、The anti-epidemic spirit... builds the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists’ determination to forge ahead。A century of party history profoundly demonstrates: all great achievements,It’s all earned through hard work。The power of the spirit is indestructible,With firm ideals and beliefs and a strong revolutionary will,No difficulty can overwhelm us。

On the road ahead,We face greater risks、More challenges、The task is heavier。A compulsory course to learn party history well,We must understand the entrepreneurial logic behind a century of achievements from the party’s extraordinary journey,Building the "seabet ioballast stone" for the new journey,Integrate the original intention into the blood、Carry the mission on your shoulders,Continuous struggle mission,Sail the journey of rejuvenation。We must combine the study and education of party history with strengthening the cultivation and tempering of party spirit,Strengthen the "Four Self" awareness,Improving the “Four Self” capabilities,“Seeing good is better than failing,Seeing evil is like exploring the soup" to clear away the dust in your mind,Wash away the dirt in your soul,Continue the “red gene”,Be a loyal heir of the party’s glorious tradition and fine style。We must combine the study and education of party history with the implementation of new development concepts and the construction of a new development pattern,Inspire fighting spirit、Struggle spirit,In achieving a high level of self-reliance and self-reliance、Consolidating the strategic basis of domestic macrocycle、Being a pioneer in promoting comprehensive rural revitalization and other key central tasks、Bravely sail the "ship against the wind",Seize the opportunity in crisis、Seize the first opportunity for development,Written emergency situation、Yuxinji、Open a new game、Answer sheet for "rushing for exams" in the new era of seeking rejuvenation。(Author: Wu Wengen)

Source: People’s Forum Network

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