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Mission goal: Continue to carry out the special action of “turning losses around and increasing profits”,Strengthen budget management,Strengthen cost and expense control。Strengthen fund management,Coordinate the use of funds,Effectively improve the efficiency of fund management。Excluding the impact of the epidemic on production and operations,100% of loss-making enterprises turned around in 2020

Completion time limit: before the end of 2020

Reform measures: guided by the company’s target responsibility statement,In view of the key points in the company’s business development、Difficulty,Decompose the assessment indicators and key tasks,Further clarify work tasks,Compaction Responsibility;Continue to carry out "turn around losses and increase profits"、Special Action to Improve Quality and Efficiency,Monthly monitor the operations and losses of each enterprise in real time against financial statements,Based on the actual situation of loss-making enterprises,"One enterprise, one policy" formulates a plan to "turn around losses and increase profits"。

Responsible leader: Zhang Hui

Leading department: Finance Department

2. Accelerate the pace of reform of the three systems and strengthen assessment and incentives

  Mission goal: before the end of the year,Complete the work of determining positions and personnel。Comprehensively establish the ability of managers to move up and down、Employees can come in and out、Normalized mechanism that can increase or decrease income。Standardize salary distribution,Sound and improve the internal salary distribution system linked to efficiency,Comprehensive implementation of performance appraisal for all employees,Create "Post Pay、Performance pay、Compensation system of “pay for ability”,The salary differentiation coefficient within each rank in 2020 shall not seabet mobilebe less than 1.1。Starting from 2020, employees of the company who are rated at the bottom will be demoted or demoted,And adjust the job position as appropriate。Focus on deepening the medium and long-term incentive system,Actively promote mid- and long-term incentive pilots。

Completion time limit: before the end of 2020

Reform measures: carry out labor、Personnel、Comprehensive review of the distribution system,Clear the company’s institutional weaknesses in the three system reforms,Determine the direction of system establishment and revision;Based on the company’s mid- to long-term strategic planning and internal organizational situation,Complete appointment with the company、Customized、Capacity work,Clear the responsibilities of each department,Develop "Job Description";Improving and perfecting the market-based selection and recruitment system,Revised "Measures for Market-Based Talent Selection",Simultaneously improve the labor contract management system,Revised "Labor Contract Management Measures";Revised "Remuneration Management Measures" and "Position Rank Management Measures",Reasonably design the salary structure system,Improving the differentiated salary distribution mechanism;Revised "Performance Appraisal Management Measures",Built to generate revenue、Cost control and key tasks are the main contents,Daily assessment and annual assessment、Assessment mechanism combining tenure assessment;Focus on resources and focus on the front line,Reasonably increase the income of front-line business personnel according to the increase or decrease in efficiency,Realize whether income can increase or decrease,Create "Post Pay、Performance pay、Compensation system of “pay for ability”。Before the end of the year,Promote various systems to complete decision-making、Record work,Comprehensive completion of three system reforms。

Responsible leader: Su Singh

Leading department: General Department

3. Preparation of the “14th Five-Year Plan”

Mission goal: Comprehensively clarify the main business direction and development ideas,Complete the “14th Five-Year Plan” before the end of the year。

Completion time limit: before the end of 2020

Reform measures: Establish the "14th Five-Year Plan" planning preparation group,Summary of the company’s work results,Combining successful experience patterns,In-depth analysis of the cause of the problem,Study future development goals、Work ideas、Implementation path and measure plan;Based on one’s own reality,Comprehensive summary of state-owned assets supervision、Investment and Financing、Fiscal, taxation and financial policies、Regulatory supporting documents,Extensive collection of economic situation analysis inside and outside the province with high reference value、Research results such as research and judgment on industrial industry development dynamics;Select similar benchmark companies to conduct benchmarking research;Based on the main business direction of the group company,Complete confirmation of the company’s main business,Complete the preparation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" before the end of the year。

Responsible leaders: Hou Junjie, Wang Zihui

Leading department: General Department

4. Strengthen investment control

Mission goal: Focus on the main business and strengthen investment project management,Improve investment management process,Preliminary preparation and demonstration of investment projects、Mid-term operations and management、Comprehensive control of later evaluation and assessment。Establish investment project database,Implement dynamic management,Realize resource sharing。

Completion time limit: before the end of 2020

Reform measures: According to the Group Company’s “Interim Investment Management Measures”,Revised Shunhe's "Investment Management Measures" and Circle's "Investment Management seabet clubRegulations",Give full play to government leadership、The leading role of state-owned capital,Strengthening the management of investment activities,Regulate investment behavior。When conducting investment business,Strictly follow the requirements of the "Investment Management Measures",Clear organizational structure and responsibilities,Standardize investment decision-making authority and management process,Strengthen project management,Design the project exit method in advance,Strengthen post-evaluation of projects。At the same time,In the course of conducting business,Strictly control the proportion of investment in non-main business projects。Connect with Tianyuan Information,Establish investment project database and expert database,And run before the end of June。After the investment project database is completed,will be used to find、Discover and reserve excellent project resources,Realize sharing of project information、Dynamic project process management、Project file upload and other functions;After the expert database is completed,Mainly realizes the input and evaluation functions of expert information。The investment project database and expert database will be managed by dedicated personnel,Upload project information、Project files, expert information and other materials,Ensure timely updates of project database and expert database,Realize resource sharing,Make the project database an important scientific auxiliary means for the development of investment work。

Responsible leader: Wang Zihui

Leading department: Investment Department

5. Vigorously promote “double recruitment and double attraction”

Mission goal: Accelerate the construction of Jinan biomedical R&D incubation base,Strive to launch Qingdao’s “National Intelligent Manufacturing Design Innovation Demonstration Base” within the year。

Completion time limit: before the end of 2020

Reform measures: Accelerating the construction of Jinan biomedical R&D incubation base,The company will urge the relevant responsible personnel to speed up cooperation with Licheng District, Jinan City、The speed of Jiyang County and District Government’s docking of land quotas,Accelerate the introduction of talents,Actively strive for implementation of preferential policies。In terms of "National Intelligent Manufacturing Design Innovation Demonstration Base",While urging the relevant responsible persons to actively connect with the reserves of intelligent manufacturing design projects,Also supervises the timely preparation of project proposals by the project company,Preparing for approval and construction work,Complete the first test、Detailed survey and engineering design,According to government arrangements,Conduct land bidding and auction,Strive to complete the related work of the base landing on schedule。

Responsible leadership: Wang Zihui, Hou Junjie

Leading department: Investment Department, Sunning Company

6. Improve the governance system of ownership enterprises

Task goal: implement the management and control concept of “mainly managing capital”,In accordance with the corporate governance rights and responsibilities list,Clear the boundaries of responsibilities,Standardize the review and transfer procedures of "three meetings" issues of owned enterprises。Improving the state-owned capital operation mechanism and basic management system,Guide the owned enterprises to improve the corporate governance structure,Strengthening the management of company articles of association,Promote the dispatch of directors、Supervisors perform their duties in accordance with the company’s articles of association,Perform investor’s responsibilities in accordance with the law。

Completion time limit: before the end of 2020

Reform measures: Revise the "Property Rights Representative Management Measures",Optimize the management and control methods of owned companies and joint stock companies,Establish a sound management seabet online casinomodel。Comprehensive implementation of coordination and contact by company leaders for holding companies,Strategic Guidance、Target Management、Articles of Association、Financial Supervision、Assessment and evaluation、Distribution and realization are the main line to fulfill the responsibilities of investing shareholders,Strive to build it into an independent operation、Responsible for profits and losses、At your own risk、Self-Restraint、Independent market entities with self-development;For enterprises that participate in shares and invest through funds,Directors will be dispatched、Supervisor、Delegated execution representative、Perform property rights representative supervision and management through the financial manager;Study and formulate the company's "Appraisal and Management Measures for Owned Enterprises",Form scientific practice、Effective ownership enterprise assessment system,Start from the perspective of assessment management,Incentive、Promote the improvement of the operating level of owned enterprises、Economic Benefit Development。

Responsible leader: Hou Junjie

Leading department: General Department

7. Strengthen the assessment and supervision of financial appointed personnel

Task objective: Establish a financial responsible person delegation system,Assign a financial person-in-charge to a secondary enterprise owned by Shunhe Capital。Strengthen the assessment of assigned financial personnel,Strengthen financial management and supervision functions,Effectively improve the level of financial management。

Completion time limit: end of 2020

Reform measures: Strictly implement the "Management Measures for the Appointment of Financial Personnel",Clear job responsibilities,Supervise the owned companies to establish and improve the financial management system,Implement work report system,Strengthen the annual assessment of appointed financial managers,Establish an effective reward and punishment mechanism,Further standardize the financial management of ownership companies。

Responsible leader: Zhang Hui

Leading department: Finance Department

8. Strengthen risk management and control

Mission goal: Complete the construction of risk management and control related systems,Do a good job in economic responsibility auditing of affiliated enterprises,Do a good job in project risk assessment and post-investment inspection。

Completion time limit: end of 2020

Reform measures: Carry out corporate risk management work,Complete the formulation of risk control management rules for Shunhe Company,Refining risk management and control responsibilities;Complete the company’s annual comprehensive risk management report on time according to the requirements of the group company;Carry out the resignation audit of the legal representative and senior executives of Sunning Company,Audit the performance of economic responsibilities of legal representatives and senior executives during their term of office;Continue to promote the risk assessment of the company’s investment projects,Issue a project risk assessment report;Continue to cooperate with the business department to carry out on-site post-investment management of invested projects。

Responsible leader: Hou Junjie

Leading department: Risk Control and Compliance Department

9. Solidly carry out system and process construction

Mission goal: Closely contact with the actual situation of the company,Comprehensive review、Analyze the company’s current business,Clear relevant systems and business process nodes,Continuously improve the company's system and process system;Strengthening system and process training and publicity,Organize training activities,Continuously improve the legal compliance awareness of cadres and employees。

Completion time limit: before the end of 2020

Reform measures: comprehensively carry out "look back" activities for standardized management construction in the company,Construction of self-examination system seabet online sports bettingfor each department、The process is not optimized、Department coordination and linkage mechanism is not perfect、Problems affecting work efficiency and other aspects;Each department based on self-examination,Summary experience、Analysis problem,Revise and improve relevant systems and processes,List questions,Propose improvement measures;Compile the company's 2020 standardized management and construction plan and issue it,Each department strictly follows the clear content and time nodes of the company's annual standardized management and construction plan,Ensure work is progressing on schedule;Combined with the company’s normal learning and education activities,Arrange training activities in a timely manner,Key training system、Business process, etc.,Improve the company’s employees’ understanding of the basic contents and important processes of rules and regulations,Build a solid ideological foundation for observing rules and disciplines。

Responsible leader: Su Singh

Leading department: General Department

10. Strengthen Party Building and Promote Comprehensive and Strict Governance of the Party

Mission goal: Resolutely implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Party’s theory, line, principles and policies,Strictly implement "one post, two responsibilities",Highlight the party’s leadership,Effectively implement comprehensive and strict governance over the party、Political responsibility for the construction of party style and clean government,Make arrangements for party building work and business work at the same time、Same check、Same implementation。Build a strong battle fortress,Create a strong party branch。Strengthen supervision and inspection,Ensure that no violations of laws, disciplines or laws will occur。

Completion time limit: before the end of 2020

Reform measures: in accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of State-owned Enterprises",Further uphold and strengthen the Party’s overall leadership over state-owned enterprises;Based on the actual situation of the company and branch development,Summary of experiences and lessons learned from the early implementation of the branch system,Consolidated measures and results,Formulate relevant systems in a timely manner,combing、Improving the Party Branch Standardization Work Manual;Based on the actual work of the company,For the key points in the company’s business、Difficulty、Weakness,In the party group、Each department identifies breakthrough projects for party building,Party members and leading cadres take the lead in overcoming difficulties,At the same time, the requirements for building party style and clean government are implemented throughout the entire process of the company’s business work,Make arrangements for party building work and business work at the same time、Total advancement;Strictly implement the responsibility system for building party style and clean government,Disciplinary inspection committee implements the main responsibilities,Other team members have implemented “one post, two responsibilities”,Strengthen the inspection, assessment and accountability of the implementation of responsibilities。

Responsible leadership: members of the party branch team

Leading department: General Department

Shandong Development Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.      Copyright 2019 All rights reserved      Lu ICP No. 16018610

Address: Shandong Development Building, the intersection of Haiyou Road and Xingong North Street, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province     
