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Everything moves forward,Never forget the path we have traveled,Go further、Towards a more glorious future,Don’t forget the past you have walked,Can’t forget why we set out。2021,It is the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China,Is the historical intersection of the “Two Centenary Goals”,A hundred years of magnificent journey,At the beginning of a century, the heart becomes stronger with time,This is a critical moment to build on the past,The whole party takes the opportunity to carry out party history study and education,Looking back at the past struggle,Looking at the road ahead,Vigorously carry forward the party’s glorious tradition and fine style,Continuing the spiritual blood of the Communists。Party members and cadres must deeply study and understand the knowledge of party history,Digging deep into the “rich mines” of party history,Keep in mind the original intention and mission、Be firm and responsible,Writing worthy of the times、Worthy of the people、A magnificent chapter worthy of history。

seabet myLooking back at the magnificent and glorious history of the Communist Party of China over the past century,A red boat from South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang,The giant ship "China" that rides the wind and waves to this day and sails far away,Countless Communists came one after another,Forge seabet myahead,Using perseverance and firm belief to interpret the backbone of a century-old party,Using hard work and concerted efforts to build a solid foundation for the great cause of national rejuvenation。Studying party history is a spiritual practice that strengthens the foundation and cultivates one’s talents,Studying party history is a "sharp tool" to adapt to the development of the times。Cadres at all levels must draw strength from studying party history,To pursue "I will have no self",Living up to the people” is the spiritual realm,Based on two overall situations,Those who cherish “the greatness of the country”,Join the "revival cause",Continuously improve political judgment、Political understanding、Political execution,Building a strong red gene,Use this to scientifically summarize the party building experience and lessons,Carry forward the party’s fine traditions,Continuously promote the new great project of party building in the new era。
"Use history as a mirror" to temper the "enterprising spirit" of unremitting struggle.“The mirror reflects the image,We know the present through ancient things”。For Chinese Communists,Party history is the best textbook,The history of the Chinese revolution is a history of struggle of blood and tears、It is a national history that is refined into steel、It is a history of hardships and hardships,Learning party history is to better grasp today,Guide to the future。current,The world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century,Our country is in a critical period to complete the task of reform, development and stability,It is more necessary to learn party history well。Party members Seabetand cadres must be consistent、Persistently inherit the glorious history of the Communist Party of China,Draw nutrients from party history,Understanding the original intention in the history of the party,Practice your original intention through hard work,Keep in mind the original intention of the party,Firm belief in victory,Continuously improve one’s comprehensive quality,With the tenacity of “holding firm on the green hills and never letting go”、The hard work of "Unless Loulan is broken, it will never be returned",Overcoming obstacles、Forge ahead,In the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country、The new journey to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has left many firm footprints for the party to serve the country。
"Act on the basis of history" and always maintain the "people's heart" that cares about the people.Since the founding of the Communist Party of China,Always put the people in the highest position,The history of the Communist Party of China is also about fighting for the people、Glorious history of dedication to the people。Today,We still need to learn from the study and education of party history to understand the feelings of serving the people of "every branch and leaf is always caring",Consciously maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the people,Serve the people wholeheartedly,Continuously enhance the people’s sense of gain、Happiness and security。We must always adhere to the people’s supremacy,Really ask the people for their needs、Ask the people for advice、Ask the people for advice,Put the people at the highest position in your heart,Learn the strength to move forward by remembering the history of the party,seabet ioShowing responsibility while never forgetting the original intention,Effectively solve the people’s basic necessities, food, housing and transportation、Practical issues such as industry, education, medical care, etc.,Strive to realize that the fruits of development are shared by the people,Strive to be a banner standing in front of the people,A shield standing in front of the people。
Spring and Autumn on Paper,Witness the progress of the times;The waves at the end of the pen,Push the wheel of history forward。The Chinese nation is at a critical point in realizing its dream,Carry on the past and open up the future,Overcoming obstacles,Need to continue fighting,Go forward with courage。Relive the magnificent epic of the Chinese Communist Party’s century-old struggle,Study the party’s history carefully、Good summary,Inherit the party’s successful experience、Carry forward,Work together to achieve it、The calloused hands are enough to go to it,Only in this way can we continue to promote the lofty "China" to ride the wind and waves in the new journey,Steady and far-reaching success。
Source: People’s Forum Network

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