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Party history is the best nutrition。March 11,Citizens visit "The Great Journey - Special Exhibition to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" at the Capital Museum。This exhibition brings together the research results and cultural relic collections of many museums,A total of 280 component exhibits were on display,Telling about the great revolutionary history of the Communist Party of China。(Picture source: People’s Vision)

Our party has always attached great importance to the study and education of party history,Focus on using the party’s struggle and great achievements to inspire fighting spirit、Clear direction,Use the party’s glorious tradition and fine style to strengthen our beliefs、Gathering strength,Use the party’s practical creation and historical experience to inspire wisdom、Strengthen your character。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the study of party history,Published a series of important expositions on the history of the Communist Party of China。These important discussions are of great significance、Great vision、Profound thoughts,For us to learn the history of the party,Enhance "Four Consciousnesses"、Strong “Four Confidences”、Achieve "two maintenances",Decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects、Start a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country、Realizing the Chinese Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,It has very important guiding significance。We must conscientiously study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important expositions on party history,Get inspiration from the magnificent chapter of century-old party history、Get concentration,Always maintain the original intention、Eternal mission,Stand on the profound foundation of history and move more firmly towards the future。

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Studying party history is to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics、A required course to continue to push forward the various undertakings of the party and the country。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “We must strengthen the study and education of party history,Strive to survive the turbulent history that the party has gone through、From the great cause created and continuously promoted by the party、From the party’s fundamental purpose and long-term practice of serving the people wholeheartedly,Deepen trust in the party,Strong faith in the party’s leadership。”On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China,At the key node of the historical intersection of the "Two Centenary Goals",Carry out party history study and education throughout the party,For understanding and grasping the revolution、Construction、The rich experience created in various historical periods of reform,Get inspired by your thoughts、Armed with knowledge,Improve work skills,Very significant。Facing the complex international situation、The arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability,We must enhance our confidence in studying and thinking about history、Forge ahead,Join with confidence the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way。

Studying party history is to keep in mind the original intention and mission、The inevitable requirement to promote the great historical cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。General Secretary Xi Jinping requires the entire party to “understand the value of the party’s original seabet betting platformintention and mission” by studying party history,Understand the importance of adhering to the party’s original intention and mission”。Seeking happiness for the Chinese people,Seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation,It is the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists。One hundred years,The reason why our party can grow from a small one to a big one、From weak to strong,The fundamental reason is to always adhere to and practice the party’s original intention and mission,Always maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people。From the founding of the Party,To change the world after the founding of New China,To the earth-shaking changes of reform and opening up,Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party and the country have made historic achievements、Historic changes occurred,The fundamental reason is that our party has always insisted on seeking happiness for the Chinese people、The original intention and mission of seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation。From Shikumen to Tiananmen,From Xingye Road to Fuxing Road,All efforts made by our party、All the struggles、All sacrifices made,All for people’s happiness and national rejuvenation。The dream of national rejuvenation is getting closer,The tasks of reform and opening up become more arduous,The more we need to find the strength of the original mission from the party’s history。The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century,The external environment for my country’s development is becoming increasingly complex,To overcome various major risks and challenges from home and abroad,We must find the original intention from the party’s extraordinary history、Inspiring mission。

Studying party history is to strengthen faith and belief、The inevitable requirement to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The reason why the Communist Party of China is called the Communist Party,It is because our party has established communism as a lofty ideal from the day it was founded。”The reason why our party can withstand setbacks and rise again and again,In the final analysis, it is because of lofty ideals and lofty pursuits。On the stormy Long March,It is a lofty ideal、firm belief,Inspiring and guiding the Red Army all the way forward。On the 25,000-mile journey of the First Red Army,On average, one Red Army soldier died every three hundred meters。Several Red Army soldiers of the 274th Regiment of the 93rd Division of the 31st Red Army would rather endure hunger,Also keep half of the belt,Take it with you to "go to Yan'an to meet Chairman Mao"。This is the power of faith,This is a vivid portrayal of “following the party with all your heart”。Uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,It is also inseparable from the power of ideals and beliefs。Strong ideals and beliefs,The first thing is to firmly adhere to the lofty ideals of communism and the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics。Socialism with Chinese characteristics did not fall from the sky,It is the party and the people who have gone through countless hardships、Precious results achieved at all costs。Under the conditions of the new era,We must enhance our confidence on the basis of a deep understanding of the scientific nature and truth of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Continue to pioneer in the process of leading the people to advance reform, opening up and socialist modernization,Continuously create a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Writing a new chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era。

Studying party history is to promote the party’s self-revolution、The inevitable requirement to maintain the vitality of the party forever。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,Revolutionary history is to carry forward the core values ​​of socialism、Vivid teaching materials for carrying out revolutionary traditional education and patriotism education。Strengthening party building,It is the party’s self-purification、Self-improvement、Self-innovation、Objective requirements for self-improvement。Our party has always attached great importance to strengthening party building。Democracy Revolution Period,The Yan'an Rectification Movement enabled the whole party to correct its ideological and political lines,Produced a huge impetus to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation。Since the reform and opening up,Our party has launched party consolidation、"Three Lectures"、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、The party’s advanced nature、Scientific Outlook on Development and other learning and educational practice activities,To maintain the party’s advanced nature and purity、It plays a very important role in improving the party’s leadership and governance capabilities。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is based on a new historical starting point,Place the party’s own construction in a more prominent position,Correcting discipline with strong will and quality、Anti-corruption and punishment of evil,Successively carried out the party’s mass line education and practice activities、“Three Stricts and Three Realities” Special Education、“Two Studies and One Action” Learning and Education、“Don’t forget your original intention、Concentrated education such as “Keep in Mind the Mission” theme education,The party is stronger in the forging of revolution,Glowing new and powerful seabet appvitality,Provides a strong political guarantee for the development of the party and the country。We must learn the history of the party’s self-construction,Adhere to the party’s leadership more consciously,Improve the direction of the party、Think about the overall situation、Defined policy、The ability and determination to promote reform。

We must grasp the key points when studying party history,seabet app downloadStudy history and understand reason、Study history and increase credit、Study History and Chongde、Study history and practice it

The century-old history of the Communist Party of China is full of suffering and glory、Twists and triumphs、Pay and gain,This is a magnificent chapter that cannot be forgotten in the history of the development of the Chinese nation。In the course of a century of struggle,The party has united and led the people and accumulated valuable experience、Created scientific theoretical achievements、Created the great revolutionary spirit,Formed a glorious tradition and fine style。We must closely follow the theme and main line of the party’s historical development、Mainstream and essence,Scientifically grasp the key points of studying party history。

Understand the truth and practical power of Marxism from the party’s extraordinary journey,Persevere in arming the mind with the latest achievements of the party’s innovative theory、Guide to practice、Promote work。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The history of our party,It is a history that continuously promotes the Sinicization of Marxism,It is a film that continuously promotes theoretical innovation、The history of theoretical creation。”The reason why the Chinese Communist Party has been able to complete arduous tasks that have been impossible for various political forces in modern times,It lies in always taking the scientific theory of Marxism as one’s guide to action,And insist on continuously enriching and developing Marxism in practice。hundred years,Our party adheres to the unity of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts、The unity of strengthening the foundation and keeping integrity and innovation,Continuously open up a new realm of Marxism,Produced Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Provides scientific theoretical guidance for the development of the cause of the party and the people。We must explore history by studying the party’s theory,Understand how Marxism profoundly changed China、Changing the world,Continuously deepen our understanding of the theoretical quality of Chinese Marxism that is both consistent and advances with the times,Especially in conjunction with the historic achievements made by the party and the country since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China、The process of historic change,Profoundly study and understand the Party’s innovative theory in the new era。

Establish a great view of history,From the long history、The tide of the times、Analysis of evolution mechanism in the global situation、Exploring the laws of history,Propose corresponding strategies,Enhancing the systematic nature of work、Foresight、Creativity。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “In a hundred years of struggle,Our party has always analyzed and grasped the general trend of history based on the basic principles of Marxism,Correctly handle the relationship between China and the world,Good at seizing and making good use of various historical opportunities。”The birth of the Communist Party of China,The establishment of socialist China,The implementation of reform and opening up,All are the result of conforming to the general development trend of the world。Profound and complex changes in today’s world、China’s connections and interactions with the world are unprecedentedly close,We must pay more attention to learning from the experience accumulated by the party in the history of conforming to the general trend of world development,Keep in mind the strategic overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century,Pay close attention to the development and changes of the international situation,Follow the general trend of human development、The changing pattern of the world、Understanding and grasping issues through China’s development history,Seize the initiative in the advancement of the times、Win bigger and better development。

In-depth understanding of the nature and purpose of the party,Always take the people’s yearning for a better life as the goal,Gather 1.4 billion Chinese people into a majestic force to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “History has fully proved that,The country is the people,The people are the country,People’s support is related to the life and death of the party。”Hundred Years,The reason why our party has the support and support of the people,Fundamentally speaking,Because it can always represent the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the Chinese people,Adherence to the masses is the real hero,Respect the people’s initiative,Mobilize and organize the people to devote themselves to the great cause led by the party。Today,Under the condition that the party is in power for a long time,Maintaining the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people is a major issue that must be solved in party building。We must insist on doing everything for the people、Everything depends on the people,Conform to the will of the people、Respect public opinion、Pay attention seabet.comto public sentiment、Dedicated to people’s livelihood,Let the people share the fruits of development in all aspects,There are more、More direct、A more substantial sense of gain、Happiness、Sense of security。

Get inspiration from history,Continuously sum up experience、Improve your skills,Continuously improve response to risks、Meet the challenge、Ability level to turn danger into safety。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,“We must educate and guide the whole party through summarizing historical experience and lessons,Focus on solving practical problems in party building,Continuously improve the party’s leadership and governance level、Enhance the ability to resist corruption, change, and resist risks。”Century History of the Party,It is also our party that continues to meet challenges、The history of resolving risks。current,The situation at home and abroad is very complex,Increased risks and challenges。We must always be highly vigilant to prevent and resolve various major risks,We must be highly vigilant about “black swan” events,We must also guard against the "grey rhino" incident;We must take the first step to prevent risks,We must also have clever strategies to deal with and resolve risks and challenges;We must fight a well-prepared battle to prevent and withstand risks,We must also take precautions to turn danger into safety、Strategic proactive warfare that turns crisis into opportunity。Coordinate development and security,Good at foreseeing and predicting various risks and challenges,Be prepared to deal with various "black swan" and "grey rhino" events,Continuously enhance the security of development。

Vigorously carry forward the red tradition、Inherit the red gene,Continuing the spiritual blood of the Communists,Be inspired to embark on a new journey、The spirit of striving for a new era。In the course of a century of extraordinary struggle,Generation after generation of Chinese Communists have fought tenaciously、Remitting struggle,A large number of revolutionary martyrs emerged who regarded death as home、A large number of tenacious and struggling heroes、A large number of advanced models of selfless dedication,Formed a series of great spirits,Constructing the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists,Provided rich nourishment for our party to build, rejuvenate and strengthen the party。Red Boat Spirit、Jinggangshan Spirit、Long March Spirit、Yan’an Spirit、Spirit of Resistance、The spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea、Jiao Yulu’s spirit、The spirit of “two bombs and one satellite”、Food fighting spirit、Earthquake relief spirit、Manned Spaceflight Spirit、Model worker spirit、Anti-epidemic spirit、A series of great spirits such as the spirit of poverty alleviation,Pioneering progress for the cause of the party and the people、Integrity and innovation provide inexhaustible power。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,Any nation needs such a spirit to form its strong spiritual power,This kind of spirit will never be outdated no matter how far the times develop。We must vigorously promote these spirits in the whole society,Extensively carry out party history、History of New China、History of Reform and Opening Up、Propaganda and Education on the History of Socialist Development,Transform it into the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country、A powerful force to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

Learn both positive and negative historical experiences from party history,Consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in terms of ideology, politics and actions,Continuously improve political judgment、Political Comprehension、Political execution。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Talking about politics with a clear-cut stand、Ensuring the unity and centralization of the party is the life of the party,It is also the reason why our party can become a century-old party、The key to creating great achievements in the century。”It is precisely because we always adhere to the party’s centralized and unified leadership,Only can we achieve a great historical turning point、Opening a new era of reform and opening up and a new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,In order to successfully cope with a series of major risk challenges、Overcoming numerous difficulties and obstacles,Only in order to respond effectively to the situation、平风波、War Flood、Prevention of SARS、Anti-earthquake、Crisis、Victory over the epidemic。The history of the party tells us: we must govern our big party well、Govern our big country well,It is crucial to ensure the unity and centralization of the party,It is vital to maintain the authority of the Party Central Committee。Only shout often,Only in order to always be alert、Prompt correction,Keep the whole party in a state of neat and high-spirited progress。

Studying party history must adhere to the guidance of historical materialism,Establish a correct view of party history,Take a clear-cut stand against historical nihilism

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,We must adhere to the two resolutions of our party on historical issues and the relevant spirit of the Party Central Committee,Accurately grasp the main theme of the party’s historical development、Mainstream Essence,Correctly understand and scientifically evaluate major events in the history of the Party、Important meeting、Important Person。Studying party history should follow our party’s consistent attitude towards history。

Adhere to historical materialism,Understand and grasp the laws of historical development。First,We must learn and master the analysis method of basic social contradictions。Our party scientifically analyzes the main contradictions in our society,Opened up the countryside to surround the city、The road to armed seizure of power,Complete the New Democratic Revolution,Established the People's Republic of China,Then the socialist revolution was completed、Carried out socialist construction,Established the basic socialist system。Our party scientifically analyzes the main contradictions in our society in the new historical period、Decided decisively to shift the work center of the party and the state to economic construction、Implementing reform and opening up。New Era,Our party has made a major political judgment that "the principal contradiction in our society has transformed into the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development",Promote the cause of the party and the country to achieve all-round progress、Pioneering historical achievements,Deep occurrence、Fundamental historical changes,These are all the results of the correct application of the basic social contradiction analysis method。Secondly,We must learn and grasp the idea that the people are the creators of history。Proposed historical materialist mass view of history,The people are the creators of history。Follow this view,Our party proposed the mass line,And regard it as the lifeline and fundamental work line of the party。History has repeatedly proven,The people are the main force for historical development and social progress,The foundation of the party lies in the people,The power lies in the people,Blood is in the people。

Insist on seeking truth from facts,Comprehensive、Objectively understand the history of the party。Seek truth from facts,is the fundamental viewpoint of Marxism,It is the Chinese Communists who understand the world、The fundamental requirement to transform the world,It is the basic ideological method of our party、Working method、Leadership methods。Century History of the Party,A glorious victory,Also experienced ups and downs and hardships,Should be comprehensive、History、View and analyze dialectically。New Democratic Revolution Period,The young Chinese Communist Party faces the arduous task of carrying out revolution in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal Eastern country,Facing the fact that farmers account for the vast majority of the population,Backward and scattered small-scale peasant economy、Small production and its social impact are deeply rooted,Suffering aggression and oppression from Western powers,Special national conditions with very backward economy and culture。This is an unprecedented problem in the history of the development of Marxism。Learning from the mistakes of the revolutionary struggle,Chinese Communists deeply realize that,Must start from the actual situation in China,Realizing Marxism in China。After the founding of New China,Our party has also experienced twists and turns in its exploration of the road to socialist construction,Going through a detour。To this,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,“Exploration of socialist practice before reform and opening up,We must adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts,Distinguish between mainstream and tributaries,Stick to the truth,Fix bug,Carry forward experience,Learn a lesson,On this basis, continue to push forward the cause of the party and the people。”This is the scientific attitude and correct method that we should uphold when studying party history。

Take a clear-cut stand against historical nihilism。Learn the history of the party,Scientific treatment of the party’s history,Not just a historical issue,It is also a major political issue。For various nihilistic views,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out clearly,"Revolutionary leaders are humans, not gods" "You cannot worship them like gods just because they are great,Not allowed to raise and correct their mistakes and errors;We cannot completely deny them just because they have made mistakes and errors,Eradicate their historical achievements,Falling into the quagmire of nihilism。”“Only those who truly understand Marxism,Talent lies in revealing the rules governing the Communist Party、Laws of Socialist Construction、Continuous discoveries are made in the development laws of human society、Create something,In order to better identify various idealist views、Better resist all kinds of historical nihilism fallacies。”These important discussions,Learn the history of the party for us、Opposing historical nihilism provides scientific guidance。Study Party History,Recognize all kinds of academic cloaks、The historical nihilist view under the banner of “deconstruction” and “re-evaluation”,Strike a clear-cut stance against these erroneous trends of thought。At the same time,We must carry forward the spirit of struggle,Strike clearly against historical nihilism,Resolutely oppose all weakening、Distortion、Words and deeds that deny the party’s leadership and our country’s socialist system。(Zhang Hefu Zhang Zhuoran Author unit: Central Research Institute of Party History and Documentation This article was published in the 5th page of Theoretical Weekly of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News on March 18, 2021)

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