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         Recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Measures for supervision, inspection and accountability of cadre selection and appointment》,And send notification,Require all regions and departments to strictly comply with the implementation。

Measures for supervision, inspection and accountability of cadre selection and appointment》The full text is as follows.

Article 1: In order to implement the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the party and strictly managing cadres,Standardize the supervision, inspection and accountability of the selection and appointment of cadres,According to the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres"、"Regulations on Inner-Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China"、Intra-party regulations such as the "Regulations on Accountability of the Communist Party of China",Develop these measures。

Article 2 Supervision, Inspection and Accountability of Cadre Selection and Appointment,Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Implement the party’s organizational line in the new era,Implementing the standards for good cadres in the new era,Establish the correct direction,Highlight political supervision,Strictly investigate and deal with illegal employment issues and unhealthy trends in personnel selection,Sternly investigate the responsibility for dereliction of duty and oversight,Promote the formation of a clean and upright employment ecosystem。

Article 3 Supervision, Inspection and Accountability of Cadre Selection and Appointment,Adhere to the leadership of the party committee (party group)、Grade Responsible,Seek truth from facts、According to laws and regulations,Promote democracy、Mass participation,Classified policies、Accurate and effective,Attach equal measures to prevention and treatment、Any breach of responsibility will be held accountable。

Article 4 The Party Committee (Party Group) and its Organization (Personnel) Department shall comply with their responsibilities and authority,Responsible for the supervision, inspection and accountability of the selection and appointment of cadres,Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organ、Inspection and inspection agencies perform supervisory duties on the selection and appointment of cadres in accordance with relevant regulations。

The Central Organization Department is responsible for the macro guidance of supervision, inspection and accountability work,The organization department of the local party committee and the organization (personnel) department of the vertical management unit are responsible for guiding the supervision, inspection and accountability of the system in the region。

Article 5: These measures apply to party organs at all levels、People’s Congress Organ、Administrative agencies、CPPCC Organ、Supervisory agency、Judgement Authority、Procuratorate and public institutions、Group organization、Supervision, inspection and accountability of the selection and appointment of cadres in state-owned enterprises。

  Chapter 2 Key Contents of Supervision and Inspection

Article 6: Adhere to the principle of Party management of cadres。Focus on supervision seabet sports bettingand inspection whether the party committee (party group) fulfills the responsibility for the selection and appointment of cadres in accordance with the cadre management authority,Whether it follows democratic centralism and the party committee (party group) rules of procedure、The decision-making process discusses and decides on the appointment and removal of cadres。

Article 7: Adhere to good cadre standards and establish correct employment orientation。Focus on supervision and inspection to ensure both ability and political integrity、Put virtue first,Adhere to all corners of the country、Merit-based,Adhere to career first、Fair and decent;Whether we adhere to the standards of good cadres in the new era,Strictly control politics、Character test、Ability level、Style related、Integrity Pass,Select and appoint loyal, clean and responsible cadres。

Article 8: Implementation of policies and regulations on the selection and appointment of cadres。Focus on supervision and inspection to ensure compliance with organizational specifications and job titles、Qualification Conditions、Working procedures for selecting and appointing cadres;Whether to conduct in-depth investigation,Check carefully,Strictly control candidates;Whether communication is strictly implemented、Avoidance、Term、Retired、Regulations on cadre selection and appointment request reports and other systems;Whether the cadre management and supervision system is strictly implemented。

Article 9: Observe organizational personnel disciplines and correct the atmosphere of selecting and employing people。Focus on supervising and inspecting whether work disciplines in the selection and appointment of cadres are strictly observed,Whether effective measures are taken to seriously investigate and correct unhealthy practices in personnel selection and employment。

Article 10 Promoting the responsibilities of cadres。Focus on supervision and inspection to see whether effective measures are taken to encourage cadres to take on their responsibilities,Whether to strictly manage the cadres who do not take responsibility and do nothing、Serious accountability。

Chapter 3 Supervision and Inspection Working Mechanism

Article 11 Establish and improve the organization and supervision of the selection and appointment of cadres、Democratic supervision mechanism,Combining special inspections with daily supervision,Incorporate supervision and inspection throughout the entire process of cadre selection and appointment。

Article 12 Strengthen supervision and inspection by higher-level party organizations。Mainly reporting on pre-appointment matters、“One report, two comments”、Special inspection、Outgoing check、Problem verification and other methods。

Article 13 Improving the internal supervision of the party committee (party group) leadership team。The party committee (party group) studies the appointment and removal of cadres,Preparation should be carried out throughout,Listen carefully to the opinions of team members。When the meeting discusses and decides,Members of the leadership team should express their opinions one by one,The main person in charge’s final statement。When members of the leadership team have major differences in opinions on candidates,The vote should be suspended。No individual solicitation of opinions、Leader circle review and other forms instead of collective discussion and decision making。

Article 14: Improve the internal supervision of the organization (personnel) department。The selection and appointment of leading cadres should be informed by the cadre supervision agency,The person in charge of the cadre supervision agency attended the meeting to study and discuss the appointment and removal of cadres。Seriously implement the record system for cadre selection and appointment,Establish a self-examination system,Conduct a self-examination on the selection and appointment of cadres every year。

Article 15: Broaden channels for mass supervision。Carefully review and handle issues reported by the masses,Carry out regular analysis and judgment,Promptly study and propose work opinions。Consciously accept the supervision of public opinion,Respond to people’s concerns in a timely manner。Improving the “12380” report acceptance platform,Improving the informatization level of report acceptance work。

Article 16: Improve the joint meeting system for the supervision of the selection and appointment of local party committee cadres,Strengthen communication and coordination between relevant departments,Form a joint force for supervision。The joint meeting is convened by the organizational department,Generally held once a year,Communicate important situations at any time。

 Chapter 4 Pre-appointment Matters Report

Article 17 In the selection and appointment of cadres,One of the following situations,Should be reported to the superior organization (personnel) department in advance:

(1) Organizational changes or promotion of key leadership members before they leave、Adjustment of cadres;

(2) Except for seabet iothe change of leadership team,The centralized adjustment of a large number of cadres at one time or the frequent adjustment of cadres within a certain period;

(3) Temporarily exceeding the number of cadres due to organizational reform and other special circumstances;

(4) Candidates for leadership members of party committees, governments and their work departments with special needs,Not recommended by democracy,Recommended and nominated by the organization as the subject of inspection;

(5) Promoting cadres beyond the norm or beyond the level;

(6) Promotion and appointment of leading cadres, secretaries and other staff nearby;

(7) Promotion and appointment of close relatives of leading cadres within the unit (system) where the leading cadre is located,Or promoted to a lower-level leadership position in the area where the leading cadre is located;

(8) National-level poverty-stricken counties、In contiguous areas of extreme poverty, the party and government officials were promoted or their positions were changed before completing the task of poverty alleviation,And the city (region、State、Union)、County (city)、District、Flag)、The township (town) party and government official positions have been adjusted for less than 3 years;

(9) Leading cadres resign due to accountability or are ordered to resign、Removal、Demotion、Removed,Those who plan to retake leadership positions or be promoted after the period of influence;

(10) Among various types of high-level talents, the spouse has immigrated abroad (outside the country) or those who do not have a spouse but their children have immigrated outside the country (outside the country)、Those who have immigrated abroad (including foreign experts),Those who need to work in restricted positions due to work;

(11) Cadres reach the age limit for office or retirement,Need to delay removal (retirement);

(12) Other matters that should be reported.

Article 18: After the superior organization (personnel) department receives a report on matters related to the selection and appointment of cadres,Should be carefully reviewed and studied,And respond within 15 working days。Candidates without reply or consent shall not be submitted to the party committee (party group) meeting for discussion and decision。Failure to report in accordance with regulations or make cadre appointment decisions without consent after reporting,Should be corrected。

 Chapter 5: “One Report and Two Comments” on the Selection and Appointment of Cadres

Article 19 The party committee (party group) shall conduct an annual summary assessment in conjunction with the plenary session or the leadership team and leading cadres,Report on the selection and appointment of cadres,Accept the democratic evaluation of the annual cadre selection and appointment work and the promoted and appointed cadres。

Article 20: Scope of Personnel Participating in Democratic Review,The local area is generally for those who participate and attend the plenary session,Other units are generally those who participate in the annual summary assessment meeting of the leadership team and leading cadres,And there are a certain number of cadre and mass representatives。

Object of democratic evaluation for promotion and appointment of cadres,The local government generally refers to the full-time leading cadres promoted by the party committee at the same level within the past year;Other units generally refer to those who have been promoted to leadership positions in internal organizations within the past year and members of the leadership team of directly affiliated units。

Article 21 “One report, two reviews” shall be organized and implemented by the superior organization (personnel) department in conjunction with the locality and unit being reviewed,Review results should be fed back in time,And serve as an important reference for evaluating leadership teams and leading cadres。

Outstanding issues reflected in the comments,The superior organization (personnel) department should conduct interviews、Order to give explanation, etc.,Urge the reviewed localities and units to make rectifications。Cadres whose recognition is obviously low,The places and units being evaluated should analyze their selection and appointment processes、Explain,And educate or deal with it as appropriate。

Article 22: The place and unit being evaluated shall notify the participants of the democratic evaluation of the evaluation results and rectification status。

  Chapter 6 Special Inspection

Article 23 During the period when the party committee (party group) carries out regular inspections,The organization (personnel) department at the same level should dispatch an inspection team, etc.,Conduct special inspection on personnel selection and employment。

Combined with special inspection,You can check the performance of leading cadres。

Article 24 The inspection team shall carry out its work under the leadership of the leader of the inspection team。Before inspection,The inspection team should provide the inspection team with clues to the problems in selection and employment found。Main problems discovered by the inspection team,Should be provided to the inspection team,And write the inspection report。

Article 25 After the inspection is completed,The inspection team should formulate an inspection report,After approval seabet mobileby the main person in charge of the organization (personnel) department or the person in charge of the party committee (party group) who dispatched the inspection team,Feedback together with the inspection status,And provide targeted rectification suggestions。

Article 26: Places and units under inspection shall actively cooperate with the inspection,Provide the information truthfully,Compare the inspection feedback and implement rectifications,And report the rectification situation to the organization (personnel) department that sent the inspection team within 2 months after receiving the feedback。The organizational (personnel) department that dispatches the inspection team should strengthen supervision of the rectifications,Make sure the problems are corrected。

Article 27: Places and units that have outstanding responses to issues regarding selection and employment,The superior organization (personnel) department can carry out key inspections as appropriate。

Chapter 7 Departure Inspection

Article 28 City (Place、State、Union)、County (city)、District、Flag) Party Committee Secretary Resigns,The selection and appointment of cadres during their tenure should be inspected。

Article 29: The out-of-office inspection passes democratic review、View relevant materials on cadre selection and appointment、Listen to the opinions of cadres and the masses, etc.。

Article 30: The departure inspection shall be carried out by the superior organizational seabet logindepartment in accordance with the cadre management authority。Inspection objects to be promoted and reused,Conducted in conjunction with the cadre inspection work,The inspection results will be reflected in the inspection materials,And serve as an important reference for evaluation。

Chapter 8 Problem Verification

Article 31: The organization (personnel) department responds to supervisory inspection findings and mass reports、Clues to illegal selection and employment issues reported by the media,Investigation and verification should be carried out、Reminder、Inquiry by letter or request for explanation, etc.。

Article 32: Implement project supervision on serious violations of personnel selection and employment,The handling unit should organize the investigation carefully,No forwarding is allowed。The inspection results and handling opinions are generally reported in writing to the superior organization (personnel) department within 2 months。

Article 33: Party disciplinary and government sanctions for those who are dismissed from their party positions or dismissed after being promoted to current positions,And the disciplinary and illegal problems occurred before promotion,Should be managed according to the authority of cadres,The organization (personnel) department will conduct a back-check on the selection and appointment process,It can also be investigated by the superior organization (personnel) department,And form a back-up investigation report in a timely manner。

 Chapter 9 Responsibility

Article 34: Issues regarding illegal selection and employment,The party committee (party group) bears overall leadership responsibility,The main person in charge of the leadership team and the directly supervisory team members bear the main leadership responsibilities,Other members of the leadership team who participate in decision-making assume leadership responsibilities。Organization (Personnel) Department、Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organ、Relevant persons in charge of the cadre inspection team and other responsible personnel shall bear corresponding responsibilities within the scope of their respective responsibilities。

Article 35: The selection and appointment of cadres has one of the following circumstances,The party committee (party group) and its principal responsible persons or directly responsible leadership team members should be held accountable、Responsibilities of other members of the leadership team involved in decision-making:

(1) Democratic centralism is not implemented in place,The leadership role of the party committee (party group) is not effective,Major hiring errors occurred,Have a bad influence;

(2) Deviation in employment orientation,Serious unhealthy practices in selecting and employing people,The problem of cadres’ lack of responsibility and inaction is prominent,The cadres and the masses reacted strongly;

(3) Failure to implement the main responsibilities,Failure to deal with problems of selection and employment of personnel and cadres’ lack of responsibility and inaction、No correction、No accountability,causing serious consequences;

(4) Inability to maintain and enforce organizational personnel discipline,Resulting in frequent violations of regulations and disciplines in personnel selection,causing adverse effects;

(5) Other cases of dereliction of duty that should be investigated.

Article 36: The selection and appointment of cadres involves one of the following circumstances,Relevant persons in charge of the organization (personnel) department and other responsible personnel should be held accountable:

(1) Not according to the prescribed number of positions、Qualification Conditions、Working procedures、Disciplinary requirements for the selection and appointment of cadres;

(2) Failure to report matters related to the selection and appointment of cadres to the superior organization (personnel) seabet logindepartment in accordance with regulations;

(3) Failure to comply with regulations to the local area、Supervision and inspection of the selection and appointment of unit cadres leading to outstanding problems;

(4) Be specific about the clues、Failure to investigate, verify or handle verifiable personnel selection and employment issues in accordance with regulations;

(5) Other cases of dereliction of duty that should be investigated.

Article 37: The selection and appointment of cadres involves one of the following circumstances,Relevant persons in charge of discipline inspection and supervision agencies and other responsible personnel should be held accountable:

(1) Failure to truthfully reply to the proposed candidate’s integrity and self-discipline and provide conclusive opinions;

(2) Specific clues received regarding the proposed candidates、Verifiable petition reports are not investigated and verified in accordance with regulations,Or failing to investigate and deal with relevant disciplinary and illegal issues in accordance with regulations;

(3) Failure to perform supervision duties on the selection and appointment of cadres in accordance with regulations, resulting in serious consequences;

(4) Other cases of dereliction of duty that should be investigated.

Article 38: The selection and appointment of cadres involves one of the following situations,The relevant person in charge of the cadre inspection team and other responsible personnel should be held accountable:

(1) Failure to conduct inspections in accordance with prescribed procedures and requirements;

(2) Examining serious distortions,Or conceal and distort the truth、Leaking important inspection information;

(3) Failure to carefully review cadre personnel file information,Or do not truthfully report the report reflecting the subject of investigation,And failure to understand and verify issues in accordance with regulations,causing serious consequences;

(4) Other cases of dereliction of duty that should be investigated.

Article 39 Party committees (party groups) have circumstances listed in these measures that should be held accountable,Miscellaneous circumstances,Ordered to make a written inspection;The plot is serious,Order rectification and report within a certain range;Serious circumstances、It cannot be corrected,Should be reorganized。

Article 40 Leading cadres and relevant responsible personnel have circumstances listed in these measures that should be held accountable,Miscellaneous circumstances,Give criticism and education、Ordered to make a written inspection、Notification or admonishment;The plot is serious,Give suspension and inspection、Transferred from post、Restrict promotion usage processing;Serious circumstances,Should take the blame and resign or be ordered to resign、Removal、Demotion process。

Disciplinary sanctions should be imposed,Pursuing disciplinary responsibility in accordance with relevant regulations。Suspected of illegal crimes,Transfer to relevant state agencies for processing according to law。

Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions

Article 41 The Organization Department of the Central Committee is responsible for the interpretation of these Measures。

Article 42 These Measures shall come into effect on May 13, 2019。"Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres (Trial)" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on June 19, 2003、The "Responsibility Measures for the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres (Trial)" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on March 7, 2010 is abolished at the same time。

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